Since employment in this university is based on mutual consent, either the employee or the university may terminate employment without requirement of notice or cause (see Disciplinary Policy above). Any benefits payable at the time of termination under the university’s policies or as required by law, if any, they will be included in the final check. At time of termination, I.D. cards/keys, SAU credit card and credit card file, university owned equipment, etc., must be turned in to the Human Resources Department.

If an employee resigns, he/she is not eligible to receive a termination settlement. Should the university initiate the termination of an employee a settlement may be paid equal to 25 percent of one month’s remuneration, excluding all allowances, for each year of denominational service credit to a maximum of 20 years. To be eligible to receive a termination payment the employee must have at least 2 years of full-time denominational employment. As a condition of receiving a termination payment, the employee is required to execute a General Release and Waiver within 30 days of receipt or the severance payment will be forfeited.