Public Assembly and Forum Update Delete

Southern supports the expression of diverse views that do not fundamentally conflict with the mission and identity of our Adventist higher-education community. As such, it allows for both on- and off-campus public expression of such views through rallies, demonstrations, marches, silent vigils, peaceful assemblies, protests, and counter protests.

Southern’s mission, vision, and values are the guidelines to determine whether a group or an individual’s expression is appropriate. Therefore, group or individual acts of expression at public forums may be deemed in violation of both this policy and Southern’s Freedom of Expression policy if a group’s or an individual’s actions are deemed to run contrary to these guidelines. The following are examples of inappropriate expressions during a public forum (the list should not be considered exhaustive): the display of objectionable symbols or demeaning phrases on flags, posters, or placards; decorating residence-hall windows with profane material; posting profane or belittling comments on various social media platforms, and wearing t-shirts with similar content.

Neither the use of Southern space for a public forum to express ideas or viewpoints in compliance with this policy nor a student’s attendance at an off-campus forum implies university acceptance or endorsement of the views expressed.

Students wishing to use Southern for a public forum are expected to follow the following protocols:

  1. Time, place, and manner are subject to the approval of the office of Student Development. A request by any Southern group to assemble or hold any event that could be otherwise construed as an assembly or forum must be submitted three business days before the event by filling out an application for approval (Form is available here). The office of Student Development may make exceptions to this deadline if it deems all other aspects of the application are in place and the reason for the inability to meet the deadline is valid.
  2. The organizers of an on-campus forum must specify the space or venue of the forum as part of the written application. The forum must occur only in the area that has been approved.
  3. A group must use only Southern’s A/V department for sound amplification needs. A group must make these arrangements directly with A/V only after approval has been given for an on-campus forum and must present a signed application to A/V as proof that an event has been approved.
  4. The organizers must be in possession of the written approval from the office of Student Development at the time and at the location of the assembly/forum.
  5. On-campus forums may occur only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Monday-Thursday (excluding Convocation time on Thursdays, 11:00 am) unless otherwise approved by the office of Student Development. Employees who attend these forums must do so during hours that do not interfere with their workdays.
  6. The office of Student Development may place additional stipulations on an event as per the unique requests of a forum’s organizers. Student Development will note any additional provisions on the application.
  7. A forum’s activities may not interfere or disrupt the orderly conduct of university business and events, or infringe upon the rights of others. If an activity becomes disruptive, the university may take appropriate action to limit or terminate the activity, including the use of the Collegedale Police Department, if a forum’s participants refuse to cooperate with Southern’s corrective measures. In the event the area is not restored to its original condition, the organizer will bear fiscal accountability for any repairs or cleanup that are the result of this failure. Moreover, any public demonstration that leads to violence, the interference of normal university business, or the damage to university property may result in sanctions on the parties involved in these activities.
  8. The office of Student Development must approve all individuals who are not employees or students of Southern who plan to participate in the protest or forums.
  9. Groups with no affiliation with Southern who wish to organize a public forum on Southern properties must go through the same process of approval detailed above. The use of Southern properties by outside groups may occur only at the sole discretion of Southern Adventist University and is subject to Southern’s facilities rent rates.

Assemblies or forums that do not conform to these provisions may subject participants to temporary or permanent suspension from the university or other sanctions as outlined in the Student Handbook.

Forums and debates that are organized by faculty for academic schools or departments should receive the approvals of a school’s dean or a department’s chair and the senior vice president for Academic Administration. Should a school’s or department’s plans include the use of Southern property that is not under the purview of the school or department, the organizers should reserve the area before using it.