BUAD 201 Business Major Qualification View in Kuali Update Delete Update Rules PDF

Catalog 2024 — Indefinite    


This pass-fail class assesses a student's readiness to gain School acceptance as a Business major, and is normally taken during the first semester of the sophomore year. Coursework includes meeting with the student's adviser, presenting a record of success of a minimum grade of C in ACCT 222, ENGL 102, and one of the following: MATH 112, MATH 122, MATH 125 or MATH 191, and induction into the School of Business by participating in the School of Business induction ceremony. Although the School of Business dean is instructor of record, the adviser works directly with the student, and the school as a whole conducts the final evaluation to determine the student's grade. To pursue a Business major, a student must first receive a Pass in this course.



Terms Offered

