Department directors may hire temporary employees to fill short-term jobs or to manage periods of heavy workload, provided they have adequate funding in their budgets.

Temporary employees must be processed by the Human Resources Department and approved by the Human Resources Committee prior to their first day of work. Departmental directors/ deans/chairs must complete a Temporary Non-Student Employment Request Form (available at the Human Resources Department and www.southern.edu/hr) and submit it to the Human Resources Committee prior to hiring a temporary employee.

Three categories of temporary employees exist, and supervisors should hire employees into the appropriate categories to reflect the type of work performed. If you need information about which category is appropriate, please contact Human Resources at Ext. 2276.

  • 1-Intermittent Temporary Employees
    • Employees may work up to 19 hours per week
    • Their work schedule is not set, and they are scheduled on an as needed basis
  • 2-Short-Term Temporary Employee
    • Employees may work up to 27 hours per week
    • Employees may work up to four months with a regular schedule
  • 3-Limited-Term Temporary Employee
    • This employee is placed on a regular schedule for a specific time period
    • Requires Senior Administration’s approval prior to offering the position
    • Employees may work any number of hours (PT or FT)
    • All benefits per category will be applied
    • Employee may be exempt or non-exempt so long as they meet the job classification criteria
    • Employment is terminated once the time limit is expired and all benefits end on that date

Wage rate to be agreed upon between hiring department and Human Resources. This rate should be discussed with the Controller/Budget Director to determine if there are sufficient funds in the hiring department’s budget before hiring the temporary employee.

Temporary Employees do not receive health benefits (except applicable for limited-term temps), paid leave/sick leave, retirement benefits, campus card charging benefits, or service credit. They are not considered regular employees for the purpose of certain reports.

Temporary Employees are also subject to the Employment of Relatives, Policy 2100 and Reference Checks & Criminal Background Checks, Policy 2080 policies.