Student Organizations Update Delete


Forming an organization: More than 50 academic and special-interest organizations are approved each school year. Students who wish to create an organization are required to file a Student Organization Registration Form listing the organization’s purpose, officers, and faculty adviser(s) with the office of Student Life and Activities. The Student Development Council reviews student organizations for formal university recognition. Only approved organizations may function on campus.

Student Organization Officers: If holding a student organization office or serving on a university committee is something you plan to do while you are at Southern, please note the following minimum qualifications for doing so:

  1. You must be a current full-time student;
  2. You must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00, including maintaining at least this level while in office;
  3. You must maintain a record of good citizenship while in office;
  4. If a violation of Southern’s Student Code of Conduct appears on your student record, at least a year has gone by since the incident occurred.