Student Association (SA)/SA Senate Update Delete

Bietz Center - #3313, 236.2723,

Student Association (SA) is Southern’s undergraduate student government organization. SA officers serve as liaisons between Southern’s administration and students. As such, they receive leadership training to strengthen their abilities at the beginning of each Fall semester. Three of these officers are elected positions: President, Executive Vice President, and Social Vice President. The other nine are appointed positions, selected from a pool of students who have applied to serve in those capacities. Those positions are as follows: Executive Secretary, Director for Finances, Assistant Director for Finances, Director for Communications, Parliamentarian, Multicultural Liaison, and the three student media positions (see below for more information on these offices).

Another opportunity to get involved in student government is through serving as a student senator. Students who wish to run for an elected office or apply for an appointed position, must meet the following qualifications:

  1. Be a member of the SASAU General Assembly (must be a student at Southern for a minimum of a semester or attend Smartstart to meet this qualification;
  2. Complete a minimum of 3 academic hours on campus;
  3. Have a cumulative GPA of 2.50, including a 2.50 GPA in the last semester completed;
  4. Have a clean student conduct record.

The three student media positions that are part of Student Association are as follows: Editor-in- Chief of the Southern Accent (the student newspaper), Editor of Southern Memories (the yearbook), and Director of Strawberry Festival (the end-of-the-year picture/video show). These positions are also known as Student Association officers. Students who wish to be appointed to one of these positions must meet the same requirements as Student Association officers and senators.