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Showing 901-1,000 of 3,180 items.
#CodeNameUGGRADCSubjectSubject CodeAcademic DepartmentStatus 
901CPTR386Technical Writing in Computing (W)
An introduction to writing research papers and proposals in computing. This course focuses on the IEEE format using LaTeX, technical writing style, and using computing information repositories, such as the ACM Digital Library, for research and proposal papers.

Credits: 1, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
902CPTR405Organization of Programming Languages
Computer language definition via formal syntax and semantics. Design and implementation issues of features found in most programming languages but including some features found only in modern programming languages. Programming language paradigms.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1984 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
903CPTR408Software Engineering
Team-based project class to introduce and apply software engineering principles, models (tradition and agile), practices (requirements gathering, design, implementation, and testing), and tools. Two hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
904CPTR415Compiler Construction
Principles and techniques of lexical analysis, parsing, semantic analysis, code generation, and optimization. Students will be required to design and implement a functional compiler for a given programming language.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1999 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
905CPTR418Artificial Intelligence
Search techniques and methods of knowledge representation. Application to areas such as planning, learning, expert systems, neural networks, intelligent agents, natural language processing, image processing, and speech recognition. Introduction to the languages used in AI.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1999 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRComputing, School ofActive
906CPTR418Artificial Intelligence
Search techniques and methods of knowledge representation. Application to areas such as planning, learning, expert systems, neural networks, intelligent agents, natural language processing, image processing, and speech recognition.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
907CPTR425Computer Graphics
This course teaches the principles of generating graphical images on a computer with an emphasis on the underlying mathematical theory and its programming implementations. Topics include graphics primitives, windowing techniques, clipping, 2-D and 3-D transformations, projections, 3-D viewing techniques, cubic interpolating and approximating curves, bicubic 3-D surface patches, fractal curves and surfaces, hidden line and surface removal, shading, surface mapping, ray tracing, animation techniques.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1992 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
908CPTR427Network Security
This course provides an overview to key issues and solutions for information security and privacy. Introduction to cryptography and its application to network and operating system security; security threats; applications of cryptography; secret key and public key cryptographic algorithms; hash functions; basic number theory; authentication; security for electronic mail and network scripting languages. Two hours of lecture and three hours of lab each week.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 11 ($240), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
909CPTR427Network Security
This course provides an overview to key issues and solutions for information security and privacy. Introduction to cryptography and its application to network and operating system security; security threats; applications of cryptography; secret key and public key cryptographic algorithms; hash functions; basic number theory; authentication; security for electronic mail and network scripting languages. Two hours of lecture and three hours of lab each week.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 11 ($240), Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2003 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
910CPTR435Mobile Application Development
Introduction to mobile device application development and device interfacing. Topics include connecting to web-based servers, accessing device sensors, communicating with wirelessly connected devices and sensor, and programming for mobile applications. Upon completion, students should be able to create basic connected applications for mobile devices.Two hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2018 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRComputing, School ofActive
911CPTR435Mobile Application Development
Introduction to mobile device application development and device interfacing. Topics include connecting to web-based servers, accessing device sensors, communicating with wirelessly connected devices and sensor, and programming for mobile applications. Upon completion, students should be able to create basic connected applications for mobile devices.Two hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
912CPTR435Mobile Application Development
Introduction to mobile device application development, design, and the development process. Topics include connecting to web-based servers, accessing device capabilities, industry standards, OS Software Development Kit (SDK), and other appropriate technology for developing mobile applications.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
913CPTR442Theory of Computation
Formal models of computation such as finite state automata, push-down automata and Turing machines. Formal languages. Computability and complexity theory along with the practical implications of theoretical results.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1999 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
914CPTR444Advanced Network Security
Advanced Network Security focuses on advanced, current topics in network security. Topics may include cryptography, privacy, confidentiality, integrity, authentication, network defense, penetration testing, offensive security, security protocols and other topics as appropriate. CANNOT BE REPEATED FOR GRADUATE CREDIT. This course is cross-listed with CPTR 542. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2018 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
915CPTR446Web Services
This is a practical course in web-centric computing from the server perspective. Topics include selection of web services servers, technical architecture of web services sites, security issues, implementation, management and maintenance of web services servers, web services design and implementation, and database integration. A team-based capstone project is required.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2008 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
916CPTR454Cyber Forensics
Cyber forensics focuses on computer science and information technology skills needed in: the initial discovery and assessment of incident impact; determination of root cause, impact, timeline, and actions; incident counteraction and neutralization to prevent further damages; elimination of threat actors and their artifacts; activities required to resume normal business operations; incident review and lessons learned.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2021 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
917CPTR456Advanced Web Programming
Advanced Web Programming focuses on front-end web programming. Topics include interaction between JavaScript, HTML and CSS, UI/UX JavaScript frameworks, responsive and accessible design, progressive web apps and integrating backend services with front-end web apps.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2021 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
918CPTR465Topics in Computer Science
See CPTR 265 for course description.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2002 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
919CPTR486Senior Seminar
Written and oral reports are made on specific computing topics/projects appropriate to each student's major program. Intellectual property, professional ethics, privacy issues, preparation for the job search, and witnessing on the job are also discussed. One hour of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 2, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2003 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRComputing, School ofActive
920CPTR486Senior Seminar (W)
Written and oral reports are made on specific computing topics/projects appropriate to each student's major program. Intellectual property, professional ethics, privacy issues, preparation for the job search, and witnessing on the job are also discussed. One hour of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 2, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
921CPTR488Senior Project
Individual capstone project that demonstrates the student's ability to integrate various elements of their undergraduate computing knowledge and skills. Individual project includes management, implementation, testing and presentation components. The course also includes a small, team-based experience that demonstrates the student's teamwork and communication skills. Six hours of laboratory each week.

Credits: 2, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2007 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
922CPTR492Computing Internship
See CPTR 292 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2005 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
923CPTR495Directed Study in Computer Science
See CPTR 295 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1980 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
924CPTR495Independent Study in Computer Science
Individual or group work adjusted to meet particular needs of computer science students. Formal written report required. May be repeated for credit up to six hours.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
925CPTR502Foundations of Software Development
Introduction to computer programming and software design, control structures, data types, data representation, elementary data structures will be covered. As well as the development of reliable, modifiable programs with an introduction to database management systems.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER | SUMMER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
926CPTR505Transition Course
Course work needed for admission to the master's program. This course does not count towards the master's degree requirements. May be repeated as necessary.

Credits: 1 - 6, Level: Graduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2015 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
927CPTR511Testing and Quality Assurance
A focus on the testing techniques, concepts, and processes needed to produce high quality, commercial grade software. The course examines the underlying theories that drive adequacy criteria for effective testing and exposes students to current research in software testing.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2012 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
928CPTR512Introduction to Data Analytics
This course introduces students to the computing skills needed for effective data analysis. Students will learn tools to collect and prepare data, apply statistical methods to draw conclusions from complex datasets, and train and evaluate machine learning models for classification and clustering.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
929CPTR512Programming in Data Analytics
This course introduces students to the computing skills needed for effective data analysis. Students will learn a data analytics programming language, statistical methods and tools to draw conclusions, in the form of text and graphics, from complex data sets.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
930CPTR519Databases and Data Warehouses
Database systems course covering data modeling, query languages, database design, data integrity, security, and data warehouses. Issues related to distributed database systems, object-oriented database systems, and legacy database systems are also discussed.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
931CPTR519Databases and Data Warehouses
This course covers data modeling, database design, query languages, data warehouses, and advanced cloud analytics. Students will learn how to build and execute queries on relational databases and NoSQL databases. Not open to students who have completed CPTR 319 or equivalent.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
932CPTR521Advanced Database Systems
Topics taken from spatial-temporal and constraint databases, data modeling, indexing, data warehousing, and data mining. Issues related to business intelligence are also discussed.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2012 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
933CPTR524Data Mining and Analytics
This course introduces students to data mining and knowledge discovery methods applied to real-world problems, including algorithmic and systems issues.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
934CPTR524Data Mining and Analytics
This course introduces students to knowledge discovery in structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data with several data mining methods and tools. The focus is on text mining, finding people with similar interests, forecasting, network analysis, image and text classification, and big data processing and analysis.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
935CPTR526User Experience
A hands-on course designed to provide developers with the skills, knowledge and understanding for the development of user interfaces having a good User Experience (UX). Current UX literature, UX Analysis, UX behavior basics, visual design principles, and implementation processes and technologies will be examined.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
936CPTR528Data Visualization
This course introduces students to the process of facilitating the understanding of complex data. Topics may include visualization software, maps, network visualization, multivariate visual representation, and exploratory data analysis.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
937CPTR528Data Visualization
This course introduces students to the process of visualizing complex data. Topics include fundamentals of data visualization, software for exploratory and multivariate visual representation, interactive web dashboards, and map and network visualizations.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
Techniques for the design and analysis of algorithms, divide-and-conquer, greedy, and dynamic programming algorithms. Computational complexity and analysis of particular algorithms of practical or theoretical importance in computer science.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2012 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
939CPTR534Advanced Network & Server Administration
Network and server administration to support internal operations and e-commerce. The role of the supervisor in managing user accounts, file systems, directories, security systems, resources, etc. Managing backup, printers, application, and operating system updates and Internet connections.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
940CPTR535Mobile Application Development
Introduction to mobile device application development, technologies, design, device interfacing, and the development process. Topics include connecting to web-based servers, User Experience, accessing device capabilities, industry standards, OS Software Development Kit (SDK), and other appropriate technology for developing mobile applications.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
941CPTR535Mobile Application Development
Introduction to mobile device application development, design, and the development process. Topics include connecting to web-based servers, accessing device capabilities, industry standards, OS Software Development Kit (SDK), and other appropriate technology for developing mobile applications. Includes a research component.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
942CPTR535LMobile Application Dev Lab

Credits: 0, Level: Graduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: (2021 — Indefinite)    
Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
943CPTR542Advanced Network Security
Advanced Network Security focuses on advanced, current topics in network security. Topics may include cryptography, privacy, confidentiality, integrity, authentication, network defense, penetration testing, offensive security, security protocols and other topics as appropriate.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2015 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
944CPTR544Offensive Cybersecurity
Advanced Network Security focuses on advanced, current topics in network security. Topics may include cryptography, privacy, confidentiality, integrity, authentication, network defense, penetration testing, offensive security security protocols and other topics as appropriate.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
945CPTR545Defensive Security
This course provides an overview to key issues and solutions for information security and privacy. Introduction to cryptography and its applications to network and operating systems security; security threats; application of cryptography; secret key and public key cryptographic algorithms; hash functions; basic number theory; authentication; security for electronic mail and network scripting languages. Two hours of lecture and three hours of lab each week.

Credits: 3, Lab Fee 10 ($210), Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
946CPTR546Web Services
This is a practical course in web-centric computing from the server perspective. Topics include selection of web services servers, technical architecture of web services sites, security issues, implementation, management and maintenance of web services servers, web services design and implementation, and database integration. A team-based capstone project is required.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
947CPTR551Parallel and Distributed Systems
Fundamentals of parallel and distributed computing, computational models, parallel / concurrency languages and algorithm, mapping and performance evaluations, Internet, mobile computing, and multi-tier computing.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2012 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
948CPTR553Advanced Software Engineering
An in-depth examination of software engineering including: business context and drivers, impact of process on corporate structure, requirements, architecture, implementation, project and product management, team dynamics, supporting tools and frameworks, and regulatory and compliance issues.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2012 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
949CPTR554Cyber Forensics
Cyber forensics focuses on computer science and information technology skills needed in: the initial discovery and assessment of incident impact; determination of root cause, impact, timeline, and actions; incident counteraction and neutralization to prevent further damages; elimination of threat actors and their artifacts; activities required to resume normal business operations; incident review and lessons learned.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
950CPTR555Advanced Computer Architecture
Fundamentals in design and quantitative analysis of modern processor microarchitectures including exploration of the current processor trends and various hardware and software techniques in high-performance computing. Review of pipeline and memory hierarchies and branch prediction. Dynamic scheduling, superscalar techniques, speculative execution, prefetching, high-speed I/O, VLIW, multi-threaded processors, and application-specific processors such as those for embedded and graphics systems.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2020 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
951CPTR556Advanced Web Programming
Advanced Web Programming focuses on front-end web programming. Topics include interaction between JavaScript, HTML and CSS, UI/UX JavaScript frameworks, responsive and accessible design, progressive web apps and integrating backend services with front-end web apps.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
952CPTR556Front-end Web Development
Front-end Web Development focuses on front-end web programming. Topics include interaction between JavaScript, HTML and CSS, UI/UX JavaScript frameworks, responsive and accessible design, progressive web apps and integrating back-end services with front-end web apps.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
953CPTR571Software Architecture
A study of the design and implementation of software. Software design issues in contemporary software; description, structure, architecture, development, testing, and deployment. A major software project will be developed.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: FALL ODD YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2023 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
954CPTR571System Software and Architecture
A study of the design and implementation of software systems. Software systems design issues in contemporary software systems; description, structure, architecture, development, testing, and deployment. A major software system will be developed.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER EVEN YEARS

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2012 - 2023)     Discontinued (2022-01-01)
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
955CPTR575Issues in Computer Science and Religion
Examines scientific method, truth, reality, logic and computability, authority/inspiration, faith and reason as they interact with computational sciences. Including non-logical factors in acceptance of scientific statements as authoritative arguments for the existence of God, causality, determinism and miracles, and scientific revolutions and paradigm shifts with relation to trends in religion and philosophy.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2012 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
Topics of current significance in computer science.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2012 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
957CPTR595Independent Study
Individual study and research under the supervision of a graduate faculty member. Only two independent study courses (a total of no more than six hours) are allowed to apply toward the Master of Science in Computer Science degree . Must be approved by the School of Computing before beginning the independent study.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2012 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
958CPTR597Field Practicum
This course provides the opportunity for students to apply knowledge, values, and theories as they practice advanced computing skills under the supervision of an experienced professional. Through advanced-level participation in a professional computing setting, the student demonstrates skills and competency for career readiness.

Credits: 3, Level: Graduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2021 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
A project consisting of significant work by an individual student. Involves the preparation of a project proposal, including a review of the literature, completion of the project, and preparation of a report, all under the guidance of a project adviser. The School of Computing must approve the project topic and the adviser. The student must successfully defend their project in a public, oral presentation. Note: This course must be taken for a total of at least six hours prior to the presentation. After all course work for the Master's program has been completed the student must take at least one hour project credit per semester until the project is completed.

Credits: 1 - 6, Level: Graduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2012 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
A body of original scholarly work by an individual student. Involves the preparation of a research proposal, including a review of the literature, under the guidance of a thesis adviser, and its subsequent implementation. The School of Computing must approve a thesis committee consisting of the thesis adviser and two or more other faculty members. The student must successfully defend their thesis in a public, oral defense. Note: This course must be taken for a total of at least six hours prior to thesis defense. After all course work for the Master's program has been completed the student must take at least one hour thesis credit per semester until the thesis is completed.

Credits: 1 - 6, Level: Graduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Graduate (2012 — Indefinite)    
✔️Computer Science (CPTR)CPTRSchool of ComputingActive
961ECON213Survey of Economics (IN-9)
A course designed for the general education student. It provides an understanding of the United States' mixed economy through a study of the market system, the role of money, the government's fiscal policy, and the impact of the foreign sector. No credit is available if ECON 224 or ECON 225 has been taken. This course does not apply for credit to a BBA or BS Business major.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1981 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONBusiness, School ofActive
962ECON213Survey of Economics (IN-9)
A course designed for the general education student. It provides an understanding of the United States' mixed economy through a study of the market system, the role of money, the government's fiscal policy, and implications of fiscal and monetary policy. No credit is available if ECON 224 or ECON 225 has been taken. This course does not apply for credit to a BBA or BS Business major.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
963ECON224Principles of Macroeconomics
A study of economics as it affects the national interest. Topics include total employment, output and income, with inflation and recession, and with the variables that influence these conditions. This course is cross-listed with PLSC 224, History Department. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONBusiness, School ofActive
964ECON224Principles of Macroeconomics
A study of economics as it affects the national interest. Topics include total employment, output and income, with inflation and recession, and with the variables that influence these conditions. The course also covers the material in ECON 213 Survey of Economics (see course description for ECON 213). A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
965ECON225Principles of Microeconomics
Analyzes specific market environments which influence business policy. Topics include scarcity and choice, individual goods and markets, and the price mechanism showing how it automatically directs the society's resources into the most desirable uses.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (1975 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
966ECON265Topics in Economics
Selected topics designed to meet the needs or interests of students in specialty areas of business and management. This course may be repeated for credit with permission.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2008 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONBusiness, School ofActive
967ECON265Topics in Economics
Selected topics designed to meet the needs or interests of students in specialty areas of business and management. This course may be repeated for credit with permission.

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
968ECON315Pluralist Economics
A heterodox approach to the study of macroeconomics, with an emphasis on theory rather than modeling. Students will explore the development and implication of various economics theories, many of which incompatible with each other. These may include, but are not limited to, Neoclassical (modern traditional), Radical (Marxist), Austrian, Post Keynesian, New Keynesian, Institutional, New Institutional, Feminist and Monetarist schools of thought.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
969ECON315Pluralist Economics
A heterodox approach to the study of macroeconomics, with an emphasis on theory rather than modeling. Students will explore the development and implication of various economics theories, many of which incompatible with each other. These may include, but are not limited to, Neoclassical (modern traditional), Radical (Marxist), Austrian, Post Keynesian, New Keynesian, Institutional, New Institutional, Feminist and Monetarist schools of thought.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2021 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
970ECON320International Trade Economics
A study in the economic relationships between countries and the role of trade in international economics. Special emphasis will be given to various trade theories, trade agreements, national accounting and exchange rates. At the macro level, the role of domestic monetary and fiscal policy on aggregate demand, the balance of trade and currency valuation will be explored. At the micro level, the role trade policies such as quotas, tariffs and voluntary restrictions will be explored in local market

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
971ECON320International Trade Economics
A study in the economic relationships between countries and the role of trade in international economics. Special emphasis will be given to various trade theories, trade agreements, national accounting and exchange rates. At the macro level, the role of domestic monetary and fiscal policy on aggregate demand, the balance of trade and currency valuation will be explored. At the micro level, the role trade policies such as quotas, tariffs and voluntary restrictions will be explored in local market

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2021 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
972ECON325Development Economics
A course to explore topics in the meaning and measurement of economic development, growth theories, migration, modernization and technological change, growth-compatible institutions, poverty and income distribution, the role of geography and nontraditional market structures, fertility and population growth, the role of credit markets and microfinance, health and nutrition.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
973ECON325Development Economics
A course to explore topics in the meaning and measurement of economic development, growth theories, migration, modernization and technological change, growth-compatible institutions, poverty and income distribution, the role of geography and nontraditional market structures, fertility and population growth, the role of credit markets and microfinance, health and nutrition.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2021 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
A preparation for basic empirical work in economics in which economic phenomena are analyzed through economic theory, mathematics and statistical inference. Emphasis is given to regression analysis techniques and testing time-series data hypotheses. Students will learn to make appropriate adjustments to data and interpret outcomes for forecasting and prediction.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
A preparation for basic empirical work in economics in which economic phenomena are analyzed through economic theory, mathematics and statistical inference. Emphasis is given to regression analysis techniques and testing time-series data hypotheses. Students will learn to make appropriate adjustments to data and interpret outcomes for forecasting and prediction.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2021 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
976ECON336Law and Economics
An examination of issues at the intersection of law and economics. Provides tools needed for the economic analysis of law, with special focus on tort law, contract law, property law, criminal law, and antitrust law. Specific topics include economic functions of contracts; externalities; and economic motives of crime, among others.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
977ECON354Intermediate Macroeconomics
A continuation of macroeconomics theory that will build the mathematical approach to traditional models in aggregate supply and demand, unemployment, inflation, income and spending, monetary policy, fiscal policy, financial markets, and consumption. Advanced development of theory in the role of stimulus and recession policy, growth policy, national debt, from various schools of economic thought.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2021 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
978ECON355Intermediate Microeconomics
A continuation of microeconomic theory that will build the mathematical approach to traditional models in decision-making framework of firms and individuals, pricing and profit maximization, market competition, production theory and factor markets. Advanced development of theory in the role of government, externalities, market failures, behavioral economics and irrational choices

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
979ECON355Intermediate Microeconomics
A continuation of microeconomic theory that will build the mathematical approach to traditional models in decision-making framework of firms and individuals, pricing and profit maximization, market competition, production theory and factor markets. Advanced development of theory in the role of government, externalities, market failures, behavioral economics and irrational choices

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2021 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
980ECON360Political Economy
See INDV 360 for course description. This course is cross-listed with INDV 360. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
981ECON360Political Economy
See INDV 360 for course description. This course is cross-listed with INDV 360. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2021 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
982ECON400Advanced Econometrics
A continuation of ECON 330 (Econometrics) which provides tools for analysis in applied econometrics. Begins with an understanding of what makes an ideal economic experiment and covers basic concepts related to logit and probit models, panel data methods, instrumental variables, difference-in-difference models, simultaneous equations models, among others.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
983ECON420Managerial Economics
Microeconomic theory and quantitative methods applied in business operations management, decision science, pricing strategy, advertising, financial management and business strategy. Course will evaluate fundamentals of industry competition, the structure of markets and how firms participate in these markets; growth and consolidation of markets and governmental responses; analysis of market power, the predictive behavior of firms from the framework of a game model; competitive behavior of firms that include price discrimination, collusion and vertical integration; industrial regulation and public policy.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
984ECON420Managerial Economics
Microeconomic theory and quantitative methods applied in business operations management, decision science, pricing strategy, advertising, financial management and business strategy. Course will evaluate fundamentals of industry competition, the structure of markets and how firms participate in these markets; growth and consolidation of markets and governmental responses; analysis of market power, the predictive behavior of firms from the framework of a game model; competitive behavior of firms that include price discrimination, collusion and vertical integration; industrial regulation and public policy.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2021 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
985ECON425Behavioral Economics
A study in contrasting traditional economics and rational choice with modern economics and irrational choice. Economic models will be discussed from the perspective of psychology and more realistic assumptions than in the utility maximization assumption. Students will attempt to predict economic outcomes by observing human behavior and measuring outcomes. Applications will include the efficiency of financial markets, irrational investments and asset bubbles.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
986ECON425Behavioral Economics
A study in contrasting traditional economics and rational choice with modern economics and irrational choice. Economic models will be discussed from the perspective of psychology and more realistic assumptions than in the utility maximization assumption. Students will attempt to predict economic outcomes by observing human behavior and measuring outcomes. Applications will include the efficiency of financial markets, irrational investments and asset bubbles.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2021 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
987ECON430Healthcare Economics
An overview of the structure of health care markets in the United States, the private and public third-party payer systems. Consideration is given to access, quality and affordability with a microeconomic framework of conflicting goals, the incentives of all market participants and cost-benefit analysis. Attention is given to reimbursement process of providers and the collection of payments. Traditional economic theory will be contrasted with actual outcomes.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
988ECON430Healthcare Economics
An overview of the structure of health care markets in the United States, the private and public third-party payer systems. Consideration is given to access, quality and affordability with a microeconomic framework of conflicting goals, the incentives of all market participants and cost-benefit analysis. Attention is given to reimbursement process of providers and the collection of payments. Traditional economic theory will be contrasted with actual outcomes.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2021 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
989ECON435Monetary Economics
A study in the role of central banking and monetary policy in the United States and the European Union. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the quantity theory of money, inflation targeting versus long-term interest rates, supply shocks, the interaction of fiscal versus monetary stimulus, unconventional monetary policy, central bank transparency and usage of zero floor versus negative interest rates. Students will contrast the traditional approaches to monetary policy with the advances in central banking management in light of economic crises.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
990ECON435Monetary Economics
A study in the role of central banking and monetary policy in the United States and the European Union. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the quantity theory of money, inflation targeting versus long-term interest rates, supply shocks, the interaction of fiscal versus monetary stimulus, unconventional monetary policy, central bank transparency and usage of zero floor versus negative interest rates. Students will contrast the traditional approaches to monetary policy with the advances in central banking management in light of economic crises.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2021 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
991ECON440Public Economics
A study of the impact of government policies on economic efficiency and distribution of resources. Provides tools to understand how the government makes decisions and what decisions it should make. Topics include public goods, externalities, market failure, equity and distribution, and taxation.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
992ECON452Financial Markets
Mediums of exchange, money and credit, banks and their services, the Federal Reserve System, and other financial institutions are considered. This course is cross-listed with FNCE 452. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
993ECON452Financial Markets
Mediums of exchange, money and credit, banks and their services, the Federal Reserve System, and other financial institutions are considered. This course is cross-listed with FNCE 452. A student may receive credit for this course from only one program.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2002 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
994ECON455Economic Forecasting
A continuation of ECON 330 (Econometrics) with a focus on the theory of forecasting and its applications in business and economics using econometrics computer software. Covers basic methods of forecasting using time series data, such as regression methods, exponential smoothing algorithms, and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) methods.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
995ECON460Money and Banking
A study of the basic theories of modern monetary systems. Covers the role of money and banks in the broader economy and the relevance of the Federal Reserve in connection with money and banking. Examines the role of financial markets and how financial institutions solve transaction costs and information problems. Utilizes a descriptive approach to the banking system, including bank management, the banking industry structure and regulation, and financial innovation. Topics on the Federal Reserve and monetary policy include the tools, goals, and strategies of central banking.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
996ECON465Topics in Economics
Selected topics designed to meet the needs or interests of students in specialty areas of business and management. This course may be repeated for credit with permission.

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
997ECON465Topics in Economics
See ECON 265 for course description.

Credits: 1 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2008 - 2022)     Discontinued (2021-01-01)
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONBusiness, School ofActive
998ECON465Topics in Economics
Selected topics designed to meet the needs or interests of students in specialty areas of business and management. This course may be repeated for credit with permission.

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: FALL | WINTER

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2022 - 2024)     Discontinued (2023-01-01)
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
999ECON470Game Theory
A study of multi-person, strategic decision problems. Provides a theoretical overview of modern game theory involving strategic decision-making in conflict and cooperation. The basic concepts developed include subgame perfect Nash equilibrium and dominant versus mixed strategies. Examples and applications will be drawn from economics and business, ranging from cartel behavior to international diplomacy.

Credits: 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: VARIABLE

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive
1000ECON491Economics Practicum
A practicum consists of supervised volunteer/work experience in related fields of economics/finance on a part-time basis. The work may be done at various job sites. A minimum of 50 clock hours of work experience is required for each semester hour of credit. Students choosing 0 hours will receive a grade of pass/fail. (Note: A maximum of 3 credit hours of practicum and/or internship may apply as an elective in the major.)

Credits: 0 - 3, Level: Undergraduate, Offered: ALL SEMESTERS

Catalog: ✔️ Undergraduate (2024 — Indefinite)    
✔️Economics (ECON)ECONSchool of BusinessActive