Student Rights Update Delete

Right of Petition

Students who believe there is a valid reason for requesting variance from or exception to an academic policy stated in the Catalog may make a petition to the Director of Records and Advisement for consideration of their case after obtaining the advice and signature of the department chair or school dean of their major. The petition must contain a statement of the request and supporting reasons. Highly unusual requests will be referred to the Vice President for Academic Administration. Students will be notified in writing by the Director of Records and Advisement of the action on petitions. Petition forms are available from the Records and Advisement Office or online at

Academic Grievance Procedure

Students who believe that their academic rights have been infringed upon or that they have been treated unjustly with respect to their academic program are entitled to a fair and impartial consideration of their cases. They should do the following to effect a solution:

  1. Present the case to the professor or professors concerned.
  2. If necessary, discuss the problem with the department chair or school dean.
  3. If agreement is not reached at this level, submit the matter to the Vice President for Academic Administration.
  4. Finally, ask for a review of the case by the Academic Grievance Committee, chaired by the Vice President for Academic Administration or his designee and including three other faculty members and two students selected by the Undergraduate Council. Both the student and the professor involved in the case are entitled to appear before the committee or to present a written statement of the case. The decision of the committee shall be presented in writing to the individuals involved within three days of the committee meeting unless a later time is agreed upon by both parties. The decision of the committee is binding and will be implemented by the professor involved or the Vice President for Academic Administration.