Petition and Academic Grievance Procedures Update Delete

Academic Grievances

The student who believes that he or she has been unfairly treated or disciplined, may enter into an academic grievance process. The student shall first discuss the grievance with the instructor, within two weeks of the grievance, in an informal conference. If the student believes that the solution is not appropriate, the student may submit the grievance, in writing, to the Dean of the School within four weeks of the informal conference. If the student believes that the resolution facilitated by the Dean is not appropriate, the student can appeal to the Dean of Graduate Studies within six weeks of the informal conference. The Dean of Graduate Studies will ask the Graduate Council to appoint a Grievance Committee, chaired by the Dean of Graduate Studies or his designee, and including three other faculty members and two students selected by the Graduate Council. Both the student and the professor involved in the case are entitled to appear before the committee or to present a written statement of the case. The decision of the Grievance Committee shall be presented in writing to the individuals involved within three days of the committee meeting unless both parties agree upon a later time. The decision of the committee is binding and will be implemented by the professor involved or the Dean of Graduate Studies.


Students may petition the Graduate Council for policy exceptions. Petitions should include reasons for the request. Petition forms are available online at