Grading System Update Delete

Course grades are an expression of the student's mastery of the objectives for a particular course. Course objectives, in turn, focus exclusively on discipline-related and content-based knowledge and competencies which the student is expected to achieve as a result of participating in the particular course. Thus, a grade is a permanent record for other institutions of higher education, potential employers, and others, of the student's fluency in the subject matter.

The student's grade may be calculated on a normal curve or as a percentage of mastery of the course objectives, or some combination of the two. In any case, a grade should clearly indicate the level of achievement which the student has reached relative to course objectives. Grades are usually based on both formative (i.e. quizzes, homework, group work) and summative (i.e. exams, papers, major projects) activities, although proportions will vary.

Letter grades are generally defined as follows:


Superior; the student demonstrates exceptional capability in handling course material


Above average; the student's demonstrated capability in handling course material exceeds the expectation of the professor


Average; the student demonstrates a satisfactory grasp of course material which the professor intends students to learn in the class


Below average; the student's demonstrated ability to deal with the course material is less than the professor intends students to learn


Failing; the student does not demonstrate sufficient capability with the course material to merit a passing grade


Withdrew from the class; is not calculated in the GPA


Audit; no credit


Incomplete; is not calculated in the GPA


In Progress; a temporary passing grade for interrupted course work still in progress; is not calculated in the GPA


Pass; is not calculated in the GPA


Not Reported; the professor did not issue a grade; is not calculated in the GPA

The Pass/Fail option is available only in Physical Education activity classes (ADAC and PEAC) with the exception of PEAC 125 and PEAC 425. Students enrolling in these classes must make a decision either to receive a grade of Pass/Fail or a conventional grade before the final grades are submitted. The decision will be final.

A student may receive an "I" (Incomplete) because of illness or other unavoidable delay. Any incomplete which is not removed by the end of the following term (Fall, Winter) will automatically become an "F". A student may petition for an incomplete grade to extend up to one year. After a year a grade must be issued. A professor may assign a temporary "IP" (in progress) when an unavoidable problem prevents the issuance of a grade. Grade changes for a course are accepted up to one year. After one year, the student should enroll the second time and repeat the course.

A course may be repeated before the student takes a more advanced course in the same field. Only the last grade will be counted on repeated courses.

Mid-semester and semester grade reports are available online for the student to access. Only semester grades are recorded on the student's permanent record. The following system of grading and grade point values is used:


Grade Points Per Hour


4.00 grade points per hour


3.70 grade points per hour


3.30 grade points per hour


3.00 grade points per hour


2.70 grade points per hour


2.30 grade points per hour


2.00 grade points per hour


1.70 grade points per hour


1.30 grade points per hour


1.00 grade points per hour


0.70 grade points per hour


0.00 grade points per hour

The grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the credit hours attempted.