Medical Emergencies on Campus Update Delete

236.2100 or 911

Southern Adventist University has an open medical services system, meaning any person can activate the emergency medical system by calling 911 or Campus Safety.

Situations that would definitely call for emergency medical services (EMS) would include:

  1. Any life threatening situation
  2. Loss of consciousness
  3. Difficulty breathing
  4. Chest pain
  5. Uncontrolled bleeding
  6. Seizures
  7. Detached body parts
  8. Severe/uncontrollable pain
  9. Visible deformity

Because every situation is different and dynamic, each situation calls for decision making that is beyond the scope of this policy. If in doubt, call. Calling 911 or having an ambulance on scene does not mean the patient must be transported by ambulance. A conscious, coherent, competent adult can refuse service and assume responsibility for their medical outcome.