General Education (ADC) View in Kuali Update Delete Update Rules PDF

Catalog 2022 — Indefinite    


The Mission

Southern Adventist University nurtures Christ-likeness, traditional Seventh-day Adventist values, academic excellence, and a life-long pursuit of truth, wholeness, and service.

Statement of Purpose

The general education program develops scholarship from a variety of perspectives to prepare students for leadership in their churches, families, and in society. In developing the whole person, it challenges students to achieve physical fitness, to model Christ-likeness, to reflect on beauty, and to value truth.

General education is key to achieving Southern Adventist University's mission since that part of the curriculum is common to the student body as a whole. Hence, it is designed to help all students develop those traits that mark a Southern Adventist University graduate. The Student Learning Goals articulated below are specific dimensions arising from the institution's mission, and vision. Southern Adventist University students will demonstrate competency in each of the student learning goals by completing the associated requirements.

Student Learning Goals

For each area the minimum number of credit hours are listed for bachelor's and associate degrees respectively. E.G. In area R, bachelor's degree candidates must complete 12 hours, while associate degree candidates must complete 6. Some courses may include more hours than required, but in every requirement there are options that meet the minimum number of hours.



R. Spiritual Development


Student Learning Goal: Students will grow in a vibrant relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ while integrating into their lives Bible-based beliefs and values as understood by the Seventh-day Adventist church.

Rationale: A graduate of Southern Adventist University has a knowledge of the Bible and a sense of Christian community based on the teachings, beliefs, and history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

A correct understanding of the human condition results from a knowledge of the Bible as God's word, a commitment that springs from that truth, and a system of values derived from such knowledge and insight.

Requirements: Bachelor's degree students must take a minimum of 12 hours of Religion courses, at least 3 hours of which must be upper division. These hours must be distributed as follows.

Adult degree completion students must take 3 hours at an accredited Seventh-day Adventist college or university for each year or part thereof in attendance at an SDA college or university, with a minimum of 6 hours.

  • Students entering Southern with at least 48 semester credit hours are required to take only 6 credits in Religion at Southern. One course must be taken from Area R-2 and the remaining Religion course from Area R-1, R-3, or R-4.
  • Students entering Southern with at least 24 semester credit hours are required to take only 9 credits or fewer in Religion at Southern. One course must be taken from Area R-2 and the remaining Religion courses from Area R-1, R-3, or R-4, but may not take more than one class from any single sub-area.



Spiritual Development



Students will

1. assess their personal spiritual experience and evaluate areas of growth

2. demonstrate that they know how to carefully study the Bible in a way that brings out the truth of the text and meaningfully applies it to their lives

3. demonstrate what it means to have a personal devotional experience and to live out their faith

4. show an understanding of Christ likeness and be able to reflect on practical ways in which they can make positive changes in their personal lives

Complete: RELB 125 or RELT 177



Seventh-day Adventist Teachings



Students will demonstrate an understanding of the Seventh-day Adventist theological identity while integrating into their lives Bible-based beliefs and values as understood by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Complete: RELT 138, RELT 225, or RELT 255



Biblical Studies



Students will grow in a vibrant relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, while integrating into their lives Bible-based beliefs and values as understood by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Complete: Any Biblical studies class (RELB) except RELB 125, RELB 255, RELB 455, and RELB 497



Required Elective:



Students are required to complete one additional religion elective from the following options:

  • RELB classes
  • RELT classes
  • RELP 240/RELP 340, RELP 251, RELP 252, RELP 264, RELP 363, RELP 405, or RELP 467

Associate degree students are required to take 6 credits, 3 of which must come from Area R-1 above and the other 3 credits which must come from either Area R-2 or Area R-3 above.

Transfer students must take 3 hours at an accredited Seventh-day Adventist college or university for each year or part thereof in attendance at an SDA college or university, with a minimum of 6 hours. Transfer students who are required to take only 9 credits or fewer in Religion at Southern may take their remaining Religion courses from either Area R-1, R-2, or R-3, but may not take more than one class from any single sub-area.



IN. Intellectual Development


Student Learning Goal: Students will demonstrate the cognitive skills of critical reasoning, independent thinking, reflective judgment, communication; and the socio-emotional maturity to confront issues, ideas, and values of contemporary and historical civilization; and to become effective leaders and contributing members of their churches, families, groups and communities.

Rationale: The ability to appreciate and understand problems, people, and circumstances using a variety of skills and perspectives from a breadth of disciplines is an attribute of both leadership and effective work in churches, families, groups, and communities. Christian leaders integrate their knowledge in service to God and to humanity. Southern Adventist University graduates will gain balanced perspectives, knowledge, and skills through intellectual study in the following areas: humanities/fine arts, social/behavioral science, science/mathematics.

The humanities/fine arts required in IN-2, IN-3, IN-6 and IN-10 develop communication skills, critical reasoning, independent thinking, and reflective judgment across English composition, oral communication, historical perspectives and aesthetic analysis.

The social/behavioral sciences required in IN-1, IN-5, IN-8 and IN-9 develop understanding and encourage reflection on human and emotional development, and societal issues including the inter-relationship of humans with technological, political and/or economic systems.

The science/mathematics required in IN-4 and IN-7 develop knowledge and understanding of the scientific perspective and the ability to understand and use statistical concepts.

Requirements: Bachelor's degree students must complete all requirements in area IN. Associate degree students must complete IN-1 to IN-8.



Written Communication Skills



Students will demonstrate critical, independent thinking, clearly communicate their ideas in written form, and demonstrate the ability to select appropriate evidence from quality sources.

Complete: ENGL 101; ENGL 102 or ENGL 103 (Required for Southern Scholars).

Students with an ACT English score < 18 must register for ENGL 100 and achieve an ACT score of 18 or higher before entering ENGL 101.

Candidates for the Bachelor of Integrative Studies degree must complete three writing-emphasis classes.

These classes are identified by a "(W)" following the course name, (e.g., History of the South (W)] in the departmental listings. once such class must be in the student's major field and one must be outside the major field. The third may be chosen from any area. The writing done as a part of the program overseas completed by students majoring in International Studies, Spanish, or French will be accepted in place of a specially designated "W" course in the major.



Oral Communication Skills



Students will demonstrate critical, independent thinking, clearly communicate their ideas in oral form, and demonstrate the ability to select appropriate evidence from quality sources.

Complete: COMM 135 or COMM 145 (Required for Southern Scholars).



Statistical Skills



Students will understand basic statistics, correctly analyze statistical data, and interpret statistical conclusions on a substantial data set in a project.

Complete: MATH 215 or a major or minor from the department of Mathematics. Students with an ACT Mathematics score of 15 or below must complete MATH 081 with a grade of C or better before the student registers for any other mathematics course. Nursing majors with a MATH ACT score of 22 or higher, see the nursing program for additional information on Mathematics requirements.

*AS degree seeking students may take either a math or a science to fulfill their general education



Computing Concepts



Students will demonstrate an understanding of computer concepts related to the effective, safe, and responsible use of computing technology and demonstrate skill in evaluating technology and information.

Complete: CPTE 100 or a Major from the School of Computing. Students that have not completed a course covering word processing and spreadsheets must complete CPTE 105 and CPTE 106.



Historical Perspectives



Students will

  1. recognize and articulate the interrelations between political, social, economic, religious, and/or intellectual developments within a particular historical era or across a range of historical periods
  2. demonstrate their ability to think critically when they analyze the arguments of primary and secondary texts while considering the historical and/or cultural assumptions of these arguments

Complete 3 hours from: HIST 130, HIST 140, HIST 154, HIST 155, HIST 174, HIST 175, HIST 250, HIST 260, HIST 280, HIST 345, HIST 351, HIST 352, HIST 353, HIST 356, HIST 357, HIST 363, HIST 364, HIST 365, HIST 366, HIST 374, HIST 375, HIST 380, HIST 386, HIST 387, or HIST 388.



Natural Science



Students will be able to apply the scientific process correctly and demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and limitations of natural science in classroom and laboratory experiences within a Seventh-day Adventist world view.

Complete 3 hours from: BIOL 101, BIOL 103, BIOL 151, CHEM 107, CHEM 119, CHEM 151, ERSC 105, PHYS 137, PHYS 155, PHYS 211 and PHYS 213, or PHYS 221 and PHYS 223.

*AS degree seeking students may take either a math or a science to fulfill their general education



Human Development



Students will understand and reflect on a range of cognitive, emotional, social, and societal issues and developmental concepts across the human lifespan from a Seventh-day Adventist worldview.

Complete: PSYC 101, PSYC 128, PSYC 234, or SOCI 125.



Aesthetic Analysis



Apply critical thinking and reflective judgment to creative works of literature, music, or art from a Seventh-day Adventist world view.

Bachelor's degree candidates must complete 3 hours from: ARTH 218, ARTH 225, ARTH 235, ARTH 245, ARTH 318, ARTH 335, ARTH 325, ARTH 345, COMM 326, ELIT 175, ELIT 214, ELIT 215, ELIT 216, ELIT 323, ELIT 332, ELIT 333, ELIT 335, ELIT 337, ELIT 338, ELIT 340, ELIT 342, ELIT 346, ELIT 417, ELIT 425, ELIT 444, ELIT 445, ELIT 468, ENGL 220, HMNT 205, MUCH 216, MUHL 115, MUHL 120, or MUHL 218.



P. Physical Development


Student Learning Goal: Students will take responsibility for their own well-being through participating in physical activities that promote a healthy lifestyle and prepare for a healthy life in their career.

Rationale: Physical fitness impacts success in all areas of life. Hence, optimal success in life rests on a foundation of a balanced life that includes fitness. Southern Adventist University students participate in fitness as part of the whole-person education that comes from the Seventh-day Adventist philosophy of education.

Requirements: Bachelor's degree students must complete all requirements in area P. Associate degree students must complete P-1a and a single course from P-1b.



Fitness for Collegiate Life



Students will demonstrate responsibility for the psycho motor component of their well-being by participating in appropriate health-promoting physical activities appropriate for college students. Must be completed before admission to any subsequent PEAC/ADAC courses.

Complete: PEAC 125.



Physical Activity



Students will participate in courses that introduce them to physical activities that promote healthy living for the present and future. PEAC 125 is a prerequisite for all PEAC and ADAC courses.

Bachelor's degree candidates must complete 2 hours from: ADAC 141, ADAC 142, ADAC 145, ADAC 146, ADAC 148, ADAC 151, ADAC 152, ADAC 155, ADAC 156, ADAC 160, ADAC 161, ADAC 162, ADAC 200, ADAC 212, ADAC 214, ADAC 215, ADAC 248, ADAC 262; PEAC 121, PEAC 123, PEAC 130, PEAC 131, PEAC 133, PEAC 134, PEAC 136, PEAC 137, PEAC 140, PEAC 143, PEAC 153, PEAC 215, PEAC 223, PEAC 230, PEAC 231, PEAC 232, PEAC 235, PEAC 241, PEAC 243, PEAC 247, PEAC 257, PEAC 261, PEAC 254/RECR 254, PEAC 325.

General Electives

The number of general electives depends on the degree and program of choice. All students must meet the minimum number of hour requirement for their degree. Those hours remaining after fulfilling the requirements of their major/minor program(s) and general education are general elective hours and may be taken from any courses offered at the undergraduate level at Southern Adventist University.

Summary of General Education Hours



Area R - Spiritual Development




Area IN - Intellectual Development




Area P- Physical Development








Sample Degree Plan

Grand Total Credits: