VACATIONS Update Delete

Vacations are for the purpose of enhancing the health and efficiency of employees and should be taken on an annual basis. It is assumed that faculty members take their vacation during the regularly scheduled breaks during the school year. Ten-month employees may also take vacation time during the months of June and July. No vacation time should be taken during the months of August or May at a time when regularly scheduled university or department functions occur and/or duly called university committees meet. The specific time for vacation is arranged individually with one’s school dean/department chair.

A request for vacation should be made in advance except in an emergency when it is not known beforehand by the employee that leave will be needed. An absence under such circumstances should be reported immediately to the school dean/department chair.

When a faculty employee transfers to another denominational organization, terminates employment, or retires, there will be no payout for vacation since all vacation is included in the employee agreement.