School of Journalism and Communication Kuali PDF Assoc Prog

Catalog 2023 - 2024     Discontinued (2023-01-01) Academic Level: Undergraduate


Dean: Rachel Williams-Smith

Faculty: Lorraine Ball, Ayanna Eastman, Pablo Fernandez, Alva James-Johnson, Victoria Joiner, Stephen Ruf, Rachel Williams-Smith

Office Manager: Karina Savelio

Adjunct Faculty: David Barasoian, Ryan Harrell, Tara Hargrove, Pamela Harris, Sam Nkana, John Pate, Mindy Trott, Billy Weeks

Program Coordinators:

  • Basic Speech Courses: Lorraine Ball
  • Communication: Rachel Williams-Smith
  • Journalism: Alva James-Johnson
  • Mass Communication: Stephen Ruf
  • Media Technology A.S.: Stephen Ruf
  • Public Relations: Lorraine Ball
  • Public Relations-Business Administration: Lorraine Ball and Stephanie Sheehan
  • Public Relations-Graphic Design: Lorraine Ball

Advisory Council: A current list of Advisory Council members is kept in the School of Journalism and Communication.

Mission Statement

To inspire and equip a new generation of truth-seekers, storytellers, and influencers to impact the world through a Christian worldview and the power of media.


To make satisfactory progress toward preparation for the job market, students majoring in the School will be expected to attend school assemblies and other professional meetings sponsored by the School.

Students should demonstrate their growing professionalism through involvement in the publication of Southern Accent, Southern Memories, The Wire, or other publication; or in communication activities for a campus, church, or community organization such as WSMC FM90.5.

Participation in the Communication Club and involvement in a professional organization such as the Society of Adventist Communicators, the Southern States Communication Association, or the Public Relations Student Society of America are also evidence of professional commitment. Students with high scholastic achievement will be invited to apply for membership in Lambda Pi Eta, the student honor society of the National Communication Association.

School effectiveness will be assessed by combining the results of the cumulative evaluations, student evaluations of courses, and questionnaires completed by alumni and supervisors of interns. To determine that the curriculum meets the objectives of the School, the faculty engages in ongoing analysis of courses required for majors.


All students wishing to be accepted into the SJC must apply by enrolling in COMM 201 and submitting a letter of intent (purpose/calling) upon completion of COMM 135, ENGL 101, and JOUR 105, with a minimum cumulative GPA in these three courses of 2.25.

The School of Journalism and Communication provides an educational environment in which future leaders in communication, journalism, public relations, and related areas can acquire the enduring ethical concepts, the intellectual discipline, and the professional abilities necessary for the mastery and management of a wide range of writing, editing, research, and other journalistic and public relations skills and techniques.

The School offers Bachelor of Arts degrees in Communication and Journalism, Bachelor of Science degrees in Mass Communication and Public Relations, a Bachelor of Science degree (combined major) in Public Relations and Business Administration, and a Bachelor of Science degree (combined major) in Public Relations and Graphic Design, as well as an Associate of Science degree in Media Technology. Minors are also available in Advertising, Communication, Intercultural Communication, Journalism, Media Production, Photography, and Public Relations.

Students graduating with a degree in Communication may find work in corporations, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and a variety of religious and educational institutions. Students who pursue this degree are prepared to seek employment as communication specialists in a variety of settings. Many pursue graduate study in fields such as communication, medicine, or law.

The Journalism major prepares students for careers as reporters, writers, videographers, producers, and editors for online news providers, wire services, daily and weekly newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations, publishing houses, and for the vast array of news organizations that serve the church, business, industry, governmental agencies, the medical field, colleges and universities, and other nonprofit organizations.

Students graduating with the Bachelor of Science in Mass Communication have a broad communication education with a selected specialty that prepares them for a large variety of communication jobs in the church, in corporations, and in nonprofit organizations.

Public Relations majors are prepared for careers in business, industry, government, the church, colleges, universities, hospitals, and other medical institutions, and in a wide range of organizations.

The combined major of Public Relations and Business Administration is a unique degree program. Because it contains the core classes from both majors, it equips students with public relations and business skills and makes graduates especially competitive in the corporate world.

A combined major in Public Relations and Graphic Design blends the writing and research skills in public relations with the creative and design skills in graphic design. Students are prepared for careers in corporate, nonprofit, hospital, and denominational settings.

All of the School's bachelor's degree majors prepare students for entry into graduate schools.

The associate degree in Media Technology prepares the student for entry level positions in media production, desktop publishing, or web design.

Members of the faculty will advise each student in planning a study program that is supportive of individual career goals, meets degree requirements of the School of Journalism and Communication, and fulfills General Education requirements.


All baccalaureate degrees offered by the School of Journalism and Communication require that at least 12 upper division hours of the respective degree requirements must be taken at Southern Adventist University.

Additional Information

Meet The Firms

Meet the Firms is a program sponsored by the School of Journalism and Communication and other Schools on campus to facilitate students in locating internships and jobs in their fields of study. A Meet the Firms job fair is held each fall and winter semester. A variety of invited companies meet with students to interview, network, and mentor in preparation for placement.

Internships and On-the-Job Training

Because of the strong relationships which the School has developed with the Chattanooga area mass media, students in journalism, broadcasting, and public relations have many opportunities to meet and work with professionals in television and radio news, in public relations, advertising, on daily and weekly newspapers and on the web.

Students are encouraged to perform internships in their field of study. Newspapers, publishing houses, public relations and fund development departments, advertising agencies, nonprofit organizations, social media, and radio and television newsrooms are among the organizations who seek interns. Current internship information is available on School listserves.

Students participate in undergraduate research, and are encouraged to present their research at Campus Research Day and at professional conferences.

An Advisory Council advises the School in providing internships that give on-the-job experience. The School also participates in the North American Division internship program in which students work in various denominational institutions. The University radio station, WSMC FM90.5, and other media outlets provide learning opportunities for students.

Campus Publications: Students can gain valuable experience as writers, editors, and producers by working on Student Association productions such as Southern Accent, the campus newspaper; Southern Memories, the yearbook; and Strawberry Festival, the annual multi-media year-in-review.

Associated Programs


EMPHASIS/CONCENTRATION (26 - 31 Total Credits)
  • Select one (1) Emphasis/Concentration.
  • Complete at least 26-31 credits in this area
GENERAL EDUCATION (45 Total Credits)
ELECTIVES TO = 124 (22 - 17 Total Credits)
  • Complete at least 22-17 credits in this area
Grand Total Credits: 124

Sample Degree Plan

Grand Total Credits: 124


RECOMMENDED (0 Total Credits)
  • COMM 406 - Persuasion and Propaganda (W) 3
GENERAL EDUCATION (45 Total Credits)
  • Minimum 45 credits
  • Computer Science Certificate requirements
ELECTIVES TO = 124 (3 Total Credits)
  • Minimum 3 credits
Grand Total Credits: 124

Sample Degree Plan

Grand Total Credits: 124


GENERAL EDUCATION (45 Total Credits)
ELECTIVES TO = 124 (26 Total Credits)
  • Minimum 26 credits
Grand Total Credits: 124

Sample Degree Plan

Grand Total Credits: 124


The combined major provides students with the option to develop skills in two fields of study. A student will be assigned an adviser in their first-chosen major and a secondary adviser in the other major.


RECOMMENDED (0 Total Credits)
  • PREL 368 - Fundraising for Nonprofits (SERV-2) 3
GENERAL EDUCATION (45 Total Credits)
  • Computer Science Certificate requirements
  • Minimum 45 credits
ELECTIVES TO = 124 (10 - 7 Total Credits)
  • Complete at least 10-7 credits in this area
Grand Total Credits: 124

Sample Degree Plan

Grand Total Credits: 124


Grand Total Credits: 52

Sample Degree Plan

    • Course(s):
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: Service Learning Elective (SERV-2)
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: Minor
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: Elementary or Intermediate Foreign Language (Strongly recommended Intermediate foreign language)
    • Select 3 credits from IN-7) Natural Science
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: Minor
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: Elementary or Intermediate Foreign Language (Strongly recommended Intermediate foreign language)
    • Select 3 credit(s):
    • Select 1 credits from P 1-b) Physical Activity
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: Service Learning (SERV-2)
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: Electives
    • Course(s):
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: U.D. Minor
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: Upper Division: COMM 492 - Communication Internship (1 - 3) ENGL 320 - Rhetoric: The Performance of Argument (3) COMM 326 - Film Evaluation (IN-10) (W) (3) COMM 391 - Communication Practicum (1 - 3) JOUR 475 - Communication Workshop (1 - 3)
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: U.D. Religion (R-4) (rec. RELT 458) (W)
    • Select 2 credits from the following types of courses: Electives
    • (Select 1 course from: BRDC127, COMM230, PHTO125, PHTO320, PHTO310)
Grand Total Credits: 52


  • Select 15 credits from the following types of courses: Choose an emphasis below.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE (0 - 6 Total Credits)
  • Complete at least 0-6 credits in this area
    (Elementary Foreign Language or two years of Foreign Language in high school)
MINOR (18 Total Credits)
  • Minimum 18 credits
GENERAL EDUCATION (45 Total Credits)
ELECTIVES TO = 124 (15 - 9 Total Credits)
  • Complete at least 15-9 credits in this area
Grand Total Credits: 127

Sample Degree Plan

    • Course(s):
    • Select 1 credits from P 1-b) Physical Activity
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: BRDC 314 - Broadcast News Writing (W) (3)COMM 488 - Mass Communication and Society (W) (3)JOUR 313 - Publication Editing (3)JOUR 342 - Interactive Journalism (3)JOUR 316 - Magazine and Feature Article Writing (W) (3)JOUR 416 - Literary Journalism (W) (3)JOUR 391 - Practicum (1 - 3)JOUR 392 - Journalism Internship (1 - 3)
    • Select 6 credits from the following types of courses: Minor
    • Course(s):
    • Select 3 credits from R-4) Required Elective
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: U.D. Minor
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: ARTG 115 - Introduction to Graphic Design (3)BRDC 202 - Digital Audio Production (3)BRDC 314 - Broadcast News Writing (W) (3)COMM 488 - Mass Communication and Society (W) (3)JOUR 313 - Publication Editing (3)JOUR 342 - Interactive Journalism (3)JOUR 316 - Magazine and Feature Article Writing (W) (3)JOUR 416 - Literary Journalism (W) (3)JOUR 391 - Practicum (1 - 3)JOUR 392 - Journalism Internship (1 - 3)
    • Course(s):
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: Christian Service (SERV-2)
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: ARTG 115 - Introduction to Graphic Design (3)BRDC 202 - Digital Audio Production (3)BRDC 314 - Broadcast News Writing (W) (3)COMM 488 - Mass Communication and Society (W) (3)JOUR 313 - Publication Editing (3)JOUR 342 - Interactive Journalism (3)JOUR 316 - Magazine and Feature Article Writing (W) (3)JOUR 416 - Literary Journalism (W) (3)JOUR 391 - Practicum (1 - 3)JOUR 392 - Journalism Internship (1 - 3)
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: U.D. Elective
    • Select 3 credits from the following types of courses: Minor
Grand Total Credits: 127


GENERAL EDUCATION (21 Total Credits)
ELECTIVES (13 Total Credits)
  • Minimum 13 credits
Grand Total Credits: 64

Sample Degree Plan

Grand Total Credits: 64


REQUIRED COURSES (18 Total Credits)
Grand Total Credits: 18

Sample Degree Plan

Grand Total Credits: 18


Students who are interested in becoming leaders or feel a call to leadership should consider this minor. Though housed in the School of Journalism and Communication since possessing effective communication skills is a key component of successful leadership, this minor can benefit students who are pursuing any field of study.


Grand Total Credits: 18

Sample Degree Plan

Grand Total Credits: 18


Grand Total Credits: 18

Sample Degree Plan

Grand Total Credits: 18