Rights of a Student Update Delete

Students and student organizations who come before the Student Conduct Board because of a violation of Southern’s Student Code of Conduct are entitled to the following rights:

  • The right to notice of violation(s), account of the alleged misconduct, witnesses, and notice of the scheduled hearing delivered no less than twenty-four (24) hours before the hearing. The student may request additional time by showing good cause.
  • The right to notice of the maximum allowable sanction for the alleged violation.
  • The right to a hearing closed to the public.
  • The right to a non-adversarial hearing before the Student Conduct Board
  • The right to remain silent at one’s hearing. However, one’s silence does not negate the violation.
  • A preponderance of evidence may still be used to determine responsibility and sanction.
  • The right to present the testimony of witnesses and other evidence.
  • The right to a presumption of innocence. The burden of proof rests with Southern, such that Southern must prove the student’s responsibility by a preponderance of the evidence.
  • The right to a hearing only after all evidence is in place (e.g., Focus assessments) and reports have been properly filed (e.g., dean’s incident report)
  • The right to a written decision specifying the rule violated, sanction given, and right of appeal in cases when suspension or dismissal has been the sanction given.
  • The right to challenge the seating of any committee member for good cause. The dismissal of a challenged committee member shall be at the discretion of the Dean of Students. If the chairperson is challenged, he/she may be excused at the discretion of the vice president for Student Development.
  • The right to have his/her case heard only on the misconduct specified in the written notice.
  • The right to appeal the decision of the Student Conduct Board if its decision is suspension or dismissal.