Course Numbers Update Delete

Each course number consists of three figures as follows:

HIST 354. Latin America (C-1), (W) 3 hours

The first numeral indicates class year status as follows:

0-Developmental (no credit)
1-freshman level (lower division)
2-sophomore level (lower division)
3-junior level (upper division)
4-senior level (upper division)

Within a given 100 sequence there is no significance in one course number being higher than another. For instance, 265 does not necessarily mean that the course is on a higher level than 235.

Course numbers separated by a hyphen are two-semester courses in which credit for the first course is a prerequisite to the second [e.g., ENGL 101-ENGL 102. Critical Thinking in Academic Reading and Writing]. However, credit is given for the first semester when taken alone.

Course numbers that stand alone represent courses of one semester which are complete units. Course numbers separated by a comma [e.g., HIST 154, HIST 155. American History and Institutions] represent complete units, either one of which is counted for graduation without reference to sequence.

Designation in brackets following course titles, [e.g., MATH 215 - Statistics (IN-4)] indicates the General Education area and sub-area that the class fulfills. Classes designated with a "(W)" are writing classes for General Education credit.

Students may earn credit for a cross-listed course from only one department/school [e.g. HIST 356 and SOCI 356].