Absences Update Delete

Class. Attendance at class and laboratory appointments is expected. Professors prepare an absence policy for each class, which includes an explanation of penalties, if any, for absences, and the procedure for making up work, if such is allowed. It is the responsibility of professors to publish their policies for each class at the beginning of each semester, but it is the students' responsibility to familiarize themselves with the practices of each professor from whom they are taking classes. Generally speaking, professors will not excuse absences for reasons other than illness, authorized school trips, or emergencies beyond the students' control.

Students are not penalized if they incur absences while participating in school-authorized activities, but they are held responsible for work they miss. It is their responsibility to initiate arrangements to make up their assignments. One and one-half absences are given for missing a 75-minute class, two for missing a 100-minute class, etc.

Students who are on conditional standing are not eligible to participate in extra-curricular trips if the trip would require them to miss more than one day of classes per semester.

Examination. Because of problems concerning time, expense and fairness, final examinations will be taken as scheduled. In the case of illness verified by University Health Center or a physician, death in the immediate family, three examinations scheduled consecutively in one day, or four or more examinations scheduled in one day, a final exam may be rescheduled upon approval by the professor and the Associate Vice President for Academic Administration. The rescheduled examination will be given at a time convenient to the professor.

When examinations are rescheduled because of three scheduled consecutively in one day or four in one day, the last examination of the day will normally be the one rescheduled. Examinations rescheduled for any reason other than those listed above, may require a fee of $100 per examination. All rescheduling requests will be made on a form available at the office of the Vice President for Academic Administration.

Convocation. Convocations are held each Thursday at 11:00 a.m. During weeks of prayer, convocations are held on Monday through Friday as well. Occasionally, convocation will be held in the evening or may begin at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday. All students are required to attend 14 convocations each semester. Failure to meet this convocation requirement may result in suspension of registration. Exceptions to the convocation attendance requirement are made by the Office of Student Development only for legitimate direct work conflicts with scheduled convocations. Any excuses for absences from convocation must be approved by the Vice President for Student Development. A special series of orientation convocations is scheduled during the SmartStart summer session.