Southern Scholars Honors Program Kuali PDF Assoc Prog

Catalog 2021 — Indefinite     Academic Level: Undergraduate


Member Institution of the National Collegiate Honors Council.

Director: Linda Tym

Honors Faculty Committee: Aaron Corbit (Biology), Dionne Felix (Academic Administration), Doug Frood (Financial Administration), Martin Klingbeil (Religion), Katie McGrath (Education and Psychology), Robert Ordóñez (Computing), Mark Peach (History and Political Studies), Julie Penner (Music), Ben Thornton (Biology)

Mission Statement

The Southern Scholars Honors Program provides motivated and capable students with an enhanced interdisciplinary educational experience that emphasizes the integration of spiritual values into the knowledge of nature and society.


The Southern Scholars Honors Program offers intellectually motivated students enriched learning experiences and a community of peers for the purpose of developing as fairminded critical thinkers who practice life-long learning and who seek to build a fairminded society for all of God’s children.

Goals / Objectives / Outcomes

Southern Scholars students will:

  • welcome intellectual challenge and responsibility for their own learning
  • pursue their education with intellectual curiosity and intellectual perseverance
  • seek diverse, enriched, and interdisciplinary learning experiences, both in and out of the classroom
  • exhibit fair-minded critical thinking habits in their personal, spiritual, and academic lives
  • practice intellectual humility, intellectual integrity, and fairmindedness in their pursuit of academic success
  • integrate their relationship with God into the depth and breadth of their learning
  • understand the relevance and significance of a life of service to others


The program is administered by an Honors Director and an Honors Faculty Committee that admits students to the program and discontinues honors status of those who fail to maintain minimum program standards. The Honors Director and the members of the Honors Faculty Committee also advise individual Southern Scholars and continually assess their progress. Alumni are surveyed and studies are prepared comparing NSSE results, careers, and graduate or professional study success. The Honors Program is also externally assessed by the fellow institutional members of the National Collegiate Honors Council. Information gained from these diverse assessments is used to evaluate the Southern Scholars Honors Program.


To be accepted to the Southern Scholars Honors Program, incoming Freshmen students must meet the following criteria:

To be accepted to the Southern Scholars Honors Program, current students at Southern Adventist University must meet the following criteria:


Ordinarily, all courses of the Honors curriculum must be taken in residence; however, limited exceptions may be made by the Honors Faculty Committee. Students already enrolled at Southern Adventist University who wish to take an Honors course at another institution must secure approval from the Honors Faculty Committee prior to enrollment in the course.

Additional Information

Southern Scholars Honors Program Financial Scholarship

Upon acceptance to the Southern Scholars Honors Program, highly-motivated students will qualify for financial scholarship to enrich their studies. After successfully completing one year in Southern Scholars, a student will be awarded the following:

Sophomore $1,500
Junior $2,500
Senior $3,500


To continue as an active Southern Scholar in good and regular standing, students must

  • complete a minimum of 12 credits each semester and 31 credits each calendar year.
  • complete the Honors curriculum
  • complete HMNT 151, HMNT 251, HMNT 451, and HMNT 452 with a minimum GPA of 3.00*
  • maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50*
  • conduct research and submit an Honors Senior Project
  • attend at least 4 Scholars Program events per semester
  • submit an Honors Portfolio each semester
  • graduate within a four-year period unless involved in study abroad, student mission service, or internship.

*Southern Scholars students who have academic warning are welcome to participate in Southern Scholar social events, but are not eligible for the financial scholarship or other financial benefits.