Registration Update Delete

Students are expected to register during the scheduled registration periods designated in the school calendar. New students are encouraged to contact their adult degree completion adviser for assistance with registering for courses. New students are required to participate in the adult degree completion orientation activities.

Late Registration. Permission to register late must be obtained from the Director of Records and Advisement. The course load of a late registrant may be reduced according to the amount of class work missed. A student registering after the first three business days of the term must obtain permission from the instructor and their adviser before enrolling in a class. No student may register after one week of the term has elapsed.*

* Timelines may vary depending on the length of the course.

Changes in Registration. To avoid changes in registration, students should carefully consider the program of courses necessary to meet their objectives. To avoid subsequent adjustments, a balance should be maintained between the course load, work program, and extracurricular activities.

To make changes in registration, students must complete the online change of registration form (Add/Drop) available on the Records and Advisement Office webpage ( Course changes and complete withdrawals from the school become effective on the date the online form is submitted by the student. A fee will be assessed for each change in program after the first three days of the term.

A student may not change from one section to another of the same course without the approval of the professor.

When a student drops a class during the first three days of the term, the class is deleted from the student's record. A grade of "W" is issued when a student drops the class after the first three days of the term. A student may withdraw from a class up to the date published on the course schedule to receive a "W". No withdrawals will be permitted after the published date.

Canceled Classes. The Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies or a department/school may cancel a class for which fewer than six tuition paying students enroll. This policy applies to ordinary classes but not to directed study courses, private lessons, and other special classes such as special methods of secondary teaching. Students enrolled in canceled classes should confer with their adult degree completion adviser to determine alternate means to complete their schedules.

Withdrawal Procedure for Students Called to Active Military Duty. The Southern Adventist University community recognizes the sacrifices that those in the armed forces make while serving our country. We are proud of these individuals and have, therefore, adopted the following policy to deal with currently enrolled Southern Adventist University students who are called to active military duty.

  • Upon presentation of official military orders, the student will be automatically withdrawn from all of his/her
    courses for the given semester and a grade of "W" with notice of reason for withdrawal will be recorded on
    his/her academic record.
  • In addition, the student is eligible for a full-tuition refund or can choose to have the monies held on account
    to be used at a later date.
  • In the case of a resident student, room and board charges will be prorated based on the period in the semester
    when the student is required to leave; and the remaining charges will be refunded or held on account based on
    the student's request.
  • If the veteran has left to perform military service, the veteran is to be readmitted with the same academic
    status he or she had when last in attendance at Southern. In most cases, the length of the absence from
    Southern cannot exceed five years.