Provisions of the section “Termination” do not preclude immediate suspension. A faculty member may be given notification of immediate suspension of duties at any time for conduct unbecoming a faculty member including, but not limited to, the following: financial fraud; neglect of duty; personal misconduct including sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or sexually deviant behavior; insubordination; failure or refusal to comply with Board or university policies; or disregard of the teachings of the Church as set forth in the statement of fundamental beliefs in the Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook and North American Division Working Policy. In the event of personal misconduct, the university shall not be required to institute supportive corrective measures, but may proceed with the termination of the faculty member’s employment subject to the faculty member’s right of appeal as outlined in this handbook. Failure of the Employee Handbook or any other formal statement of the university to address a matter specifically does not prohibit the Board from dealing with a problem.

A faculty member under suspension continues on the specified salary in his/her agreement. If the faculty member is dismissed or if the Board votes non-renewal of the agreement, the appropriate salary provisions in the “Employment Status Definition,” Policy 5010, will apply.