General description:

Chairpersons and deans are vitally important in guaranteeing and enhancing the quality of teaching, scholarship, and service in the departments and schools of the university. Chairpersons and deans are appointed by the vice president for Academic Administration, in consultation with the department’s or school’s faculty members for a specified term, usually four years in length. Reappointments to this position are possible. The department chair/school dean is evaluated by the department’s or school’s faculty members every two years, using a form provided by the office of Academic Administration.

Job Summary:

The department chair/school dean is a member of the faculty who is responsible to the vice president for Academic Administration and to her/his academic unit for the planning, organization, staffing, direction, and evaluation of the academic discipline(s) in the department or school. In harmony with the strategic plans of the university and with the recommendations of accrediting and professional bodies, the department chair/ school dean is responsible for the continuous development of the academic unit’s strategic plan and for setting its specific goals.

In view of the present governance and budgeting structure of Southern Adventist University, the job description for department chairs and schools deans applies to both groups equally.

Duties and Responsibilities of Chairs and Deans:


  1. Reviews and facilitates, with department/school faculty members, the updating of department curricula, courses, and programs.
  2. Promotes and models effective classroom instruction utilizing a variety of teaching strategies.
  3. Provides leadership and encouragement for faculty members to integrate faith and learning in the curricula.
  4. Recommends, to the appropriate committees, courses, academic degrees and/or curricula which will enhance and improve the department’s/schools instructional program.
  5. Facilitates development of department-specific graduation requirements in harmony with university requirements.
  6. Prepares the departmental section of the academic bulletin and submits proposed changes, with justification data, to the appropriate committees.
  7. Encourages and facilitates regular student and peer evaluations of faculty teaching in accordance with university requirements.
  8. Recommends course schedules within the guidelines set by the university and the Office of Records and Advisement, and in cooperation with other academic units.
  9. Serve as the program coordinator for all academic programs within the school/ department unless another academically qualified faculty member has been designated to serve as program coordinator.

Faculty Development:

  1. Recruits, and recommends to the vice president for Academic Administration, qualified faculty, both full-time and adjunct.
  2. Provides departmental orientation to new faculty members, adjunct faculty, and graduate assistants.
  3. Makes recommendations for faculty promotion in academic rank and employment level.
  4. Initiates non-renewal or termination of faculty, as needed.
  5. Coaches and advises full-time faculty with regard to the faculty promotion process.
  6. Determines individual faculty teaching loads and course assignments.
  7. Encourages faculty participation in departmental, school, and university activities.
  8. Evaluates faculty performance and encourages faculty development in teaching, research, and service through the development of annual Professional Development Objectives (PDO).
  9. Models and encourages the publication of faculty research and participation in professional organizations.
  10. Evaluates faculty applications for sabbaticals, study leaves, and other professional development activities.
  11. Keeps faculty informed of department and institutional plans, activities, and expectations.


  1. Annually reviews and updates departmental Unit Plans in consultation with the department’s faculty members and submits the updated plan to the office of Institutional Research.
  2. Provides general leadership for the area which results in a productive and positive work climate and in collegial relations among and between faculty, staff, and students.
  3. Prepares reports, inventories, and surveys providing such information as requested by campus officials.
  4. Is active in local, regional, national, and/or denominational associations.
  5. Ensures that full-time faculty members maintain regular, posted office hours, and that contact information for adjunct faculty members is readily available.
  6. Participates in the development of the department budget with the vice president for Academic Administration.
  7. Administers the department budget in accordance with university policies.
  8. Makes recommendations to the vice president for Academic Administration regarding classroom and office needs.
  9. Makes requests to the vice president for Academic Administration regarding capital equipment needs.
  10. Initiates work orders that will ensure the care, protection, and repair of all facilities assigned to the department.
  11. School chairs regularly scheduled department meetings, encourages participation of faculty and/or students in department governance, and keeps records of department actions.
  12. Interprets university policy to the persons employed within the department, enforces university policies, and, when appropriate, reports, to the vice president for Academic Administration, infringements of policy.
  13. Facilitates intra-departmental consensus and manages conflicts.
  14. Prepares the periodic departmental review and such other reports as requested.
  15. Arranges for supervision and evaluation of graduate assistants and the clerical or technical staff in the department.
  16. Nurtures departmental student clubs and/or honor societies.
  17. Provides department leadership through excellent communication, both within the department and between department and administration
  18. Represents the area/department to the administration, and the administration to the area.
  19. Serves as a liaison with the appropriate accrediting bodies, as requested by the vice president for Academic Administration.

Recruitment and Student Advocacy:

  1. Promotes positive student morale in the department.
  2. Assists in the recruitment, selection, and retention of qualified students.
  3. Assists university marketing in the development of department promotional materials.
  4. Reviews the department's participation in the university's advisement program and makes recommendations, as needed, to the Office of Records and Advisement.
  5. Receives, hears, and processes student queries, criticisms, and grievances regarding faculty, adjunct faculty and/or courses, curricula, and grades.
  6. Establishes procedures so that letters for students concerning recommendation, referral, and recognition as may be required for admittance, transfer, financial aid, and employment opportunities/scholarships are processed in a timely manner.
  7. Requires academic honesty and acts decisively against all manifestations of academic dishonesty.

Other Responsibilities

Performs such other responsibilities as assigned by the vice president for academic administration or other appropriate campus officials.