Student Records Privacy Policy Update Delete

A student's record is regarded as confidential, and release of the record or of information contained therein is governed by regulations of the federal law on "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act." Only directory information, such as a student's name, photograph, address, e-mail address, telephone listing, birthplace and date, major fields of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended, may be released by the institution without consent of the student unless the student has asked Southern to withhold such information.

The law also provides for the release of information to university personnel who demonstrate a legitimate educational interest, other institutions engaged in research (provided information is not revealed to any other parties), and certain federal and state government officials.

A student may inspect and review records and is entitled to challenge the content of records. Students may access online a history of their coursework, grades, and degree audit.

A more thorough explanation of records may be obtained from the Records and Advisement Office. The Director of Records and Advisement will further explain and clarify the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act to students, parents, or interested parties upon request. A FERPA tutorial and quiz is available at