Uninterrupted service is necessary to the maintenance of an effective working staff and a leave without pay is discouraged. Years of continuous service are important in determining the increase in paid leave, and retirement benefits. Paid leave, extended sick leave, medical, and retirement benefits may not be earned during a leave without pay.

In addition to any FMLA leave available to any employee, a leave without pay granted for four weeks or less may make it possible to hold the position open for the employee. For a leave longer than four weeks the holding of a position may not be possible. A leave that extends beyond the approved dates of the leave, unless an extension of the leave is requested in writing and approved prior to the expiration date, will be considered a termination.

  1. Employee Initiated Leave
      1. Full-time employees with one or more years of service are eligible to make a request.
      2. Application must be in writing for a designated time period of one to four weeks.
      3. All paid leave (and extended sick leave for medical reasons) must be used before a personal leave without pay may be granted.
      4. The leave without pay must be used for the purpose requested.
      5. All benefits cease if a leave without pay is extended beyond maximum of four week unless the leave is for physician-approved medical reasons when only the medical benefits will continue 
      6. The required average of 38 hours per week per quarter to receive medical and educational benefits will be waived during the leave. The required average will need to be maintained for all work time not covered by a leave without pay.
      7. Educational benefits paid at the beginning of the quarter/semester will not be prorated even when a leave without pay is granted.
      8. Employees should submit requests to the Vice President over their area from consideration. If the Vice President supports the request it will be presented to the President's Cabinet who will provide their recommendation to the Human Resources Committee for review and voting.
  2. Employer Initiated Leave
      1. Employees requested by management not to report to work may be placed on a leave without pay of up to four weeks without jeopardizing their full-time status as it relates to benefits.
      2. Employees have the option of using paid leave.
      3. Medical and educational benefits continue in effect.
      4. The required average of 38 hours per week per quarter to receive medical and educational benefits will be waived during the leave. The required average will need to be maintained for all work time not covered by a leave without pay.
      5. Management must approve the leave by signing the Paid Leave Timesheet form with the specific date(s) and noting on the form that a leave without pay has been granted.