Master of Arts in Teaching View in Kuali Update Delete Update Rules PDF

Catalog 2022 - 2023     Discontinued (2022-01-01)

Goals / Objectives / Outcomes

The goal of the Master of Arts in Teaching program is to provide a pathway for candidates who already hold an undergraduate degree to achieve initial teaching licensure.

This goal is realized by providing opportunities for candidates to become effective in the following roles: (a) a caring person, (b) an informed facilitator of learning, (c) a reflective decision-maker, and (d) a committed professional. These then lay the foundation for professional excellence and constitute the core objectives of the Master of Arts in Teaching program.

Admission Requirements

In addition to the University and School of Education and Psychology admission requirements for graduate study, an applicant to the Master of Arts in Teaching program will comply with the following requirements in order to be admitted in regular standing:

  1. Fingerprinting and Criminal History: Fingerprinting and criminal history records check conducted by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  2. Baccalaureate Degree: A baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education. For those seeking elementary education K-5 licensure, the undergraduate major must be in the arts and sciences disciplines. For those seeking initial licensure in a 6-12 endorsement area, the undergraduate major must be in the content area of the endorsement sought. For those seeking NAD certification, a transcript analysis will be conducted to determine if additional coursework is needed to meet NAD requirements.
  3. Minimum GPA: A minimum overall GPA of 3.00 from a completed baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate degree program or a GPA of 3.00 in the most recent sixty (60) credit hours earned at a regionally accredited institution of higher education.
  4. Statement of Purpose: Candidates are to complete a written "Statement of Purpose" following the guidelines provided by the School of Education and Psychology.
  5. Required Content Assessment: Qualifying scores on the state required content assessment for the endorsement area sought.
  6. Recommendations: Submission of three recommendations.

Program Specific Info

Gateway One: Permission to Begin Coursework

Prior to proceeding through gateway two, the following criteria must be met:

  1. Coursework: Completion of l0 hours of coursework with a minimum GPA of 3.0

Foundational Coursework

  • EMAT 505 Foundations of Education (1 hr)
  • EMAT 512 Classroom Management (3 hrs)
  • EDCI 517 Educational Psychology (3 hr)
  • EDCI 535 Philosophy of Christian Education (3 hrs)
  1. Educator Disposition Assessment: "Criteria Met" rating on Education Disposition Assessment for professionalism
  2. Recommendation: Receive recommendation from academic advisor and clearance from the graduate dean.
  3. Personal Affirmation Statement: See academic advisor for guidelines.
  4. ADA Compliance: See above. Candidates must be capable of performing the essential functions of the program.
  5. Application for Admission to Candidacy


Gateway Two: Admission to Candidacy

Prior to proceeding through gateway three, the following criteria must be met:

  1. Coursework: Completion of professional education coursework (see below) with a minimum GPA of 3.0
  2. Educator Disposition Assessment: "Criteria Met" rating on full Education Disposition Assessment.
  3. Recommendations: Receive recommendation from academic advisor and recent MAT professor.
  4. CPR/First Aid Certification: Evidence of CPR/First Aid certification.
  5. ADA Compliance: See above. Candidates must be capable of performing the essential functions of the program.
  6. Application for Admission to Student Teaching OR Job-Embedded Clinical Practice
  7. Application for Teaching Licensure (Job-Embedded Pathway ONLY)

Gateway Three: Admission to Clinical Practice

Prior to proceeding through gateway four, all relevant Praxis exams must be passed and the following coursework must be completed with a minimum GPA of 3.0:

Student Teaching Pathway

  • EMAT 610 Student Teaching
  • EMAT 611 Student Teaching Seminar

Job-Embedded Pathway

  • EDUC EMAT 620 Job-Embedded Clinical Experience I
  • EDUC EMAT 621 Job-Embedded Seminar I
  • EDUC EMAT 622 Job-Embedded Clinical Experience II
  • EDUC EMAT 623 Job-Embedded Seminar II

Gateway Four: Culmination of Teacher Program

To graduate from a Master of Arts in Teaching program, a candidate must complete all university and School of Education and Psychology requirements. In addition, the candidate must provide evidence of the following:

  1. Student Teaching: Successful completion of clinical experience
  2. Passing Score on edTPA
  3. ADA Compliance: See above.
  4. Application for Teaching Licensure (Student Teaching Pathway ONLY)


EMPHASIS/CONCENTRATION (12 - 24 Total Credits)
  • Select one emphasis/concentration from below.
  • Complete at least 12-24 credits in this area
Grand Total Credits: 34 - 49

Secondary Education Emphasis

Catalog 2023 — Indefinite    

Grand Total Credits: 9

Sample Degree Plan

Grand Total Credits: 34 - 49