Adding New Positions:

The president and/or vice president for the area shall determine the need for a new position, formulate a

job description, and complete a Request for a New Position Form to be taken to the Strategic Planning Committee for its approval.

Approving the Filling of Vacant Positions:

The President’s Executive Cabinet shall determine the need to fill a position and the departmental director/ dean/chair for the area will formulate a new job description as needed.

Hiring Process:

The process for filling any staff vacancy, other than a transfer/promotion within that particular department, shall be as follows:

  1. The position shall be posted for at least six days or the Human Resources associate vice president posts position in NAD Union papers as requested
  2. A team of at least three people, under the direction of the director/dean/chair will be assembled to review applications and resumes, conduct reference checks, and perform interviews.

    This team may include the following individuals.
    1. The director/chair/dean of the department
    2. The Human Resources associate vice president or his/her designee
    3. Two or more employees of the university (chosen by director/dean/chair).
  3. Generally, up to three candidates are chosen for interview by the team.
  4. Selected individuals must complete an Application of Employment and sign a release giving permission for background checks.
  5. Rate of pay is determined by director/chair/dean of the department and the Human Resources director.
  6. The Human Resources associate vice president is informed of any terms or conditions agreed to by department and individuals.
  7. The team makes a decision to hire the most qualified candidate and extends an invitation of hire to the applicant.
  8. If the offer is accepted by applicant, the director/chair/dean of the department notifies the Human Resources associate vice president of start date.
  9. Director/chair/dean of the department writes letter to individuals not selected.
  10. The Human Resources associate vice president does background checks on hired individual only.
  11. The Human Resources Committee votes new employee’s hire.
  12. New employee must visit Human Resources Department to complete new employee paperwork within three days of starting work.

Internal transfer within the department:

If the director/chair/dean feels there is a qualified employee within the department, and wishes to transfer/ promote this employee to the vacant position, the director/chair/dean should discuss this transfer with the vice president that oversees that department. If the vice president is supportive of the transfer, the position does not need to be posted and the recommendation, including the appropriate pay scale, is made by the vice president to the Human Resources Committee for approval. If the vice president and/or the Human Resources Committee does not approve the transfer then the position should be posted and the normal hiring process be followed.

Transfer from another department on campus:

If the director/chair/dean wishes to approach an employee from another department for a vacant position in their department, the director/chair/dean should first discuss this with the appropriate vice president (and perhaps director/chair/dean) before approaching the employee. In addition, the position must be posted for at least 6 days and the rest of the hiring process must be followed before the position is filled.

Changes in job description:

If the job description or pay scale of an open position changes for any reason, except in instances of internal transfers within a department, the position must be posted again under the new job description and pay scale for at least 6 days and the rest of the hiring process must be followed before the position is filled.