Credit Hours and Course Load Update Delete

University courses are expressed in semester hours. A semester hour is consistent with the Carnegie Unit of one hour of faculty directed instruction and a minimum of two hours of academic student work for undergraduate (UG) or three hours of academic work for graduate (G) level courses. A sixteen-semester-hour UG class load will require 16 hours of faculty directed instruction and 32 hours of student academic work each week. A nine-semester-hour graduate load stipulates 9 hours of faculty-directed instruction and 27 hours of student academic work each week. Student academic work contributes to established intended learning outcomes and is verified by evidence of student achievement.

An equivalent amount of work is required for lectures, labs, internships, summer courses, online courses, directed (UG) study, independent study (G), or other course types leading to the award of credit hours. Schools and departments may determine contact time over the minimum requirements as needed. Physical Education activity courses meet two fifty minute periods for one credit hour. A laboratory period of two and one-half to three hours is equal to one class period. Except by permission of the office of the Vice President for Academic Administration, a student may not register for 18 or more semester hours.

To complete a baccalaureate degree in four years, a student must average between fifteen and sixteen hours per semester. The summer term may be used to advantage by students wishing to complete degree requirements in less than four years or by students having to take reduced programs of studies during the regular academic year. The typical class load during the summer is one three-hour class per session.

Student Status. An undergraduate student must be currently enrolled for a minimum of 12 semester hours to be considered full-time. Part-time status is maintained when a student is enrolled in 6-11 semester hours. Non-degree status is given to the student enrolled in 5 or fewer hours.

Study-Work Program. It is important that the student adjust the course load to achieve a reasonable balance in study and work. During registration the student should confer with his/her adviser in planning the proper balance of study and work.

In determining a reasonable study-work program, the following may serve as a guide:

Course Load

Maximum Work Load

16 hours

16 hours

14 hours

20 hours

12 hours

26 hours

10 hours

32 hours

8 hours

38 hours