HIST 330 Science and Religion: Synthesis from 1500 to the Present (IN-6) (W) View in Kuali Update Delete Update Rules PDF

Catalog 2022 — Indefinite    


This course focuses on the interaction between science and religion from the Scientific Revolution to our own present time. While often being seen as at war with one another and incompatible, an examination of the historical record shows much synthesis between science and religion as well as numerous interactions between both scientists and theologians. Through the readings and discussions, the class examines the historical nature of how scientists and society in general have dealt with issues concerning the nature of reality. Additionally, focusing on specific disciplines and how issues of religious and scientific beliefs have been discussed and debated provides a means of examining how synthesis may have occurred. Some of the topics include Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo’s understandings of the location of the earth and sun; Darwin’s theory of evolution and the resulting debate including the Scopes trial and intelligent design movement; medicine and the role of religious beliefs in treatments; and relativity and quantum mechanics and their religious implications.



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