BA Liberal Arts Education View in Kuali Update Delete Update Rules PDF

Catalog 2021 — Indefinite    


  • Select an Emphasis/Concentration below to see program requirements.

Licensure Track Emphasis

Catalog 2023 — Indefinite    


The BA Liberal Arts Education degree leads to licensure K-8 SDA, K-5 TN. It meets K-8 standards for Seventh-day Adventist teaching licensure and K-5 standards for the State of Tennessee teaching licensure.

Licensure and certification are synonymous terms for the process of granting legal authorization to teach in the public or private elementary or secondary schools of a state or of the Seventh-day Adventist Church based on meeting predetermined qualifications. Licensure has been established to give professional status to qualified educators and to assure school boards and parents that the teacher is well prepared.

Each student accepted at Southern Adventist University who indicates teaching as the professional objective is assigned an educational program adviser by the Records and Advisement Office. Advisers assist in planning a student's academic program each year and guide advisees through each transition of Teacher Education. Advisers and advisees should work closely to follow the professional sequence of courses.

Admission Requirements


At the time of an individual's admission to Teacher Education, the current and subsequent catalogs will determine the requirements for completion of the program and graduation. Candidates, however, must meet any and all such additional requirements mandated by the NAD, CAEP, or the State of Tennessee Department of Education, even though such changes may not be listed in the Teacher Education programs in the particular catalog under which the candidate entered. Candidates should stay in contact with the School of Education and Psychology to be aware of any changes that may affect them.


Admission to Southern Adventist University does not automatically admit the student into teacher education. Because this is a licensure program, there are four transitions a student must complete. In each transition the student demonstrates growth toward becoming an educator who will make a positive impact on students and learning.

Students assume responsibility for making necessary applications, meeting the requirements, and other relevant deadlines.


Upon enrollment in EDUC 129/EDUC 138, students enter Transition One. The following criteria are required for completion of Transition One.

  1. Application for pre-admission to Teacher Education.
  2. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students must, with or without reasonable accommodation (physically and mentally), be capable of performing the essential functions of the program.
  3. Cumulative college GPA of 2.75 or higher.
  4. Enhanced ACT/SAT composite score of 21 OR submission of detailed study plan.
  5. Tennessee Board of Investigation background check. Should this check indicate a criminal offense, established departmental protocol will be followed.
  6. "Criteria Met" descriptor on the Educator Disposition Assessment for professionalism.
  7. Completion of EDUC 129 with a minimum grade of C.


When 45 hours have been completed, the student will enroll in EDUC 201 and certify completion of the following criteria:

  1. Completion of ENGL 101 and ENGL 102, each with a minimum grade of C.
  2. 2.75 GPA or higher (cumulative, major, and Professional Education).
  3. Courses in the major or professional education with a grade lower than a C have been repeated.
  4. Enhanced ACT/SAT composite score of 21 OR have passing scores on all three sections (Reading, Writing, Mathematics) of the Core Academic Skills for Educators test which is the entrance competency test required by the State of Tennessee.
  5. Application for Initial Admission.
  6. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Candidates must, with or without reasonable accommodation (physically and mentally), be capable of performing the essential functions of the program.
  7. Recommendations from academic adviser and the Vice President of Student Development.
  8. Personal Affirmation Statement

Successful completion of Transition Two is required for students to enroll in most upper division education courses.

At the completion of Transition Two, the current and subsequent catalogs will determine the requirements for completion of the program and for graduation. Deviations to this policy will be valid only if mandated by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists and/or the TN Department of Education. Teacher candidates who achieve admission to candidacy must complete a significant number of clock hours of supervised clinical experience prior to student teaching. For state licensure, all supervised clinical experience, including student teaching, must be completed within state-recognized partnerships.

Note: Courses with grades lower than C in the major studies and professional education must be repeated. Courses required only for SDA licensure must be repeated for any grade lower than a C-.


Prior to the student teaching semester, candidates must pass all required PRAXIS II licensure exams. Each candidate must arrange for a Designated Institutional Report to be sent by the testing service to Southern Adventist University and the State of TN as evidence of passing scores. Candidates planning to student teach in the fall semester must pass all required PRAXIS II exams by June 15. All candidates planning to student teach in the winter semester must pass all required PRAXIS II exams by October 15 of the preceding year.

With the exception of EDUC 464 and PEAC 425 according to the State of TN, "no other courses may be taken by candidates during the student teaching clinical practice. In exceptional cases, candidates may seek the approval of [the Teacher Education Council] to take no more than one additional course provided: (1) the course does not interfere with the participant's full participation in all activities associated with student teaching, and (2) no other opportunity exists for the candidate to take the course before completion of the educator preparation program" (TN Educator Preparation Policy 5.504). Requests for exceptions must be submitted to the Teacher Education Council at the time of applying for student teaching. The Teacher Education Council will determine if the exception will be granted.

If personal circumstances demand an off-campus or online course, a petition must be filed with the School of Education and Psychology and its approval obtained before registering for the course. The course must be completed and the grade filed in the Records and Advisement Office prior to the beginning of student teaching.

The candidate must submit a formal application to be considered for admission to student teaching. A late application submission may delay the student teaching semester.

The following criteria are required for admission to student teaching:

  1. Student Teaching application and recommendation forms from adviser and recent education professor. Applications are due by January 30 for student teaching in the fall semester and by April 30 for student teaching in the winter semester.
  2. Completion of all professional education courses.
  3. 2.75 GPA (cumulative, major, and professional education).
  4. Professional education, major, and cognate courses with grades lower than a C have been repeated.
  5. Minimum grade of C- in religion and health courses required for SDA teaching licensure.
  6. Evidence of professional dispositions as defined by the Educator Disposition Assessment.
  7. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Candidates must, with or without reasonable accommodation (physically and mentally), be capable of performing the essential functions of the program.
  8. Passing scores on required PRAXIS II exams. Candidates must pass each required Praxis II exam within 2 attempts.
  9. Key evidences submitted in online platform. These evidences must be at the Proficient level or above.
  10. Evidence of CPR/First Aid certification.
  11. Completion of Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). A PIP is indicated only when scores on any program candidate assessment fall below the expected criteria. When a PIP has been in place, there must be evidence that the plan has been successfully executed for progression within the program.

Applicants meeting the above criteria are approved by the Teacher Education Council. The candidate will be informed in writing as to the status of the admission following the action of the Teacher Education Council.

In the event that the Teacher Education Council recommends a conditional acceptance, the candidate will be notified of the condition. The adviser and candidate will collaborate in the development of the PIP. Student teachers accepted on condition will receive additional coaching from assigned supervisors. Failure to complete the PIP in a satisfactory manner may result in a third placement or termination of the student teaching placement. The Teacher Education Council will determine eligibility for continuing in student teaching. [Previously called "Action Plan"]

Candidates who do not meet the required criteria may appeal to the Teacher Education Council. However, submission of an appeal does not guarantee admission to student teaching.


Student teaching is considered the culminating experience of the Teacher Education Program. To successfully exit the program the following criteria must be met:

  1. Completion of student teaching.
  2. Passing scores on edTPA, as required.
  3. Application for teaching licensure.


  • Students transferring from another institution and desiring immediate admission to Teacher Education must provide two recommendations from professors at the institution from which they are transferring and meet all admission requirements.
  • Transfer students who are seeking licensure and have completed the majority of their field experiences at another institution will be required to complete EDUC 201 and EDUC 339. On an individual basis, a student may be advised to audit additional courses.
  • Prior to any field experience, transfer students must complete a Tennessee Bureau of Investigation background check. Should a fingerprint report yield record of a criminal offense, established departmental protocol will be followed.

Program Specific Information


Every candidate who successfully completes the requirements for teaching in the elementary or secondary school and graduates from Southern Adventist University will receive recommendation for licensure based upon the following criteria:

  1. Successful completion of student teaching assignments
  2. Satisfactory completion of all credential requirements
  3. Passing scores on the following examinations:
    • All required Praxis II
    • Applicable edTPA

Licensure is not automatic. The eligible candidate must make the necessary application to the Southern Union Conference, and to any other appropriate union conference for denominational certification; and to the State of Tennessee and to any other specific state department of education where the candidate expects to teach. Information regarding licensure is available from the Southern Adventist University certification officer. Since teacher licensure regulations are always in the process of change, graduating teacher education candidates are urged to make their applications for licensure as soon as possible.

Licensure is not automatic. The eligible candidate must make the necessary application to the Southern Union Conference, and to any other appropriate union conference for denominational certification; and to the State of Tennessee and to any other specific state department of education where the candidate expects to teach. Information regarding licensure is available from the Southern Adventist University certification officer. Since teacher licensure regulations are always in the process of change, graduating teacher education candidates are urged to make their applications for licensure as soon as possible.


  1. Initial Teaching License (Tennessee)
    A license is issued on the basis of a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree with a major in at least one subject teaching field and the completion of an approved teacher education program. Passing scores on all required PRAXIS II Examinations and edTPA (as required) must be obtained.
  2. Basic Certificate (SDA denominational)
    This denominational certificate is issued on the basis of completing the following courses in addition to the required professional education and other EDUC courses. A minimum grade of "C-" is required in these:
    • HLED 173 - Health for Life 2 hours
    • RELB/RELT Biblical Studies/Theological Studies 3 hours
    • REL Upper division religion elective 3 hours
    • RELT 138 - Adventist Heritage (R-2) 3 hours
    • RELT 255 - Christian Beliefs (R-2) 3 hours
      RELT 484 - Christian Theology I (R-4) 3 hours and RELT 485 - Christian Theology II (W) (R-4) 3 hours


Candidates for state licensure must complete the appropriate teacher preparation curriculum. This consists of three components: general education, professional education, and major studies as specified in the Southern Adventist University Catalog.

  1. General Education:
    This component represents that portion of the total teacher education program designed to foster the development of those competencies that are basic to life's responsibilities and provides intellectual foundation in the liberal arts. Students pursuing a teacher education curriculum must work closely with their advisers for guidance in the selection of general education courses that are appropriate to their individual needs. Relevant courses are listed in this Catalog under the three main areas of the General Education requirements.

  2. Major Studies:
    Major studies requirements: Preparation for teaching in the elementary school requires a B.A. in Liberal Arts Education leading to licensure K-8 SDA (K-5 TN) or its equivalent.

Off-campus or online credit will be accepted to the extent of twenty-five percent of the credit required for licensure provided that no more than three semester hours in education are applied on the professional education requirement.

Additional Endorsements:
For licensure, a major is not always required for additional endorsements. A minor may be acceptable in some disciplines as a second endorsement area. Candidates should contact the Certification Officer in the School of Education and Psychology for information on specific requirements in the area(s) of endorsement sought.

Individuals meeting requirements for secondary licensure who wish to be licensed for elementary or individuals meeting the requirements for elementary education licensure who wish to be licensed/endorsed in one or more secondary areas must meet with the Certification Officer to work out an individualized course of study that meets State of Tennessee and/or Seventh-day Adventist guidelines for teaching licensure.

REQUIRED COURSES (46 Total Credits)
Select 3 credit(s):
GENERAL EDUCATION (33 Total Credits)
  • Select RELB (Biblical Studies), RELL (Biblical Languages), RELP (Religious Professional Studies), RELT (Religion and Theology) Electives from courses numbered 300 - 499 (3 credits)
FOREIGN LANGUAGE (0 - 6 Total Credits)
  • Complete at least 0-6 credits in this area
    (Elementary Foreign Language or two years of Foreign Language in high school)
Grand Total Credits: 124 - 130

Non Licensure track Emphasis

Catalog 2024 — Indefinite    


Students not seeking teaching licensure must complete the liberal arts education major as well as Southern Adventist University’s general degree requirements for the baccalaureate degree as listed under “Academic Policies,” including:

  • A minimum of 124 semester hours with a resident and cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or above.
  • A minimum of 40 hours of upper division credit, to include at least 14 upper division hours in the major for a B.A. degree.
  • Completion of the major and a minor (two majors accepted) for a B.A. degree with a cumulative grade point average of 2.25 in the major and cognate courses, completion of the General Education requirements, and electives to satisfy the total credit requirements for graduation.
  • Students in this major must choose a minor or second major in an area other than education.

REQUIRED COURSES (46 Total Credits)
Select 3 credit(s):
  • Select BIOL (Biology), CHEM (Chemistry), ENGL (English), ELIT (English Literature), HIST (History), PLSC (Political Science), JOUR (Journalism), COMM (Communication), PREL (Public Relations), SPAN (Spanish), FREN (French), GRMN (German), ITAL (Italian), ASL (American Sign Language), MDLG (Modern Language), ARAB (Arabic), MUCT (Music Theory), MUCH (Church Music), MUPF (Music Performance), MUHL (Music History), MUED (Music Education), OUTL (Outdoor Leadership), PHYS (Physics), AART (Animation), ART (Studio Art), ARTH (Art History), ARTF (Film Production), ARTG (Graphic & Web Design), ARTI (Interactive Media), ARTE (Art Education) Electives from courses numbered 300 - 499 (8 credits)
MINOR (18 - 24 Total Credits)
  • Complete at least 18-24 credits in this area
GENERAL EDUCATION (36 - 39 Total Credits)
FOREIGN LANGUAGE (0 - 6 Total Credits)
  • Complete at least 0-6 credits in this area
    (Elementary Foreign Language or two years of Foreign Language in high school)
ELECTIVES TO = 124 (16 - 1 Total Credits)
  • Complete at least 16-1 credits in this area
Grand Total Credits: 124

Sample Degree Plan

Grand Total Credits: