Advisement Update Delete

Southern Adventist University is committed to assisting every student in the area of academic advisement. Full-time students are assigned an academic adviser from their major field and are recommended to consult with their advisers before registering for classes. New students are encouraged to contact the First Year Advising office before registering for classes.

The responsibility of meeting graduation requirements belongs to the individual student. In planning their schedules all students should carefully follow the instructions in the Catalog, recommendations of their advisers, and print a degree audit from the web. In the event of a discrepancy between an adviser's word and the Catalog, final interpretation of graduation requirements rests with the Records and Advisement Office. An effective tool to use in registering is the Academic Advising Guide which can be found at The Guide provides a sequence of courses to take each semester of the program/major.

Seniors must file a senior contract in the Records and Advisement Office to graduate. Previous to their senior year students should check periodically with the Records and Advisement office to determine whether they are meeting all curriculum requirements satisfactorily.

In the process of curriculum planning, students who have chosen a career in teaching should consult the Teacher Certification Officer regarding the requirements for teaching credentials. Admission to Teacher Education should be completed during the sophomore year.