
Senior Vice President for Academic Administration

Senior Vice President for Financial Administration (and Treasurer)

Vice President for Advancement 

Vice President for Enrollment Management

Vice President for Marketing & University Relations

Vice President for Student Development

Vice President for Spiritual Life (and Chaplain)

Administrative Assistant

The president of the university is the chief executive officer. The president is charged with the responsibility of the proper administration of Southern Adventist University so that it fulfills its mission and maintains academic excellence, fiscal soundness, spiritual integrity, and market viability.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Be responsible to the Board for the satisfactory administration and governance of the university.
  2. To select, with the assistance of the other officers of the university, a competent faculty salaried staff.
  3. To maintain harmony and unity of purpose among the members of the faculty and staff, the Board, and the university constituency. 
  4. To ensure that the financial stability of the university is safeguarded.
  5. To direct raising funds for the support of the university and its students, and to receive gifts, bequests, and grants in the name of the university and for its benefit.
  6. To present to the Board the needs of the institution, including new buildings, installations, and equipment that may be required, and to recommend plans for board approval.

Senior Vice President for Academic Administration

Associate Vice President for Academic Administration and Dean of Student Success & Retention

Associate Vice President for Academic Administration and Dean of Graduate & Professional Studies

Deans of Schools

Department Chairs

Director of Institutional Research and Planning

Director of Libraries

Director of Records and Advisement

Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence and the Biblical Foundations of Faith and Learning

Administrative Assistant

The senior vice president for Academic Administration provides leadership for the academic program of the university. (S)He is responsible for an effective and efficient teaching and learning environment, which includes the curriculum, academic records, on-line distance learning, off-site campuses, and the library.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. To act for the president in his absence and at times and places designated by the president. 
  2. To serve as a non-voting secretary of the Board and the corporation.
  3. To maintain academic excellence in all undergraduate and graduate programs.
  4. To ensure that accreditation standards are met by the university as well as individual departments and schools.
  5. To foster the teaching and learning environment and to maintain a credentialed teaching professorate in all programs.
  6. To supervise curriculum development, technologically delivered instruction, teaching methods, grading practices, admission standards, registration procedures, advising,      graduation requirements, and the educational use and development of the library.
  7. To counsel with school deans/department chairs concerning their academic program, their own student evaluations and their handling of their faculty’s student evaluations,      budget preparation and control, faculty employment, and staff utilization and development.
  8. To promote the professional growth of the faculty through orientation programs for new faculty, by in-service, summer, and sabbatical study programs and by fostering research, scholarly writing, and creative academic activities on the part of faculty.
  9. To counsel with students regarding their academic program and to make exceptions to academic policies when deemed appropriate.

Senior Vice President for Financial Administration (and Treasurer)

Associate Vice President for Financial Administration

Associate Vice President of Information Technology

Associate Vice President for Retail and Auxiliary Operations

Associate Vice President of Student Finance

Controller Accounting Services

Executive Director of Budgeting & Financial Analysis

Director of Architectural Services

Director of Campus Safety

Director of Food Service

Director of Human Resources

Director of Landscape Services

Director of Plant Services

Director of Purchasing/Mail Services

Director of Risk Management

Director of Service Department 

Director of Transportation Services

Director of University Health Service

Manager of Campus Shop

Manager of Quick Print

Manager of Village Market

Administrative Assistant

The senior vice president for Financial Administration supervises and directs the overall financial operation of the university including industries, and serves as the chief advisor to the president on matters of institutional finance.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. To serve as the chief financial officer of the university.
  2. To serve as a financial advisor to the president, vice presidents, school deans/department chairs, and department directors on matters of finance and preparation of the university budget.
  3. To assemble and administer all the budgets of the university, the auxiliaries, and industries and to make recommendations to the Board concerning trends and changes in them.
  4. To be responsible for producing all financial reports including the periodic distribution of statements to university officials and Board.
  5. To be the liaison for all legal matters pertaining to property contracts, charters, and leases.
  6. To supervise the operation and maintenance of the physical plant and work with architects, engineers, and planners in directing the plant expansion program as voted by the Board.
  7. To administer personnel policies, maintain personnel records and recommend changes to procedures, policies, and personnel in the financial operations of the university including industries.
  8. To fill all the duties as treasurer of the university.
  9. To serve on committees of the university which rely on financial information and advice.
  10. To administer the investment program for the university.
  11. To oversee procurement of supplies and equipment.

Vice President for Advancement

Director of Alumni Relations

Director of Planned Giving

General Manager of WSMC

The vice president for Advancement coordinates all fund-raising activities of the university. (S)He is responsible for the administration of capital campaigns, named endowment funds, and the giving and planned gifts.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. To initiate and supervise programs for the funding of capital improvements, operating endowments and gifts, chairs, student scholarship endowments and gifts, and the annual fund.
  2. To supervise the director of Alumni Relations, and the director of Conference and Events Services, Development, director of Planned Giving, director of WSMC.
  3. To develop relationships with potential sources of financial support, such as individuals, corporations, and foundations, and to solicit funds for special university projects from such sources.
  4. To monitor the appropriate use of funds which have been donated to the university.
  5. To acknowledge gifts from donors and ensure appropriate appreciation.
  6. To motivate the entire university family to give and seek charitable gifts.
  7. To assist the president in the scheduling and visitation of major donors.
  8. To ensure that connections are maintained with the university alumni for fund-raising and special campus events.
  9. To supervise the director of WSMC FM 90.5 and ensure that the radio station meets its fundraising goals, maintains a focused classical music presence in the Chattanooga area, and continues compliance with FCC Regulations. 

Vice President for Enrollment Management

Director of Admissions/Recruitment

Associate Director of Admissions

Associate Director of Recruitment

Director of Graduate Marketing

Administrative Assistant

The vice president for Enrollment Management is responsible for meeting the enrollment goals of the university, for distributing financial aid monies, and collecting student accounts receivables.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Manage an integrated Enrollment Management paradigm, including admissions, recruitment, and student finance.
  2. Oversee the development and implementation of a comprehensive recruitment plan for the university.
  3. Develop pricing strategies to position the institution in the marketplace, including the effective and strategic use of financial aid.
  4. Oversee the billing, student accounts, and collections activities of the university.
  5. Provide service- and marketing-oriented leadership to all areas of Enrollment Management, to ensure that policies and services are student-centered and user-friendly.
  6. Collaborate closely with Marketing and University Relations on messaging, communication, and branding for all publications, materials, emails, websites, and communication    campaigns for students and families.
  7. Collaborate with the dedicated enrollment researcher/data manager in Institutional Research to help ensure that sound data-driven decisions are made using institutional reports and analyses, and other relevant data that is available.
  8. Chair the Admissions Committee.
  9. Chair the Financial Appeals Committee.
  10. Implement best or next practices and seek improvements as appropriate in admissions, recruitment, financial aid, discounting, student accounts, and collections.

Vice President for Marketing and University Relations

Director of Marketing and University Relations

The vice president for Marketing and University Relations is responsible for internal monitoring and external communication of the Southern brand. The vice president leads comprehensive efforts to increase understanding, support, and conveyance of the university mission and goals with all university publics.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Work with members of the administrative team to implement and evaluate a campus-wide strategy of communication that supports and contributes to the university mission.
  2. Oversee the university brand through monitoring and researching audience perceptions and using research to form key messages that intentionally convey Southern’s mission in all communications to all audiences.
  3. Oversee adaptations, preservation, and implementation of the official university visual identity and university writing style.
  4. Anticipate and lead the public relations aspects of unusual or crisis situations and ensure implementation of the campus’ crisis communication plan when the need arises.
  5. Provide strategic direction for the university’s advertising strategy.
  6. Lead a proactive media approach, pursuing coverage for the university in print, broadcast, and social media channels in both secular and church arenas.
  7. Supervise the budget for and director of Marketing and University Relations that includes responsibilities for media relations, crisis communications, customer service, public relations, special event marketing, and print, email, web, and social media communications, with particular focus on recruitment and advancement initiatives.
  8. Supervise the budget for and director of Strategic Planning that includes responsibilities for communicating and executing Southern’s key strategic initiatives, providing operational assistance for the president’s initiatives, organizing and maximizing the utilization of designated consultants, and managing guest services and lodging.
  9. Provide service- and marketing-oriented leadership in the area of university relations to ensure that policies and services are customer-centered and user-friendly.
  10. Implement best/next practices in communications and seek improvements as appropriate.
  11. Lead, participate in, and contribute to administrative committees as assigned.

Vice President for Student Development

Director of Student Success Center  

Director of Student Housing

Director of Student Life and Activities

University Chaplain

Administrative Assistant

The vice president for Student Service is the chief student affairs officer for the university, reporting directly to the President, and is a member of the President’s Cabinet. The vice president is responsible for creative and effective programming to enhance support services for students and the quality of campus life.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Provides oversight and management of the Student Development Office and the Student Center.
  2. Oversees and manages the following: Student Success Center (Counseling and Testing, Career Services, Retention and First-Year Advising, First Year Experience, Learning Support Services, and Disability Services), Student Life and Activities, Office of Ministry & Missions, Housing and Residence Life, and the Student Association.
  3. Responsible for the strategic leadership of student engagement/involvement and initiatives in support of student success and student retention.
  4. Responsible for developing and maintaining a strong residential life program.
  5. Assists the university chaplains with strategies for student spiritual growth and development through LifeGroups, Vespers, weeks of spiritual emphasis, Encounters Weekends, student missions and campus ministries and outreaches.
  6. Interacts proactively with the university community and the public regarding student life and issues.
  7. Oversees preparation of the Student Handbook and the university calendar.
  8. Oversees the student discipline policies of the university.
  9. Oversees the planning and management of weekly Convocations and the residence hall worship program.
  10. Serves as the chief mentor/adviser of the Student Association, recommending names of candidates for sponsors of the various activities of the Student Association to the President, and assisting those sponsors in all the activities of Student Association.
  11. Develops, implements, administers, and evaluates programs, policies, and budgets necessary to accomplish the mission, goals, and objectives of the Student Development Office.