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Showing 2,501-2,600 of 3,180 items.
#CodeNameUGGRADCSubjectSubject CodeAcademic DepartmentStatus 
2501PLSC295Directed Study
A course emphasizing individual directed study. The instructor to whom a student is assigned will determine whether credit is upper or lower division. This course also includes credit offered by the History Department on directed study tours. Writing emphasis credit for PLSC 495 only. Approval of the department is required prior to registration.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1997 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2502PLSC295Independent Study
A course emphasizing individual study. The instructor to whom a student is assigned will determine whether credit is upper or lower division. This course also includes credit offered by the History Department on independent study tours. Writing emphasis credit for PLSC 495 only. Approval of the department is required prior to registration.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2503PLSC310Moot Court
Students conduct research of legal controversies, prepare briefs, and argue cases before a mock judicial panel as part of the Tennessee Intercollegiate Legislative Society AMC3 Experience. Pass/Fail. May be repreated for up to four hours of credit.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 11 ($240), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2504PLSC310Moot Court
Students conduct research of legal controversies, prepare briefs, and argue cases before a mock judicial panel as part of the Tennessee Intercollegiate Legislative Society AMC3 Experience. Pass/Fail. May be repreated for up to four hours of credit.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 06 ($90), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2018 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2505PLSC320Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature
Students work through content and activities on legislative procedures designed to prepare them to participate in the annual Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature (TISL). Pass/Fail. May be repeated for up to four hours of credit.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 11 ($240), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2506PLSC320Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature
Students work through content and activities on legislative procedures designed to prepare them to participate in the annual Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature (TISL). Pass/Fail. May be repeated for up to four hours of credit.

Credits: 1, Lab Fee 06 ($90), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2018 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2507PLSC322Modern Latin America
This course covers the region from Mexico to Brazil to Chile that some call “Latin America.” Examines the revolutionary nineteenth century to the present day. Particular emphasis on race and religion, including the Catholic presence, evolution of Pentecostal and other Protestant communities, and Afro-Caribbean religious practice.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: N/A

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2508PLSC330Introduction to United States Constitutional Law
An introduction to the law of the United States Constitution, including the evolution of constitutional principles, methods of constitutional interpretation and analysis, and basic doctrines concerning the structure of government and the protection of individual rights

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2018 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2509PLSC340Modern East Asia
This course covers the period from the late nineteenth to twenty-first centuries. Particular emphasis on cultural, geopolitical, and economic interactions between Japan, China, and the Koreas. Students will gain fluency in broader themes of imperialism, modernization, nationalism, and gender.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: N/A

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2510PLSC345Middle Eastern Politics and History (W)
See HIST 345 for course description. This course is cross-listed with HIST 345. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2004 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2511PLSC345Modern Middle East (W)
See HIST 345 for course description. This course is cross-listed with HIST 345. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2512PLSC353From Colony to Nation (W)
A study of the colonial phase of American history with particular emphasis on the political texts of the age.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1992 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2513PLSC356Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration in American History (W)
See HIST 356 for course description. This course is cross-listed with This course is cross-listed with HIST 356. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1988 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2514PLSC356Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration in American History (W)
See HIST 356 for course description. This course is cross-listed with This course is cross-listed with HIST 356. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2515PLSC357Modern America (W)
A study of Twentieth-century political developments in the United States, focusing especially on the presidency, Supreme Court, and foreign affairs.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1989 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2516PLSC372Modern China
See HIST 372 for course description. This course is cross-listed with HIST 372. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2015 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2517PLSC379American Foreign Policy
See HIST 379 for course description. This course is cross-listed with HIST 379. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2015 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2518PLSC379American Foreign Policy
This course will examine American foreign policy from the late 1800s to the present. Major themes of American foreign policy and diplomacy will be engaged. This will begin with American public diplomacy in the late 1800s, will continue through both world wars, shifting strategies during the Cold War, in the post-Cold War, and post-9/11. This course is cross-listed with HIST 379. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2519PLSC388Contemporary Europe (W)
See HIST 388 for course description. This course is cross-listed with HIST 388. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2000 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2520PLSC388Modern Europe (W)
See HIST 388 for course description. This course is cross-listed with HIST 388. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2521PLSC430Modern Africa (W)
This course connects the region’s modern history with its contemporary politics with particular attention to patterns of colonialism, independence, post-independence systems of governance, policymaking, and domestic political institutions. Case studies are used to illustrate these patterns and to better understand the nuances driving political developments across Africa today.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: N/A

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2522PLSC450Legal Writing and Research
Students will learn the basic skills necessary for using legal resources using online digital research tools, commonly used in the practice of law. Students will also learn the basic Bluebook citation method. Students will learn the process of legal analysis, incorporating the results of their legal research into case briefs, appellate briefs and legal memoranda. The course presents the student with techniques for effective writing in the legal memoranda. The course presents the student with techniques for effective writing in the legal environment. The student will be required to argue their appellate brief before a local attorney as part of this class.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2020 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2523PLSC465Topics in Political Science
See HIST 465 for course description.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1980 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2524PLSC471Western Political Thought through the Renaissance (W)
See HIST 471 for course description. This course is cross-listed with HIST 471. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1992 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2525PLSC472Western Political Thought since the Renaissance (W)
See HIST 472 for course description. This course is cross-listed with HIST 472. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1992 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2526PLSC490Oral Exam
Independent study and reading in preparation for the one-hour oral exam taken the third week of the fall semester in the senior year. Students will read the assigned books, compose a departmental resume, and develop answers to thematic questions and political definitions in order to discuss them with faculty.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2019 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2527PLSC490Oral Exam
Independent study and reading in preparation for the one-hour oral exam taken the third week of the fall semester in the senior year. Students will read the assigned books, compose a departmental resume, and develop answers to thematic questions and political definitions in order to discuss them with faculty.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2528PLSC491Political Science Practicum
Supervised work experience in a state legislative, congressional, or other governmental office. A minimum of 50 clock hours is required with an additional 50 clock hours for each credit hour beyond one credit (e.g., 0 credits = 50 clock hours, 1 credit = 50 clock hours, 2 credits = 100 clock hours, etc.). Pass/Fail.

Credits: 0 - 6, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2529PLSC491Political Science Practicum
See PLSC 291 for course description.

Credits: 0 - 6, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2004 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2530PLSC495Directed Study
See PLSC 295 for course description

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1997 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2531PLSC495Independent Study
A course emphasizing individual study. The instructor to whom a student is assigned will determine whether credit is upper or lower division. This course also includes credit offered by the History Department on independent study tours. Writing emphasis credit for PLSC 495 only. Approval of the department is required prior to registration.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2532PLSC497Research Methods
This course trains students to conduct their own research on a political science topic of their choice. By the end of the semester, students will have crafted research designs useful for future publications or writing samples for employment or graduate applications. While the research project will consume much of our class time, professionalization topics will also be discussed.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 10 ($210), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2533PLSC497Research Methods
This course trains students to conduct their own research on a political science topic of their choice. By the end of the semester, students will have crafted research designs useful for future publications or writing samples for employment or graduate applications. While the research project will consume much of our class time, professionalization topics will also be discussed.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2534PLSC498Senior Capstone
This class meets bi-weekly during the fall semester of the senior year. It includes the senior retreat, a professional conference, attendance at career fairs and mentoring regarding getting jobs, going to graduate school, and spiritual discipleship for emerging adults.

Credits: 0 - 1, Lab Fee 02 ($15), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2020 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Political Science (PLSC)PLSCHistory and Political StudiesActive
2535PREL235Public Relations Principles and Theory
Basic public relations principles, philosophy, and theory as they relate to the historical development and contemporary practice of public relations; analysis of the role of public relations in business, industry, and nonprofit organizations, and of the functions and responsibilities of the public relations practitioner.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2000 — Indefinite)    
✔️✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2536PREL246Fundamentals of Advertising
This course is designed to give the student a thorough overview of the business of advertising. Principal topics considered include advertising theories, the relationship between marketing and advertising, Integrated Marketing Communication, media planning, and advertising research. The course also includes an introduction to creative direction, copywriting, advertising research, and the process of planning and preparing advertisements.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2019 — Indefinite)    
✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2537PREL265Topics in Public Relations
Selected topics in public relations and related areas presented in a classroom setting. This course may be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2002 — Indefinite)    
✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
Supervised work experience in public relations, advertising, or sales. At least 50 clock hours of work experience are required for each semester hour of credit. Procedures and guidelines are available from the school. Retroactive credit is not available.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
Supervised work experience in public relations, advertising, or sales. At least 90 clock hours of work experience are required for each semester hour of credit. Procedures and guidelines are available from the school. Retroactive credit is not available.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1998 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2540PREL295Directed Study
For students who want to do independent research and writing in a specialized area of public relations, advertising or marketing. Directed study topics will be selected with guidance from the instructor who will serve as a consultant to the student in carrying out the project.

Credits: 1 - 4, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1986 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2541PREL295Independent Study
For students who want to do independent research and writing in a specialized area of public relations, advertising or marketing. Independent study topics will be selected with guidance from the instructor who will serve as a consultant to the student in carrying out the project.

Credits: 1 - 4, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2542PREL310Social Media Strategies
This class examines the strategic use of digital and social media platforms and tools for professional purposes with an emphasis on hands-on experience and skills. Students will plan, execute, and evaluate social media campaigns. Special focus will be given to the measures, mechanisms, and necessary considerations for evaluating outcomes and communication effectiveness. Students will discover content management strategies and learn how to gather and analyze data and present results and recommendation in multiple ways including written, oral, visual, and digital. Drawing on theoretical and cultural perspectives, the course will also examine the pervasive impact social media is having on the relationship between individuals, organizations, and society.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2019 — Indefinite)    
✔️✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2543PREL325Public Relations Techniques
Communication techniques used in public relations to identify and reach specified audiences through mass media channels and through controlled media. Preparation of press releases, brochures, newsletters, reports, audio-visuals, speeches, and media campaigns; planning and conducting special events.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2544PREL355Advertising Copywriting
Principles and practices in writing and preparing advertising messages for the mass media. Analysis of successful advertising copy as well as opportunity for students to develop their own copywriting skills are part of the course. Social responsibility and ethics of the advertiser and copywriter are an integral part of instruction.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2009 — Indefinite)    
✔️✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2545PREL366Public Relations Strategies and Management
This course analyzes the changing public relations environment from a managerial perspective. Topics include the growing need for strategic planning, measurement of return on investment, credibility management, crisis communication, and management of social media. Senior communication professionals will be invited to present "real life" challenges they have confronted. Through case review, discussion of reputation issues in the news, and class presentations, students will focus on strategic thinking and creative approaches to management responsibilities in public relations.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2546PREL368Fundraising for Nonprofits (SERV-2)
Study of fundraising principles and concepts; techniques used in planning, organizing, and carrying out a fundraising campaign; developing prospect lists, writing proposals, identifying and training development leadership, and working with foundations.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1987 — Indefinite)    
✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
See PREL 291 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1998 — Indefinite)    
✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2548PREL455Public Relations Strategy and Management
This capstone course analyzes the changing public relations environment from a managerial perspective. Topics include the growing need for strategic planning, measurement of return on investment, credibility management, crisis communication, and management of social media. Senior communication professionals will be invited to present "real life" challenges they have confronted. Through case review, discussion of reputation issues in the news, and class presentations, students will focus on strategic thinking and creative approaches to management responsibilities in public relations.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2014 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2549PREL465Topics in Public Relations
See PREL 265 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2002 — Indefinite)    
✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2550PREL482The Public Relations Campaign (SERV-2)
In this course students apply public relations strategy in planning a campaign for a local organization utilizing the four-step method: research, action planning, communication and evaluation. This course involves real world application of communication theory and techniques with a nonprofit client. This course also meets the requirements for a service learning class.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2551PREL482The Public Relations Campaign (SERV-2)
In this course students apply public relations strategy in planning a campaign for a local organization utilizing the four-step method: research, action planning, communication and evaluation. This course involves real world application of communication theory and techniques with a nonprofit client. This course also meets the requirements for a service learning class.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1994 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2552PREL485Public Relations Techniques
Communication techniques used in public relations to identify and reach specified audiences through mass media channels and through controlled media. Preparation of press releases, brochures, newsletters, reports, audio-visuals, speeches, and media campaigns; planning and conducting special events.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (1998 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2553PREL493Public Relations Internship
Students work in the field of advertising, sales, or public relations to obtain on-the-job experience, preferably during an 8 to 12 week period the summer between the junior and senior year when no other college course is taken. At least 300 clock hours of work experience are required. Detailed procedures and guidelines are available from the School. Retroactive credit is not available.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2020 — Indefinite)    
✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2554PREL495Directed Study
See PREL 295 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 4, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1987 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2555PREL495Independent Study
For students who want to do independent research and writing in a specialized area of public relations, advertising or marketing. Independent study topics will be selected with guidance from the instructor who will serve as a consultant to the student in carrying out the project.

Credits: 1 - 4, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Public Relations (PREL)PRELSchool of Journalism and CommunicationActive
2556PSYA121Introduction to Psychology
An introductory course to the study of psychology as a science and a profession. This course provides basic instruction on how the scientific method is employed in the study of behavior and mental processes and how psychologists utilize this science in service to others. Required as a corequisite for all courses in the B.S. in General Psychology. Any new student who has completed PSYA 122-General Psychology, or its equivalent, within the previous five years before being admitted to the B.S. in General Psychology degree program will not be required to take PSYA 121-Introduction to Psychology.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (ADC) (PSYA)PSYASchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2557PSYA121Introduction to Psychology
An introductory course to the study of psychology as a science and a profession. This course provides basic instruction on how the scientific method is employed in the study of behavior and mental processes and how psychologists utilize this science in service to others. Required as a corequisite for all courses in the B.S. in General Psychology.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2022 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Psychology (ADC) (PSYA)PSYASchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2558PSYA122General Psychology
A beginning course in the basic principles and concepts of psychology. This course provides an exposure to a wide variety of human behaviors, which may include but are not limited to: sensation, perception, learning, memory, thinking, development motivation and personality. Hours of active learning are included in this course.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL, Module 1

Catalog: ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (ADC) (PSYA)PSYASchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2559PSYA128Developmental Psychology (IN-8)
This general education course is a study of human development from a lifespan perspective. Emphasis is placed on the scientific study of growth and change in the areas of physical, cognitive, socioemotional, and spiritual development of the individual.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL, Module 2

Catalog: ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (ADC) (PSYA)PSYASchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2560PSYA128Developmental Psychology (IN-8)
This general education course is a study of human development from a lifespan perspective. Emphasis is placed on the scientific study of growth and change in the areas of physical, cognitive, socioemotional, and spiritual development of the individual.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL, Module 2

Catalog: ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2022 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Psychology (ADC) (PSYA)PSYASchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2561PSYA224Social Psychology
A study of human behavior as affected in the context of the social world. Dynamics of groups, social roles, communication, and mass behavior are focuses of consideration.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER, Module 1

Catalog: ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (ADC) (PSYA)PSYASchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2562PSYA227Cognitive Psychology
This course is an introduction to the area of psychology which deals with how human beings process information about the world. The course focuses on how individuals attend to and obtain information about the world, how the brain stores and processes that information, and how individuals think, solve problems and use language. Specific topics such as attention, perception, memory and problem solving are addressed.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER, Module 2

Catalog: ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (ADC) (PSYA)PSYASchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2563PSYA315Abnormal Psychology
A study of the etiology of pathological behavior and the factors relating to good adjustment and mental health. Attention is paid to several continuing or recent controversial issues in the field of psychopathology.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL, Module 1

Catalog: ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (ADC) (PSYA)PSYASchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2564PSYA320Statistics for the Social Sciences
This course presents an introduction to statistical concepts and tools for understanding and analyzing data from studies in the social and behavioral sciences. Topics include measures of central tendency and variability, probability theory, sampling, frequency distributions, significance testing and statistical inference.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: SUMMER

Catalog: ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (ADC) (PSYA)PSYASchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2565PSYA346Introduction to Personality Theories
This course is an exploration of the major paradigms of personality theory from a Christian perspective. Psychoanalysis, behaviorism, humanism, existentialism, and others will be covered. It will focus on the modern theorists, including White, Rogers, Skinner, May, Bandura, Mischel, Wilson, and Barash. A study of human motivation and an exploration of individual personality perspective will provide useful personal information.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL, Module 2

Catalog: ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (ADC) (PSYA)PSYASchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2566PSYA357Psychological Testing
This course is designed to introduce the student to the principles of testing, particularly as it relates to the practice of psychology. Specifically, the course examines the purpose of individual assessment of ability, aptitude, achievement, interest, and personality. Theory and basic concepts underlying the individually administered and group tests will be evaluated. Non-standardized tests and other techniques for psychological assessment will also be addressed.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER, Module 1

Catalog: ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (ADC) (PSYA)PSYASchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2567PSYA390Health Psychology
A study of the principles of human behavior in understanding how the mind and body interact in health and disease. The course examines topics such as alcohol, other drugs and behavior, health promotion, psychosomatic illness, stress and coping, pain management, and health damaging behaviors.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER, Module 2

Catalog: ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (ADC) (PSYA)PSYASchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2568PSYA418History and Systems of Psychology
The course examines the beginnings of modern psychology from its origins in theology, philosophy, and the natural sciences, to its contemporary schools and theoretical systems that comprise psychology today.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL, Module 1

Catalog: ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (ADC) (PSYA)PSYASchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2569PSYA420Research Methods in the Social Sciences
This course presents an introduction to the basic research methods in the social and behavioral sciences. Topics include reviewing the literature, ethical practices, correlational/descriptive and laboratory/experimental design methodology, dependent and independent variables, principles of measurement, and reading and writing scientific research reports.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: SUMMER

Catalog: ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (ADC) (PSYA)PSYASchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2570PSYA426Issues in Psychology and Religion
This course will explore issues of importance in the relationship between Psychology and Religion from a Seventh- day Adventist Christian perspective. Cultural and historical factors, models of integration, and critical issues in psychology are examined in light of Scripture, inspired writings, and modern thinkers in Christian psychology.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL, Module 2

Catalog: ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (ADC) (PSYA)PSYASchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2571PSYA480Senior Seminar in Psychology
This is the capstone course of the B.S. General Psychology program and is to be taken during the student’s final term. This course comprises a study of psychology that integrates knowledge gained through previous coursework and experiences. The aim is to build on the psychology department’s conceptual framework through case studies and reflective essays. This course is offered for one credit with an option for two credits. The additional credit will consist of the completion of a senior thesis. FALL/WINTER/SUMMER.

Credits: 1 - 2, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Adult Degree Completion (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (ADC) (PSYA)PSYASchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2572PSYC100Careers in Psychology (SERV-2)
A seminar with a service learning component that introduces prospective psychology majors and minors to the field of psychology with its many and varied areas of specializations. The course focuses on the critical steps needed to be taken in the process of becoming a psychologist and an overview of the psychology programs offered at Southern Adventist University. One major requirement of the course is a 15-clock hour service learning activity.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2011 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2573PSYC101Psychology of Personal and Social Adjustment (IN-8)
This course will provide an opportunity for students to gain insight into their own behavior as well as that of others. Goals for this course include: understanding strategies for personal adjustment and growth across the life span, dealing with life changes and developing adequate coping mechanisms for making self-affirming life choices, maintaining health, managing stress, relating to others in one's social environments, and developing effective interpersonal relationships. Strategies for exploring life options and making effective decisions are emphasized. Importance is placed on the role of beliefs and values in the decision-making process and the problems that arise out of value conflicts.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2004 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education and PsychologyActive
2574PSYC101Psychology of Personal and Social Adjustment (IN-8)
This course will provide an opportunity for students to gain insight into their own behavior as well as that of others. Goals for this course include: understanding strategies for personal adjustment and growth across the life span, dealing with life changes and developing adequate coping mechanisms for making self-affirming life choices, maintaining health, managing stress, relating to others in one's social environments, and developing effective interpersonal relationships. Strategies for exploring life options and making effective decisions are emphasized. Importance is placed on the role of beliefs and values in the decision-making process and the problems that arise out of value conflicts.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 03 ($20), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2575PSYC122General Psychology
A beginning course in the basic principles and concepts of psychology. This course provides an exposure to a wide variety of human behaviors, which may include but are not limited to: sensation, perception, learning, memory, thinking, development motivation and personality. Hours of active learning are included in this course. Required of PSYC majors.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2004 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2576PSYC128Developmental Psychology (IN-8)
This general education course is a study of human development from a lifespan perspective. Emphasis is placed on the scientific study of growth and change in the areas of physical, cognitive, socioemotional, and spiritual development of the individual. Nursing majors are strongly encouraged to take this course.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1982 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2577PSYC128TDevelopmental Psychology
This general education course is a study of human development from a lifespan perspective. Emphasis is placed on the scientific study of growth and change in the areas of physical, cognitive, socioemotional, and spiritual development of the individual. Meets NAD certification requirements for Developmental and Educational Psychology.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: (2016 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education and PsychologyActive
2578PSYC128TDevelopmental Psychology
This general education course is a study of human development from a lifespan perspective. Emphasis is placed on the scientific study of growth and change in the areas of physical, cognitive, socioemotional, and spiritual development of the individual.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: (2022 — Indefinite)    
Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2579PSYC200Psychology Conference/Study Tours
Students attend a conference or participate in a study tour designed to enrich their educational experience and promote effectiveness and job preparedness within their field of study. Requirements include attendance and maintaining a log of resulting reflections/learning experiences. Lab fees based on destination.

Credits: 0 - 6, Lab Fee 29 ($1800), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
A study of the family system in preparation for parenthood and the dynamics of parent-child interaction. Attention is given to family planning, the childbirth experience, child development, techniques for developing close relationships and communication between parent and child, understanding and relating to children's individuality, common child rearing problems, and methods of modifying behavior. This course is cross-listed with SOCW 201. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2581PSYC201Parenting (IN-8)
A study of the family system in preparation for parenthood and the dynamics of parent-child interaction. Attention is given to family planning, the childbirth experience, child development, techniques for developing close relationships and communication between parent and child, understanding and relating to children's individuality, common child rearing problems, and methods of modifying behavior. This course is cross-listed with SOCW 201. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2015 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education and PsychologyActive
2582PSYC201Parenting (SERV-2)
A study of the family system in preparation for parenthood and the dynamics of parent-child interaction. Attention is given to family planning, the childbirth experience, child development, techniques for developing close relationships and communication between parent and child, understanding and relating to children's individuality, common child rearing problems, and methods of modifying behavior. This course is cross-listed with SOCW 201. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education and PsychologyActive
2583PSYC221Challenge Course Facilitation and Therapeutic Recreation
See OUTL 221 for course description. This course is cross-listed with OUTL 221. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 11 ($240), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2006 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education and PsychologyActive
2584PSYC221Challenge Course Facilitation and Therapeutic Recreation
See OUTL 221 for course description. This course is cross-listed with OUTL 221. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 11 ($240), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2585PSYC223Marriage and Family
This course provides an overview of marriage and the family from social-psychological dimension, including intimate, economic and spiritual aspects. Included are investigations of courtship and marriage relationships, preparation for marriage, family and parenthood, interpersonal relationships and marital adjustment. This course is cross-listed with SOCW 225. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2015 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education and PsychologyActive
2586PSYC223Marriage and Family
This course provides an overview of marriage and the family from social-psychological dimension, including intimate, economic and spiritual aspects. Included are investigations of courtship and marriage relationships, preparation for marriage, family and parenthood, interpersonal relationships and marital adjustment. This course is cross-listed with SOCW 225. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2587PSYC224Social Psychology
A study of human behavior as affected in the context of the social world. Dynamics of groups, social roles, communication, and mass behavior are focuses of consideration. This course is cross-listed with SOCI 224. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2588PSYC226Psychology of Religion
An examination of the psychological processes involved in religious experiences from personal, developmental, social and emotional perspectives.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2017 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education and PsychologyActive
2589PSYC226Psychology of Religion
An examination of the psychological processes involved in religious experiences from personal, developmental, social and emotional perspectives.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2590PSYC227Cognitive Psychology
This course is an introduction to the area of psychology which deals with how human beings process information about the world. The course focuses on how individuals attend to and obtain information about the world, how the brain stores and processes that information, and how individuals think, solve problems and use language. Specific topics such as attention, perception, memory and problem solving are addressed.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2004 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2591PSYC231Multicultural Relations
See SOCI 230 for course description. This course is cross-listed with SOCI 230 and SOCW 230. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2592PSYC231Multicultural Relations
See SOCI 230 for course description. This course is cross-listed with SOCI 230 and SOCW 230. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 01 ($10), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2003 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2593PSYC233Human Sexuality
A study of human sexual behavior, relationships, and values as reflected in the Christian cultural setting. This course is cross-listed with SOCI 233 and SOCW 233. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1982 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2594PSYC234H:Social Psychology (IN-8)
This course is part of the Southern Scholars curriculum. It is a more rigorous version of PSYC 224, a study of human behavior as affected in the context of the social world. Concepts such as group dynamics, social roles, communication, and mass behavior will be examined from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students will learn how social psychological concepts impact various arenas such as families, business, religion, law, politics, and media.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2016 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2595PSYC250Death and Dying
See SOCI 250 for course description. This course is cross-listed with SOCI 250, SOCI 450, SOCW 250, and SOCW 450. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 01 ($10), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2014 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2596PSYC253Industrial/Organizational Psychology
A study of human behavior in industries and organizations. Major theories, issues, research, and methods will be introduced. Emphasis is given to acquainting students with the possible applications of psychology to the fields of business and organizational management.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2597PSYC253Industrial/Organizational Psychology
A study of human behavior in industries and organizations. Major theories, issues, research, and methods will be introduced. Emphasis is given to acquainting students with the possible applications of psychology to the fields of business and organizational management.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2007 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education and PsychologyActive
2598PSYC253Industrial/Organizational Psychology
A study of human behavior in industries and organizations. Major theories, issues, research, and methods will be introduced. Emphasis is given to acquainting students with the possible applications of psychology to the fields of business and organizational management.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive
2599PSYC295Directed Study
This course permits the student with adequate preparation to pursue independent study in specific areas in psychology. The area of study will appear on the transcript. Directed study arrangements are to be completed by the student in advance of registration after consulting with the adviser and following an application process. Procedures and guidelines are available from the school. May be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1982 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education and PsychologyActive
2600PSYC295Independent Study
This course permits the student with adequate preparation to pursue independent study in specific areas in psychology. The area of study will appear on the transcript. Independent study arrangements are to be completed by the student in advance of registration after consulting with the adviser and following an application process. Procedures and guidelines are available from the school. May be repeated for credit.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Psychology (PSYC)PSYCSchool of Education, Psychology and CounselingActive