School of Music Kuali PDF Assoc Prog

Catalog 2023 - 2024     Discontinued (2023-01-01) Academic Level: Undergraduate


Dean: Peter J. Cooper

Faculty: Gennevieve Brown-Kibble, Laurie Redmer Cadwallader, Peter J. Cooper, Judith Glass, Kurt Miyashiro, Ken Parsons, Julie Penner

Adjunct Faculty: Eric Anderson, Bruce Ashton, Jan Cochrane, Ellen Francisco, Nicholas Hartline, Richard Henson, Kristen Holritz, Gordon James, Elaine Janzen, David Peyton, Mark Reneau, Ann Rylands, Sherilyn Samaan, Clinton Schmitt, Alan Shikoh

Program Coordinators:

  • Music, Peter Cooper
  • Music Education, Laurie Redmer Cadwallader


The faculty of the School of Music believes that music is one of the arts given to humankind by the Creator to be used in the worship of God and to enhance the quality of life. In harmony with this philosophy, course work is offered that meets the needs of the general university student as well as music majors and minors.

Since 1968, the School of Music has been a member of the National Association of Schools of Music. Consequently, all academic programs, policies, and operations of the School of Music meet NASM standards for full accreditation.

The School of Music offers two baccalaureate degrees, the Bachelor of Music degree in music education and the Bachelor of Science degree in music. Both degrees require courses in music theory and history, as well as a high level of achievement in a major performance area. The Bachelor of Music degree emphasizes the skills necessary for teaching music, with special emphasis on the training of teachers for the Seventh-day Adventist school system.


Music majors must fulfill all the general admission requirements of the University. Acceptance to the University, however, does not guarantee admission to the School of Music as a music major. The prospective music major is required to take written and aural entrance examinations in music theory and a performance examination in the applied area. To obtain Freshman Standing as a music major, the student must qualify for MUCT 111 - Music Theory I and MUPF 189 - Concentration. Continuation in the music program is contingent upon satisfactory progress toward a degree measured by regular assessment checkpoints, described in the following pages.

Additional Information

Functional Piano

All music majors must demonstrate functional piano ability by passing the Piano Proficiency Examination (PPE). The PPE is made up of two areas. The Skills area requires students to demonstrate mastery of 5-finger patterns, scales, triads and inversions, arpeggios, and harmonic progressions. The Applied area requires student to synthesize technical ability and musicianship through accomplished performance of piano repertoire of appropriate level of difficulty, harmonization, hymn playing, prepared accompaniment, and, for music education majors pursuing vocal endorsement, score reading of open choral scores. Students may obtain copies of the Piano Proficiency Examination Information Sheet and Piano Proficiency Examination Content in the School of Music Office.

Students must successfully complete all PPE requirements before the end of their sophomore year. Students will not be allowed to enroll for upper-division concentration or music classes until they have successfully completed all PPE requirements.

Private Music Instruction

Music majors take private lessons in their major performance area for one or two credit hours each semester, depending upon their specific degree track. Specific requirements are listed under MUPF 189 and MUPF 389 course descriptions. (See Music Lesson Fees under Financial Policies section of this Catalog.)

Concert and Recital Attendance

Full-time music majors (students taking 12 or more credits) are required to attend, as a non-performer, nine School approved concerts per semester, except for the student teaching semester. Attendance shall include faculty recitals, student junior and senior recitals, and music general recitals. Failure to meet this requirement will nullify music major status.

Music Ensemble Participation

All music majors must be enrolled in an appropriate ensemble each semester in residence, for credit-according to the individual curricular requirements-or for audit. Exception to this is made for music education majors in the semester during which they student teach. Teacher certification candidates must, however, complete six hours of appropriate ensembles. Appropriate ensembles are defined as follows: string majors, Symphony Orchestra; wind and percussion majors, Wind Symphony; voice majors, I Cantori; keyboard majors, freshman, sophomore, junior years, large ensemble of the student's choice; senior year, chamber music. All ensemble assignments are determined by audition. Music majors and minors may be placed in an ensemble that is not listed above. Students are encouraged to participate in a variety of other ensembles as time permits.


The School of Music has an ongoing program of student assessment. This program includes the following:

Performance Evaluations (Concentration)

Music Performance Concentration (MUPF 189, MUPF 389) grades will be based on the student having met the following criteria:

  • Completed at least 12 lessons for the semester. (One-half hour lesson=one semester hour credit; one hour lesson=two semester hours credit.)
  • Practiced a minimum of five hours each week for each semester hour of credit. The student will keep a "Daily Practice Log" for his/her verification of meeting this requirement. (Two semester hours of credit=ten hours of practice per week.)
  • Studied, completed, and performed sufficient literature to warrant the credit hours for which the individual is registered. (The number, length, and/or difficulty level of the work(s) studied and of the work(s) prepared for performance are the basis for this criterion. Where appropriate, other factors such as memorization will be considered.)
  • Performed on at least one Music General Recital during the semester. Organ students may meet this requirement through a service performance (e.g. convocation, evensong, worship service).
  • Completed the end of the semester jury examination and received a performance grade as determined by the Music Faculty (50%) and the Private Lesson Instructor (50%).
  • Unsatisfactory performance in any item above will negatively affect the final Performance Concentration grade.

A grade of C- or lower will not count toward the Performance Concentration requirements.

A grade of C or lower for two consecutive semesters may result in the student being dropped as a Music Major. Reinstatement can be achieved only by applying to the Music Faculty and successfully completing an audition for reinstatement in the Performance Concentration area. Audition for reinstatement may be requested only once.

Performance Evaluations (Applied Music)

Applied Music (MUPF 129, MUPF 329) grades will be based on the student having met the following criteria.

  • Completed at least 12 lessons for the semester. (One-half hour lesson=one semester hour credit; one hour lesson=two semester hours credit.)
  • Practiced a minimum of five hours per week for each semester hour of credit. The student will keep a "Daily Practice Log" for his/her verification of meeting this requirement. (Two semester hours credit=ten hours practice per week.)
  • Studied, completed, and performed sufficient literature at the individual student's level to warrant the credit hours for which the individual is registered.

Unsatisfactory performance in any item above will negatively affect the final Applied Music grade.

Application to Music Major Track

Music majors with Freshman Standing must apply to the Music Faculty for acceptance to a specific track upon completion of the freshman year. The following tracks are available: B.Mus. Music Education; B.S. Music/General; B.S. Theory and Literature; B.S. Performance. The faculty's decision is based upon the following:

  • Satisfactory progress in academic coursework (minimum of 2.5 grade point average in MUCT and MUHL courses).
  • Satisfactory progress in performance area (based on jury evaluations).
  • Other criteria specific to Music Education and Performance concentrations.

Sophomore Evaluation and Junior Standing

Music majors must apply for junior standing at the end of the sophomore year. These requirements are as follows:

  • An overall grade point average of 2.00 for the Bachelor of Science degree and 3.00 for the Bachelor of Music degree.
  • A grade point average of 3.00 in all music courses.
  • Demonstration of keyboard proficiency through passing the PPE.
  • Completion of MUCT 211-MUCT 212, MUCT 221-MUCT 222.
  • Completion of at least four hours of MUPF 189: Concentration.

Faculty evaluation of the application for junior standing will result in the student's receiving one of the following classifications: (a) Pass, Bachelor of Music; (b) Pass, Bachelor of Science; (c) Probation; (d) Fail. Junior Standing requirements must be met at least two semesters before graduation.

Senior Recital/Senior Project

A senior recital is required of all students in the B.S. Music, B.S. Music (Performance Emphasis), and B.Mus. in Music Education. The student must be registered for private instruction until the senior recital requirement is satisfied. A faculty jury audition of the complete program must be scheduled at least three weeks before the recital date. Junior Standing as a music major is prerequisite to scheduling the senior recital audition. Unsatisfactory performance at this audition will result in a rescheduling of the recital date.

Students in the B.S Music (Theory and Literature Emphasis) must present a major research or creative project. Students will submit a proposal to the music faculty for approval no later than the end of the semester prior to enrolling in MUHL 489, at which time a faculty adviser will be assigned.

Senior Assessment Examination

During the senior year each graduating senior will take the nationally standardized Major Field Achievement Test. The results of this examination will be used to help determine the effectiveness of the music program and the competency level of the graduates.

Individual and Group Instruction

Courses MUPF 108, MUPF 129, and MUPF 329 are open to any student of the University as general education and/or elective credit toward all degrees. The music major or minor may not apply these toward his/her applied music concentration. Students desiring to study organ must pass the Functional Piano Examination.

Courses MUPF 189 and MUPF 389 are courses primarily for the music major and minor, but they may be taken by anyone who passes a prerequisite audition. Jury examinations are required with these course numbers.

Students enrolled in individual instruction MUPF 129, MUPF 189, MUPF 329, MUPF 389, and MUPF 489 will be charged $175 per semester hour (12 half-hour lessons) in addition to tuition (regular or audit rate).

Choral and Instrumental Ensembles

Choral and instrumental ensembles are open to all University students through audition. Each ensemble offers one hour credit each semester. Regular attendance at performances and rehearsals, including dress rehearsals, is required. Ensembles for which academic credit is granted are organized and sponsored by the members of the music faculty. All may be repeated for credit.

Associated Programs


  • Please choose an emphasis below.
Grand Total Credits: 23

Music (No Emphasis) Emphasis

Catalog 2023 — Indefinite    

  • Complete the BS Music Core requirements.
  • Minimum 23 credits
REQUIRED COURSES (21 Total Credits)
GENERAL EDUCATION (42 Total Credits)
ELECTIVES TO = 124 (38 Total Credits)
  • Minimum 38 credits
Grand Total Credits: 124

Music and Worship Emphasis

Catalog 2023 — Indefinite    

  • Complete the BS Music Core requirements.
  • Minimum 23 credits
REQUIRED COURSES (28 Total Credits)
Complete 1 of the following:
GENERAL EDUCATION (42 Total Credits)
ELECTIVES TO = 124 (23 Total Credits)
  • Minimum 23 credits
Grand Total Credits: 124

Music, Performance Emphasis

Catalog 2023 — Indefinite    


Students are accepted into this emphasis by audition only.

  • Complete the BS Music Core requirements.
  • Minimum 23 credits
REQUIRED COURSES (26 Total Credits)
AREA REQUIREMENTS (4 - 6 Total Credits)
Complete 1 of the following:
Complete 1 of the following:
GENERAL EDUCATION (42 Total Credits)
ELECTIVES TO = 124 (23 - 21 Total Credits)
  • Complete at least 23-21 credits in this area
Grand Total Credits: 124

Theory and Literature Emphasis

Catalog 2023 — Indefinite    

  • Complete the BS Music Core requirements.
  • Minimum 23 credits
REQUIRED COURSES (26 Total Credits)
Complete 1 of the following:
GENERAL EDUCATION (42 Total Credits)
ELECTIVES TO = 124 (27 Total Credits)
  • Minimum 27 credits
Grand Total Credits: 124

Sample Degree Plan

Grand Total Credits: 23


ENDORSEMENT (20 - 36 Total Credits)
  • Complete 1 of the following:
  • SDA CERTIFICATION (2 Total Credits)
    GENERAL EDUCATION (39 Total Credits)
    Grand Total Credits: 138 - 154

    Sample Degree Plan

    Grand Total Credits: 138 - 154


    The School of Music offers a minor in music for students who desire to deepen their knowledge and ability in this discipline while majoring in another academic area. It consists of coursework in Music Theory, Music History and Performance studies, as listed below. An audition is required for acceptance into the music minor. At least twenty-five percent of the coursework toward the minor must be taken in residence at Southern Adventist University.

    Program Specific Info

    Each Music minor shall register for credit and maintain membership for at least four semesters in a major music ensemble appropriate to the student's major instrument and ability.


    REQUIRED COURSES (20 Total Credits)
    Grand Total Credits: 20

    Sample Degree Plan

    Grand Total Credits: 20