
As a vital part of its community of learning, Southern Adventist University sponsors the production of a variety of media by its students. When exercised in the spirit of Christian fellowship, responsible freedom of expression and debate of issues enhances the university community. Editors and producers are encouraged to express themselves freely within the parameters of the philosophy, standards, and mission statement of the university, which reads as follows:

            Southern Adventist University, as a learning community, nurtures Christ- likeness and encourages the pursuit of truth, wholeness and a life of service.

Student media are the voices of both students and faculty, representing the visual and creative arts, both in print and non-print formats. The student media provide a marketplace of ideas in a university environment. Student media serve not only the current residents of the campus, but also document the culture and history of the institution.

Student-produced Media

Approved student-produced media on campus are the Festival Studios, Joker, Numerique, Southern Accent, Southern Memories and Campus Chatter. A description of these media is on file with this policy in the Student Development office.

Faculty/Staff Participation

Faculty, staff and administrators are encouraged to participate in the marketplace of ideas as sources of accurate information, and as contributing writers. Their participation provides a balance. For student media to have credibility, it must accurately and fairly report the truth, set the record straight, and dispel rumor.

Student Editors/Producers’ Responsibilities

As with academic freedom, student freedom of expression is not without limits. Student editors/producers must act with balance and maturity guided by the highest ethical values. In addition, student producers and journalists are expected to abide by standards of accuracy, objectivity, and fairness. When questions arise, they are urged to seek advice from their respective media adviser.

Copyright and Other Legalities

Student editors/producers are expected to perform their duties in harmony with copyright and other laws governing print and visual production standards. They are expected to follow professional journalistic ethics such as respecting individual privacy, rejecting material that attacks or injures a person’s reputation by false and malicious statements, and correcting errors of fact and perception. 

Legal Publisher

Southern Adventist University is the legal publisher of all of the approved student-produced media.

The Student Media Board

Responsibilities:  The purpose of the Student Media Board is to nurture effective student media and cultivate campus leaders who develop communication skills for the church and society. All student editors/producers are responsible to the Student Media Board.

The duties of the board are:

  1. To grant official approval and provide general oversight for all media produced and edited by students excluding those media with authorization from specific university departments. 
  2. To appoint all editors of specific media from candidates who have completed the defined application process. 
  3. To actively recruit candidates to submit applications for editor/producer of specific media.
  4. To recommend to the university president, advisers of specific student -produced media; 
  5. To review the performance of student editors/producers; to replace an editor/producer, if necessary. 
  6. To resolve conflict regarding content between the editor/producer and the adviser. 
  7. To require alterations to the content of specific media when necessary. 
  8. To approve new student media. 

Decisions of the Student Media Board may be appealed to the university president who will either affirm the board’s decision or request the board to reconsider with direction.  

Board Membership: Membership of the Student Media Board consists of:

  1. A faculty/staff chair (appointed by president)
  2. The chair of the Journalism and Communication Department (or designee).
  3. Southern Accent adviser 
  4. Southern Accent editor
  5. Joker adviser
  6. Joker editor
  7. Southern Memories adviser
  8. Southern Memories editor
  9. Festival Studios adviser
  10. Festival Studios producer
  11. Student Association president
  12. Student Association executive vice president
  13. Vice president for Student Development

Student Editor/Producer Application Process

Applications for positions of editors/producers will be available in the Student Development Office at the beginning of the second semester. Students who wish to be candidates will submit the following:

  1. An application and supporting materials to the Student Media Board no later than February 1, unless extended by the Student Media Board;
  2. A signed statement indicating awareness of and commitment to the Student Media Policy;
  3. A portfolio reflecting relevant experience; 
  4. A signed release for the board to review the applicant’s academic transcript; and
  5. A brief proposal (2 or 3 paragraphs outlining plans for the next year).

Candidates will be notified of the board’s decision no later than the beginning of Spring Break. 

Qualifications for Editor/Producer 

Qualified applicants and office-holders must be Student Association members. As defined by the Student Handbook, that includes students who are enrolled for a minimum of eight semester hours on campus. An exception will be made for students who apply while serving as student missionaries for no more than 12 months as arranged through SAU’s chaplain. Each student must also have the following:

  1. A record of good citizenship. 
  2. A cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or a 2.75 grade point average from the previous semester with a minimum cumulative average of 2.25. 

Student Media Advisers

Student editors/producers perform their duties under the guidance of faculty/staff advisers who are nominated by the Student Media Board and appointed by the university president. Advisers monitor adherence to the requirements of the Student Media Policy, and demonstrate a dedication to accuracy 

and fairness in student-produced media. If necessary, they have authority to direct revision of any questionable material.

In Case of Content Disagreement

In a case of unresolved conflict between an editor/producer and the media adviser regarding content, the adviser or the editor may submit the conflict to the Student Media Board. The content in question will not be published or produced until the decision is made. After hearing the issues relating to the conflict, the board will determine the outcome. Editors/producers can expect the board to address issues in a timely manner. In the case of an imminent production or last issue of the newspaper, the board chair will expedite a meeting of the board. 

It is understood that members of the board who have personal involvement in the content or individual under discussion will not participate in the final vote of the board. A student editor/producer must follow the decision of the board or face review by the board regarding continuation in his/her position.

Student Editor/Producer Autonomy

Because of their unique responsibilities, student editors/producers have a distinct autonomy from the Student Association executive officers. However, student-produced media receive their funding from the Student Association appropriation and are budgetarily responsible to the Student Association finance director and the Student Association Senate. The SA Senate also determines the stipends for student editors/producers. Student editors/producers are members of the Student Association Executive Cabinet.