School of Health and Kinesiology Kuali PDF Assoc Prog

Catalog 2021 - 2022     Discontinued (2021-01-01) Academic Level: Undergraduate


Dean: Robert Benge

Faculty: Robert Benge, Mike Boyd, Doug Brown, Rod Bussey, Bonny Musgrave, Judy Sloan, Troy Walker

Adjunct Faculty: Darin Bissell, Monica Coulter, Jay Dedeker, Leslie Evenson, Deborah Fager, Phil Garver, Mark Guild, Mike Harris, Tara Hills, James Quick Jr., Josh Rhodes, Dorothea Sarli, Scott Spicer, Alicia Trott, Eddy Wietzel

Program Coordinators:

  • Health and Wellness,
  • Health Science, Rod Bussey
  • Health, P.E. and Recreation, Teacher Certification, Judy Sloan
  • Kinesiology, Mike Boyd
  • Outdoor Emergency Services, Robert Benge
  • Outdoor Leadership, Doug Brown
  • Vegetarian Culinary Arts, Bonny Musgrave

Mission Statement

The mission of the School of Health and Kinesiology is to 1) develop effective activity courses and academic degree programs, 2) provide recreation opportunities for the University family, 3) promote wellness through evaluation, education and motivation, and 4) serve the community with opportunities for healthy living.

Degrees Offered

  • B.S. Health and Wellness
  • B.S. Health, Physical Education and Recreation
  • B.S. Health Science
  • B.S. Kinesiology
  • B.S. Outdoor Emergency Services
  • B.S. Outdoor Leadership
  • A.S. Outdoor Leadership
  • A.S. Vegetarian Culinary Arts

The courses in Physical Education, Health and Wellness propose to: acquaint students with principles of healthful living, develop physical efficiency, develop life-long fitness and recreational habits, and/or prepare students for careers in physical education, health, wellness management, or related professions.

Health Science is an excellent degree for pre-Medicine, pre-Dental, pre-Physical Therapy, pre-Occupational Therapy, pre-Physician Assistant, and other medical related graduate programs.

No grade lower than a C- will be accepted in cognate courses for degrees in the School of Physical Education, Health and Wellness.

To receive a B.S. degree in Health, Physical Education and Recreation, students must successfully complete ALL Teacher Education requirements including student teaching. Note: Professional Education major and cognate courses with grades lower than a C have to be repeated.


To help the graduates in Physical Education, Health, and Wellness evaluate their academic progress and to aid the school in evaluating teaching effectiveness, each senior is required, during their final semester, to take an exit exam. The results of the assessments are used to evaluate the school programs.


  • The Bachelor of Science in Physical Education is approved by the Tennessee Board of Education and accredited through the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) as well as the Accrediting Association of Seventh-day Adventist Schools, Colleges and Universities.
  • The Bachelor of Science is an accredited academic program by the National Wellness Institute (NWI). Because graduates are enrolled in an NWI Council on Wellness Accreditation and Education accredited program, upon graduation they are qualified to become a Certified Wellness Practitioner provided they graduate with a 2.75 GPA or higher and pay the required fee.