Hourly employees (excluding temporary and student employees) and their immediate supervisors will review the employees’ job performance at least once a year, usually in the fall semester. The department director will review and sign the performance appraisal. At that time, the employee will receive a copy of the performance appraisal form and a copy of the form will be sent to the Human Resources associate vice president to be included in the employee’s personnel file.

  1. The performance appraisal will include a written evaluation of the employee’s job performance, the supervisor’s comments and recommendations, an action plan for the employee and, if applicable, the supervisor, and performance goals for the next evaluation period. Information derived from the performance appraisal will be used to identify the training needs, if any, and to determine the employee’s eligibility for merit pay increases, promotion and transfer.
  2. Employee’s job performance will be evaluated on the basis of their experience and training, the job description, and the attainment of previously set objectives and goals. Factors to be considered in the employee’s performance appraisal include knowledge of the job, quantity and quality of work, promptness in completing assignments, cooperation, initiative, reliability, attendance, judgment, interpersonal skills, and acceptance of responsibility.