Skateboards, Longboards, Inline Skates, & Scooters Update Delete

Roller skating, inline skating, skateboarding, longboarding, scootering and other similar board-type activities have a risk of injury or damage. Consequently, you perform these activities at your own risk. The university assumes no liability or responsibility for injuries received while riding on university property.

Students who choose to assume the risk of one of these activities on campus are to abide by the following guidelines. They are to

  1. Wear protective gear, including a helmet, required wrist guards, elbow pads, and kneepads.
  2. Provide right-of-way to pedestrians.
  3. Stop at all pedestrian roadways crossings, check for cross traffic, and proceed with crossing only when it is safe to do so.
  4. Avoid riding on roads, driveways, parking lots, the running/walking track, or in areas where vehicles are normally driven and operated.
  5. Avoid riding inside buildings.
  6. Avoid riding, jumping, or sliding on stairs, railings, curb edges, benches, walls, or trick riding.
  7. Avoid hanging onto or being pulled by any moving motorized or pedaled vehicle.

Because motorized bicycles, longboards, skateboards, and scooters are ridden at greater speeds than their non-motorized counterparts, they are banned from campus.