Purpose of the Senate

The Senate with its committees is designed:


To bring into close working relationship spokespersons representing the major interest segments of the University Assembly along with a representative of the Student Association;


To promote and encourage an intelligent understanding of the problems of the university;


To foster a spirit of mutual esteem and cooperation among individuals and schools/departments; and


To make the university a competent, progressive, and vital force in the development of mature Christian men and women.

Functions of the Senate


The University Senate is empowered to establish policy relating to those functions specifically delegated to the University Assembly (see University Assembly, Functions).


The Senate also has the responsibility to study any university-related matter that is not in harmony with university objectives or that may impede the implementation of these objectives. The Senate shall render its report and advice to the University Assembly.

Extent and Limitations of Senate Authority


The University Senate is a legislative body established for the purpose of formation and review of all policy delegated to the University Assembly. Nevertheless, the University Assembly reserves the right to act as a legislative body and to review Senate actions. A copy of the minutes of each Senate meeting shall be made available to the University Assembly within ten working days of the meeting.


An action of the Senate may be reviewed, overruled, or otherwise considered by the Assembly in one of two ways: (1) through submission to the Assembly for its consideration by a majority vote of the Senate or (2) through a petition signed by at least 20 percent of the members of the University Assembly. The petition shall explicitly state the action(s) to be considered. Except for the summer joint Senate-Assembly meetings, the intention to circulate a petition must be signified in writing to the president within two weeks of the date of the Senate action and the signed petition must be delivered to the president within four weeks of that date. Intention to petition for Assembly discussion about actions taken during the summer must be presented to the president within the first three weeks of the ensuing school year and the signed petition delivered to the president within five weeks of that date.


Whenever the president does not concur with an action of the University Senate, he/she will either implement the action or ask the Senate to reconsider it at its next regular meeting. If the Senate reaffirms the previous action by a two thirds vote, the president shall either implement the action or take the matter to the University Assembly, at which time the president and up to three elected members of the Senate representing the majority opinion shall be heard.


Senate actions are also subject to approval by the Board. In the event that the Board disagrees with the Senate in the area of educational policy, the president will refer that matter with a statement of the Board’s objections back to the University Assembly for consideration.


The Senate’s legislative authority can be delegated to any committee of the Senate with the stipulation that a report be made at the Senate session following a decision. Its authority does not extend over the internal affairs of departments except where these affairs affect another department or the university as a whole.


In the event of a dispute between the Senate and a department as to whether a proposed Senate action would improperly affect a department’s jurisdiction, the president shall make a ruling on the disputed issue after consulting with the department head and the Senate Executive Committee.

Procedure for Choosing Members of the University Senate


Each year, senators from each district will oversee the election of new senators from their district to fill the vacant seats. The University Assembly is organized into the following districts:

a. District 1 (a total of 3 Senators will represent this district):

(1)School of Nursing

(2)School of Social Work

(3)Global Community Development Department

b. District 2 (a total of 3 senators will represent this district):

(1) English Department

(2) History and Political Studies Department

(3) Modern Languages Department

(4) School of Music

(5) School of Visual Art & Design

c. District 3 (a total of 3 Senators will represent this district):

(1) Biology/Allied Health Department

(2) Chemistry Department

(3) School of Computing

(4) Southern Online Campus

(5) Mathematics Department

(6) Physics and Engineering Department

d. District 4 (a total of 3 senators will represent this district):

(1) School of Business

(2) School of Journalism & Communication

(3) Center for Teaching Excellence

(4) McKee Library

e. District 5(a total of 3 senators will represent this district):

(1) School of Education & Psychology

(2) School of Physical Education, Health & Wellness

(3) School of Religion

f. District 6 (a total of 6 senators will represent this district—3 for each category):

(1) Administrative Staff

(2) Service Staff


Districts 1—5 are based on a ratio of one (1) representative for each 12 constituents, rounded down. District 6 is limited to a total of six (6) representatives, regardless of the number of constituents.


Redistricting, the ratio for representation, and the process for electing Senators must be reviewed by the Senate every five (5) years. The first review will occur during the 2019—2020 academic, and will occur every five (5) years thereafter.


The results of Senate elections are retained by the secretary of the Senate for use in filling vacancies that may occur during the year.


 The University Assembly must ratify the full incoming Senate membership before spring commencement each year.

Procedure for Choosing Chair-Elect of the University Senate

  1. The Chair-Elect of the University Senate must be a full-time faculty member who holds the rank of Associate Professor or Professor at Southern Adventist University.
  2. In January, the University Senate, at a duly called meeting, will open the nomination phase for the position of Chair-Elect of the University Senate. Nominations must be sent to the Secretary of the University Senate in writing.
  3. In February, the University Senate, at a duly called meeting, will close the nomination phase and will certify the candidates for Chair-Elect. If there have not been any nominations received or there are not any certified candidates who are willing to serve as Chair-Elect, then the Senate Executive Committee will nominate and certify candidates.
  4. In March, the University Senate, at a duly called meeting, will elect the Chair-Elect of the University Senate from amongst the certified candidates.
  5. The University Assembly must also ratify the Chair-Elect.
  6. The results of Senate Executive Committee elections are retained by the Secretary of the University Senate for use in filling vacancies that may occur during the year.

Procedure for Choosing Parliamentarian of the University Senate

  1. The Senate Chair-Elect shall nominate one or more candidate(s) for Parliamentarian before the last Senate meeting prior to spring commencement. Nominated candidates must be members of the incoming Senate.
  2. At the last Senate meeting prior to spring commencement, the University Senate will elect the Parliamentarian of the University Senate from amongst the nominated candidates.

Officers and Members of the Senate Executive Committee

  1. Membership:
  1.  The Chair, elected the previous year as Chair-Elect.
  2. The Chair-Elect/Secretary, elected for the current year.
  3. The Past Chair, who has served as Chair the previous year.
  4. The Parliamentarian of the Senate
  5. The University President
  6. The Vice President for Academic Administration.

2. Duties:

a. The Chair directs meetings of University Assembly and the University Senate, reports to the president, and is present at meetings of the Board

b. The Chair-Elect conducts meetings in absence of the Chair.

c. The Past Chair takes an advisory role and serves as chair of the standing Senate Nominating Committee (see Policy 1060 “Senate Nominating Committee”).

d. The Chair, Chair-Elect, and Past Chair represent the University Assembly on other committees as specified in this manual.

Senate Membership

  1. The Senate has 29 members.
  1. Three Officers: The Chair, Chair-Elect, and Past Chair. These officers plus the parliamentarian serve on the Senate Executive Committee.
  2. Twenty-one elected members from the University Assembly. Ten or eleven shall be elected each year to serve two-year non-renewable terms.
  3. Five ex officio members: President, vice president for Academic Administration, vice president for Financial Administration, vice president for Student Development and Student Association president.

2. Any interim vacancy among elected senators is filled by the Secretary of the Senate,

who will recruit the next eligible person per original election results for that position or, if

necessary, oversee a specially called election in the district with the vacant seat. Ties in

the original election shall be broken by random selection.

3. Unexpired terms of the Chair, Chair-Elect/Secretary, and Past Chair shall be filled by the

same process by which they were chosen. Ratification by the Assembly is required,

though this may be done by an online ballot.

Terms of Office

  1. Senators normally serve non-renewable two-year terms except for the Chair, Chair-Elect and Past Chair. Senators chosen to complete the last part (less than a year) of a resigned senator’s last year in office are eligible for re-election to a new full term. Ex officio senators serve on the Senate for as long as they hold their respective offices.
  2. The Senate shall maintain continuity of thought and action by staggering the terms of its members. Half (ten or eleven) of the elected senators shall be elected each year by their respective districts.
  3. Resignations shall be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Senate at least one regular meeting before they become effective.
  4. A senator who is absent twice during a Senate year will be sent notification of such by the Parliamentarian, emphasizing the attendance policy for the Senate. A third infraction, the senator will be removed from the Senate. Senators who are unable to attend meetings because of a class conflict will also be replaced. The Senate Executive Committee may overrule such removal if it so chooses.

Election Schedule

Senate elections shall be held at a time specified by the University Senate Executive Committee. Voting shall be done by secret ballot. Ties shall be broken by the University Senate Executive Committee.

Organization of New Senate

  1. The Senate year shall begin with the first meeting of the Senate following the spring commencement. At this meeting, a schedule of regular Senate and Assembly meetings shall be approved. The Senate year will end with the last meeting prior to spring commencement.
  2. At the last Senate meeting prior to spring commencement, the Senate shall adjourn early and the incoming Senate shall meet for orientation and organization.
  3. Standing Senate committee and subcommittee tenure shall coincide with the Senate year. The Senate committees shall be ratified no later than the April Senate meeting. Prior to the Senate’s ratification of the committees, all prospective committee chairs must be notified personally and their appointments cleared by their respective dean or department chair. Ad hoc committees appointed by the previous Senate will cease to function unless specifically renewed by the new Senate.

Senate Officers

Chair of the Senate

Chair-Elect/Secretary of the Senate

Past Chair of the Senate

Selection of Elected Officers of the Senate

  1. Resignations of the Secretary or Parliamentarian shall be in writing and shall be accepted or rejected by a vote of the Senate. Replacements shall be selected by the same procedure as that of the original elections.
  2. The Senate Executive Committee may appoint, subject to ratification by the Senate, a Recording Secretary who is not a senator.

Duties of the Chair

  1. To call and chair meetings of the Senate Executive Committee.
  2. To call and chair meetings of the University Assembly and University Senate.
  3. To report to the president.
  4. To represent the faculty and salaried staff by being present at meetings of the Board.
  5. To notify officers, committee members, and senators of their election or appointment.
  6. To sit as an ex officio member of the standing and ad hoc committees of the Senate.
  7. To communicate Senate actions pertaining to the Employee Handbook to the Human Resources department.

Duties of the Chair-Elect

In the Chair’s absence, the Chair-Elect shall preside over the University Assembly, the Senate, and the Senate Executive Committee. The Chair-Elect shall also serve as the Secretary of the Senate and shall have the following duties.

Duties of the Secretary

  1. To be the Secretary of the Senate Executive Committee.
  2. To send a copy of the agenda to all members of the Senate and University Assembly at least three days in advance of each meeting.
  3. To review (in consultation with the Chair) and distribute to all members of the Assembly the minutes of each meeting. Voted items affecting the Employee Handbook are noted by an asterisk and the underlined heading “Employee Handbook Changes.”
  4. To plan the elections for elective Senate seats.
  5. To maintain a master copy of the working policy of the Senate (as set forth herein) and other rules of the Senate that shall be kept up-to-date, edited (as approved by Senate), and distributed to the members of the University Assembly and Senate.
  6. To have on hand at each meeting a list of Senate members and all existing Senate committees and task forces, their chairs, and members.
  7. To keep a permanent record of the minutes and make them available to members on the Senate website (
  8. To fill the unexpired term of an elected senator by selecting and recruiting a new senator from the previous election results.

Duties of the Parliamentarian

The Senate Parliamentarian shall have the following duties:

  1. To be Parliamentarian for the University Assembly and Senate. The Parliamentarian shall keep a copy of and be familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order for determining parliamentary procedure.
  2. To give advice to the Chair or, when requested, to any member of the Senate as to parliamentary procedure to be followed.
  3. To call the attention of the Chair, as unobtrusively as possible, to any error in procedure that may affect the substantive right of any member.
  4. To take attendance at each Senate meeting to be reported to the Secretary, and to report to the Chair when quorum has been met. To determine if a quorum has been met at Assembly meetings.
  5. To send the required notification to senators who have been absent twice or whose names have been removed from the roll due to excessive absences, and to notify the Secretary of the need to fill empty positions.

Duties of the Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary of the Senate (if so appointed) shall have the following duties:

  1. To take an accurate record of the proceedings of Senate meetings.
  2. To prepare the minutes of Senate meetings for approval by the Secretary and the Chair and to post the minutes on the Senate website within the designated time frame.
  3. To assist the Secretary and Chair in carrying out their responsibilities by maintaining Senate files.