Financial Appeals Committee Update Delete

Reports to Senior Vice President for Financial Administration


Director of Student Finance (chair), Vice President for Student Development, Associate Vice President for Budgeting and Financial Analysis, Director of Records and Advisement, Director of Advancement, Associate Director of Admissions, Associate Director of Student Finance, Assistant Director of Student Finance, billing and statement coordinator, collections manager, residence hall dean, 1 Student Finance counselor representative (weekly rotation), 2 faculty representatives chosen by the Faculty Senate (two-year term).


The Financial Appeals Committee serves as a resource to students who are looking for an exception to an established financial aid or billing related policy. The Financial Appeals Committee also serves as the Institutional Review Panel for our State of Tennessee Scholarship and Grant appeals Committee, for students seeking exceptions to policies for state-based assistance from the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC). The Committee may make exceptions to student financial based policies and will take actions by e-mail and meet in person as needed.