Sexual misconduct is defined as improper sexual behavior, including any of the following situations:

  1. Actual or attempted sexual contact with a minor or with any person where there exists a relationship with inequality of power;
  2. Actual or attempted rape or sexual contact by force, threat, or intimidation or victim helplessness or incapacity;
  3. Criminal behavior of a sexual nature;
  4. Stalking
  5. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other unsolicited verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature;
  6. The use of a cell phone or any social media platform to post pictures of a sexual nature.

Southern Adventist University desires to maintain a working environment free from sexual harassment and misconduct. To achieve this goal, it utilizes certain appropriate methods to alert employees of these issues. These include in-services, informational emails, and policies, ensuring that all employees are made aware 1) that sexual harassment and misconduct are violations of both federal and state statues, 2) that Southern strongly disapproves of these sorts of behavior, 3) that Southern addresses this sort of faculty or staff misconduct with appropriate sanctions, including dismissal, 4) that all employees may inform the Human Resources department of sexual harassment or misconduct without fear of retaliation, and 5) that Southern follows the Grievance Procedure Policies (3060, 4010, 5080) of this handbook when addressing these sorts of behavior. Faculty and staff may also reference ( for a fuller description of Southern’s position on sexual misconduct, the process for reporting and addressing student, employee, and third-party incidences (also see Policy 2020), and the grievance procedures (for hourly, salary, and faculty members: policies 3060, 4040, 5080), all of which may apply when addressing matters of this nature.

This policy does not apply to how Southern addresses employees who are found to have engaged in consensual sexual activity that is outside of marriage or not in accord with Southern’s Christian Standards and Conduct Policy (policy 2010). For the purpose of this policy, consensual behavior is defined as a mutual agreement to engage in sexual activity. Instead, Southern addresses such matters as violations of Policy 2010 and addresses those violations using the grievance policies 3060, 4040, 5080.