The policy for termination of faculty due to financial exigency is to be implemented only after the Board has officially declared a state of financial exigency.

  1. Before initiating an investigation of the academic program, the vice president for Academic Administration and the Undergraduate Council shall establish a set of criteria on which to base a study of how to reduce the academic program.
  2. The vice president for Academic Administration, after consulting with the Academic Affairs Committee and/or a program review committee, determines, in counsel with the president, in which disciplines program terminations are necessary.
  3. The vice president for Academic Administration consults with each school dean/ department chair and the members of each school/department in which the vice president determines personnel terminations are necessary.
  4. In consultation with the vice president for Academic Administration and with the school dean/department chair in which terminations are to occur, the president formulates final recommendations for personnel terminations to be presented to the Board.
  5. The president confers with individuals to be terminated in advance of official letters of intent to recommend their terminations.
  6. Notification of termination, appeals of terminations, and all agreements of termination are to follow stated policies in the current Employee Handbook.