Conditional Standing and Dismissal Update Delete

Any student whose GPA does not meet the criteria for graduation is on conditional standing. The following are four categories of students who are on conditional standing:

  1. Students whose Southern Adventist University or cumulative GPA falls below 2.00. They are not eligible to hold office in any student organization.
  2. Students in baccalaureate programs completing their sophomore year with a GPA in their major field less than the level required for graduation. For most degrees the institutional graduation requirement is 2.25, but some programs may designate a higher GPA.
  3. Students on conditional standing may enroll in a maximum of 13 hours and are required to sign a contract agreeing to fulfill additional requirements designed to assist the student with improving their academic performance.

Candidates for a baccalaureate degree must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.00 after 24 semester hours have been attempted. Candidates for an associate or certificate program must have a GPA of 2.00 before beginning their final semester. Veterans enrolled for baccalaureate degrees, associate degrees, or certificate programs must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.00, or they will not be certified for veterans benefits. Veterans may be certified for repeat of "F" grades or for a major that requires a specific minimum grade and the grade received was lower than specified.

Government regulations require all financial aid recipients to maintain satisfactory academic progress towards a degree as measured both qualitatively and quantitatively in order to receive financial aid. This requirement applies to the entire enrollment at Southern Adventist University-even periods during which a student does not receive financial aid. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in a student becoming ineligible for financial aid.

This policy defines the minimum standards for eligibility for state and/or federal financial aid.

Students are subject to academic dismissal for any of the following categories:

  1. If they are on conditional standing for two consecutive semesters without demonstrating improvement;
  2. If their Southern Adventist University or cumulative GPA does not reach the levels indicated in the preceding paragraph or the levels in the following table:

Credit Hours

Attempted Cumulative Grade Point Average



1.50 or above



1.75 or above

55 or above


2.00 or above


At the end of each semester the Academic Review Committee reviews the records of students who are subject to dismissal and the Associate Vice President for Academic Administration will notify students in writing whether or not they may continue. A student academically dismissed may be readmitted only after demonstrating maturity and motivation for a university career. The dismissed student may be required to complete successfully at least one term of college-level courses at another institution prior to readmission at Southern Adventist University.

Students receiving financial aid must also meet an academic progress policy set by the federal government. For further explanation see, "Academic Progress Requirements."