Commitment Deposit Update Delete

All Undergraduate Degree seeking students must pay or have on account the $250 Commitment Deposit in order to register for classes. This deposit is required regardless of whether the student is a commuter student* or residence hall/university housing student**. Priority deadlines for the Commitment Deposit are May 1 for the fall semester and November 1 for the winter semester. Commitment Deposits are accepted after these dates, but all deposits become non-refundable after May 1 and November 1.

The Commitment Deposit must be kept on account in order for a student to register each semester. The deposit will be refunded after graduation or notification from the student on the intent to discontinue enrollment starting one month after the end of the last semester in attendance. If the student has an outstanding balance, the deposit will be used to cover the remaining balance before any credit is returned. In addition, for returning residence hall/university housing students, upon checkout of the student's housing assignment this deposit can be used, as necessary, to cover damage to the rental unit.

The deposit must also be on the student's account for residence hall/university housing students and allows students to reserve a room or apartment each succeeding year. The residence halls hold a Housing Fair each spring in order to facilitate room reservations for the following academic year. However, if a student changes his/her mind after reserving a room or apartment for the following year, and decides not to return, the Commitment Deposit is no longer refundable if notification occurs after June 1.

*Commuter students: Students who do not live in university housing.

**Residence hall/university housing students: Students who live in university housing, including Talge Hall, Thatcher Hall, Thatcher South, Southern Village, Virginia Apartments, Stateside Apartments, Spalding Cove Apartments, Winding Creek Apartments, and other apartments and houses owned by the university.