
The Student Association is the official organization of the student body of the university. It elects its own officers and holds meetings on a schedule arranged and announced at the beginning of the academic year. It may hold special meetings on the call of its president. Its deliberations are governed by its constitution and its by-laws. (For details refer to the constitution of the Student Association of Southern Adventist University.)


The Student Association is organized to further the spiritual development, foster the mental growth, and promote the physical and social well-being of the university community. It also acts as a channel through which student recommendations may be referred to the university administration for consideration.


Each undergraduate student taking eight or more hours at Southern Adventist University shall be a voting member of the Student Association. A graduate student may become a voting member of the SA by paying an amount equal to that appropriated per student from undergraduate tuition. Faculty members shall be considered primarily in an advisory capacity and shall be extended non-voting floor privileges by the Student Association.

Financial Support

Financial support for the Student Association is appropriated from the general funds of the university. The amount appropriated is calculated by 1% of gross undergraduate tuition each semester.


The Student Association receives its delegated authority from the administration of Southern Adventist University. The vice president for Student Development shall serve as the faculty coordinator, who shall be an ex officio member of the senate, the cabinet, the general assembly, and all committees. He/she shall have a suspendive veto over all actions of the constituent bodies of the Student Association and the general assembly. Each of the constituent bodies and committees of the Student Association shall have a faculty adviser who shall be appointed by the president of the university.


The constitution, its by-laws, and its amendments must be approved by the Student Development Committee prior to the approval of the senate and the Student Association general assembly.

Student Association Officers

The names of all candidates for cabinet and senate positions must be approved by the Student Development Committee. To be a candidate for president of the Student Association a student must first have served in the cabinet or senate.


University policy requires the approval of candidates for office, election procedures, campaign posters and their placement, and the candidate’s platform speeches.