TEACHING Update Delete

A teaching assignment of 12-credit hours of undergraduate courses, or its equivalent, is recommended as an appropriate load for faculty per semester. If the teaching assignment focuses only on graduate courses, then a teaching assignment of 9-credit hours per semester is recommended.

Non-instructional responsibilities, such as research, recruitment, program development, and/or management of teaching resources or facilities, may be assigned to faculty members by the department chair/school dean as benefits the department or school, but should not comprise more than 25 percent of the faculty member’s total load during fall and winter semesters.

The amount of release time for administrative duties is typically between 6 and 24 credit hours per employment agreement.

Instructors/Assistant Professors (12-month Employment Agreement)

The normal load for full-time faculty in this category is 24 semester hours over the Fall and Winter semesters, plus an additional three semester hours per summer session. Some extracurricular activities may be required, such as committee work and advisement.

Associate Professors/Professors (10-month Employment Agreement)

The normal load for full-time faculty in this category is 24 semester hours per employment agreement, plus extracurricular activities required of full-time faculty, such as committee work and advisement.