Spiritual Commitment

In course content and personal example, appropriately integrate Christian faith and biblical principles as reflected in Seventh-day Adventist beliefs and outlined in Southern’s Code of Ethics, found at the beginning of this handbook.

Teaching Responsibilities

  1. Teach classes as assigned by the school dean/department chair in consultation with the faculty member and, as needed, the vice president for Academic Administration.
  2. Prepare syllabi, containing all required components, for all classes taught, and submit syllabi to the school dean/department chair and to the office of Academic Administration each semester.
  3. Maintain academic records for all students currently enrolled in his/her classes. Such academic records shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Family Educational Right to Privacy Act (FERPA).
  4. Administer final examinations according to published schedule.
  5. Assign and submit grades as requested by the Records and Advisement office.
  6. Offer appropriate academic guidance for all students currently enrolled in his/her classes. Such guidance shall be provided, and records maintained, in a way that protects the privacy of the student.
  7. Assist students in acquiring internships and practicum course work according to curricular needs, and supervise student performance according to prearranged and published criteria.
  8. Encourage students to complete online evaluations of teaching, and review the results with the school dean/department chair.

Para-academic Duties

  1. Maintain office hours for a minimum of eight hours weekly, with the times posted at the office and published in the professor’s course syllabi.
  2. Provide accurate academic advisement and counsel to advisees assigned to him/her.
  3. Assist in the registration process as directed by the school dean/department chair.
  4. Assisting in maintaining classrooms, laboratories, and equipment in an orderly manner
  5. Notify the school dean/department chair of special needs for teaching supplies and equipment peculiar to his/her teaching assignment.
  6. Attend school/department meetings as called by the school dean/department chair or other designated persons.
  7. Carry out special school/departmental assignments as agreed upon with the school dean/department chair.
  8. Submit in a timely manner reports of expenses for official duties.
  9. Serve as a program coordinator for an area of study, if assigned by the dean.

Obligations to the University at Large

  1. Serve on committees and perform co-curricular duties.
  2. Attend faculty meetings, University Assembly meetings, colloquia, and graduations.
  3. Furnish data for his/her personal file to the office of the vice president for Academic Administration.
  4. Respond to student requests for employment or graduate school references or recommendations.
  5. Comply with university policies, rules, and procedures.

Personal Professional Development

  1. Keep current with advances and developments in his/her academic specialty.
  2. Participate in professional development activities including, but not limited to, attendance at professional meetings and learned societies.
  3. Maintain documentation of professional activities as part of the evidence required for academic advancement and advancement in employment level.