General Degree Requirements: Master's Degree Update Delete

The general and specific degree requirements for a master's degree are described in a separate Graduate Catalog, available online. Master's degrees are available in the fields of Business, Computing, Counseling, Education, Nursing, Religion, and Social Work. A DNP (Doctorate of Nursing Practice) is also available.

Seniors Enrolling in Graduate Courses. Seniors within 30 credit hours of completing requirements for the bachelor's degree may apply for admission to graduate courses. The applicant must have an overall cumulative grade point average of 3.00 (B) or higher and be recommended by the department/school chair or dean of his or her respected program.

  • Approval must be obtained from the Graduate Studies Office, 2008 Wright Hall; 423-236-2694. Forms are available online at
  • A maximum of 12 hours of 500 level graduate credits may be taken in this status.
  • The student must meet all prerequisites necessary for the admission into the course.
  • Courses taken from a school outside the student's active program require permission for the school dean.
  • Courses taken for graduate credit may not be used for both the baccalaureate and the graduate degree program.
  • The cost of these graduate classes will be charged separately and are not part of the 12-16 hour undergraduate tuition rate.