Modern Languages Kuali PDF Assoc Prog

Catalog 2024 — Indefinite     Academic Level: Undergraduate


Chair: Adrienne Royo

Faculty: Pierre Nzokizwa, Adrienne Royo

Adjunct Faculty: Darwin Ayscue, Ana Barrios, Claryce Caviness, Trent Hudson, Jeffrey Jordan, Leslie Morrow, Karina Savelio, Moritz Wieser

Program Coordinators:

  • French, Pierre Nzokizwa
  • French, Teacher Certification, Pierre Nzokizwa
  • International Studies, Pierre Nzokizwa, Adrienne Royo
  • Spanish, Adrienne Royo
  • Spanish, Teacher Certification, Adrienne Royo


The Modern Languages Department at Southern Adventist University combines language study with experience abroad and academic courses. Southern offers interdisciplinary degrees in French, French Teaching, International Studies in French, German, Italian, and Spanish, and Spanish Teaching. The International Studies degree will enhance students' ability to live and work in an international setting. Students discover French, German, Italian, and Spanish not only as living languages but also as reflections of many cultures and peoples.

The Modern Languages Department also offers majors in French and Spanish, minors in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, and Spanish; and language courses in American Sign Language, for those students wishing to gain a deeper understanding of cultures within a global context through the study of language, literature, and society. The French and Spanish majors also provide the necessary background for graduate study. In addition, the department offers French and Spanish Teaching Licensure majors for students interested in elemenatry and secondary education. Students seeking teacher certification should also pursue the teaching major.

The ability to communicate with people is increasingly essential in today's global community, and knowledge of other cultures and cultural experiences should be a key part of the background of a well-educated individual, particularly of those with a sense of world mission. By introducing students to another language and giving them opportunities and exposure to experience other cultures, the Modern Languages Department at Southern Adventist University strives to help students to overcome stereotypes and prejudices, fosters a spirit of appreciation and inclusiveness, and facilitates easier communication and interaction with persons of other languages and cultures.

Mission Statement

The Modern Languages Department at Southern Adventist University provides a Christian learning environment that enhances the understanding of other cultures, and promotes a global dialogue by widening horizons, broadening perspectives, and deepening self-understanding as a worldwide family.


The assessment of majors in International Studies consists of three basic sections: First the candidates write an evaluation of the departmental program to state their perception of the program's effectiveness in achieving its objectives. Second, the candidates take a departmental exam to demonstrate their degree of success in achieving near native mastery of the target language in the areas of listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Third, the candidates take an oral examination focusing on their knowledge and appreciation of the culture of the peoples who speak the target language. A key element of this interview is the candidate's ability to compare and contrast the target culture with their own, and to show how they relate, contribute to, and enrich each other. The candidate will earn a minimum grade of "B" (84-86%) on the DEE.

The assessment of students majoring in French and French Teaching is also a departmental oral and written examination. Candidates will earn a minimum grade of "B" (84%) as they demonstrate their knowledge and appreciation of French speaking cultures, their literary expression, and the ability to understand the complexities in their own context not only in Europe and the Americas, but as part of global society. This required exam is the MCE (Major Comprehensive Exam), for both French and Spanish.

The assessment of students majoring in Spanish, and Spanish Teaching consists of a departmental oral and written examination. Candidates will earn a minimum grade of "B" (84%) as they demonstrate their knowledge and appreciation of Spanish speaking cultures, their literary expression, and the ability to understand many of the complexities affecting and resulting from the Spanish, and Spanish-American experience in their own context and when in contact with other cultures not only in the American continent, but in relation to global society.

Additional Information

Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA)

Southern Adventist University is a member of Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA), a consortium of colleges and universities operated by the Board of Higher Education of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This consortium affords the opportunity to qualified students, for international study, while completing the requirements of their programs at their home campus. The program allows students to immerse themselves in the culture and life of the host country and gain various levels of fluency in the language; to mature socially, spiritually, and intellectually; and to develop sensitivity to cultural differences and a sense of responsibility for and mission to other societies of the world. The following institutions are internationally affiliates of ACA offering academic year programs of study:


Universidad Adventista del Plata, Libertador San Martin: Spanish Language, Latin American Culture, and Latin American Literature


Seminar Schloss Bogenhofen, St. Peter am Hart: German Language, Culture, and Literature


Faculdade Adventista da Bahia: Portugese Language, Culture, and Literature


Newbold College, Binfield, United Kingdom: English Language, Culture, and Literature


Campus Adventiste du Saleve, Collonges-sous Saleve: French Language, Culture, and Literature


Friedensau Adventist University, Friedensau bei Burg: German Language, Culture, and Literature


Istituto Avventista Villa Aurora, Florence: Italian Language, Culture, and Literature


Middle East University, Beirut; Arabic Language, Culture, and Literature


Seminario Adventista Espanol, Sagunto: Spanish Language, Culture, and Spanish Literature

In addition to academic-year programs, ACA offers six to eight-week summer terms at the following international study centers:


Seminar Schloss Bogenhofen, St. Peter am Hart: German


Faculdade Adventista da Bahia: Portuguese


Centre Universitaire et Pedagogique du Saleve, Collonges-sous-Saleve: French


Middle East University, Lebanon; Arabic


Istituto Avventista Villa Aurora, Florence: Italian


Colegio Adventista de Sagunto, Sagunto: Spanish


Taiwan Adventist College: Chinese

Applicants for international study need not be language majors or minor. Students majoring in various disciplines that allow for one or more elective years within the four-years curriculum may study in the year-abroad and summer sessions programs without losing credits or prolonging time before graduation by carefully planning the year(s) preceding and following their international study experience. Prerequisites for admission to ACA study abroad programs are as follows:

  1. Admission as a regular student to Southern Adventist University for the summer or academic year abroad.
  2. Competence in the language of the host country for Argentina, France, and Spain (minimum: one year of college or two years of secondary study with a language GPA of 3.00). This level of language competence is prerequisite to one's being considered for admission. Language competence is encouraged but not required of students enrolling in academic year programs in Austria, Germany, Italy, or Lebanon or of students in summer programs.
  3. An overall college or university GPA of 2.50.
  4. A good citizenship record that gives evidence of better-than-average maturity, adjustability, and congeniality.
  5. Presentation of the application with all required information and signatures (academic and financial arrangements) to Southern Adventist University Admissions Office by May 1 (academic year).
  6. Attendance at an ACA orientation meeting during the month of March at Southern Adventist University.

First-Year students with competence in the language are not specifically excluded from ACA academic year programs, but the course of study is usually of more benefit to sophomores and juniors, especially those who plan to major or minor in the language. Although enrolled on an international campus, students who are registered at Southern Adventist University; are considered in-residence at this university; and are eligible for all external grants, loans, scholarships, and financial aid offered to students in attendance at Southern Adventist University. Credit earned abroad is recorded each term in Southern Adventist University Records and Advisement Office. Students must register for ACA 050 while studying abroad.

The Adventist Colleges Abroad program offers a wide variety of language courses at intermediate and advanced levels concentrating on grammar, orthography, composition, phonetics, conversation, reading, pronunciation, literature, culture, civilization, and folklore, as well as courses in art, education, geography, history, music, physical education, and religion. Some internships are available. Please see ACA bulletin or go to

Credit earned abroad is recorded each term, but certain courses may not be transferable as specific general education credit. Contact Records and Advisement or your department/school for more information regarding transfer equivalencies.

Applicants must consult with their major advisers, the Modern Languages Department faculty, and the ACA coordinator before enrollment. Southern Adventist University personnel advise students about courses to take abroad and determine how the credits will apply toward graduation requirements. Those who carefully plan their academic-year programs with Southern Adventist University advisers may earn (between 26-32) semester hours toward a baccalaureate degree. ACA courses may apply toward the major, minor, general education, and elective requirements; credit is awarded on the basis of course prefix.

ACA courses are in high demand; applications are processed in the order received. Applications are to be downloaded at

For further information:
Adventist Colleges Abroad
9705 Patuxent Woods Drive
Columbia, MD 21046
434.391.7278 (Evelyn Torres, Administrative Assistant)
434.391.7279 (Sandra Estévez, International Director)

Language Placement

Students who have had previous work in the French and/ or Spanish languages wishing to take a course in those languages must take the Modern Languages Department Placement Examination. Please, visit for further information.

Students with a Spanish speaking background taking Spanish will often enroll in SPAN 243 Conversation and Composition. However, some students enroll at the intermediate level after the Placement Examination while others place high enough to take the Challenge examination for the intermediate level (3+3 SH) . These examinations are offered year around through Southern's Testing Center. Students are allowed to challenge the same exam only once. Please, visit for further information. There are, at the present time, twelve different languages which students can challenge.

Those unsure of what course to enroll in should consult with the Modern Languages Department faculty at any time.

Major Programs

Degrees. B.A. French, International Studies, Spanish, French and Spanish Teaching.

Placement Level. Students who intend to enroll in a French or Spanish language course, who have had any background in the language must take the "Placement Examination."

Exceptions. Students who are native speakers or who have otherwise acquired advanced language proficiency are encouraged to take the "Challenge Examination" offered by the department. Otherwise, students with no background in a language must begin at the 101 level.

Departmental Majors. The Modern Languages Department offers language courses to satisfy the B.A. language requirement. A major in International Studies with emphasis in French, German, Italian or Spanish is offered. Majors in French, Spanish, and French or Spanish Teaching are also offered.

Students planning majors or minors should contact the department early in their studies for a list of required courses. Those students with questions about their major or minor should refer to the Catalog and/or contact Modern Languages faculty. Those students with transferred language credit from another college or university should meet with a faculty adviser early in their studies regarding major or minor course equivalents.

Students must earn a grade of C or better in all course work that is to count toward a department major or minor.

Departmental Minors. The department offers minors in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.

Teaching Major, Certification. Students planning to obtain Teaching certification must include the required professional education courses and any additional General Education requirements in their program as outlined in the School of Education and Psychology section of this Catalog under "Requirements for Certification."

The student must apply for initial admission to the Teacher Education Program (usually by the end of the sophomore year) after completing all requirements as outlined under ADMISSION PROCEDURES in the School of Education and Psychology section of the Catalog. Initial admission is required before a student can enroll in upper division education courses.

The student must also complete an application and all other requirements for Admission to Student Teaching. Prior to the professional semester, the student must take and pass the PRAXIS II licensure exam-both the appropriate section of the principles of Learning and Teaching, and particular specialty test(s) for the licensure area(s).

Students returning from any of Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA), after fulfilling studies in French, German, Italian, or Spanish languages must meet with Modern Languages faculty upon returning to Southern. This meeting is an assessment of the course work finished abroad, and advising of subsequent required course work towards a major offered at Southern.

International Studies Majors

ALL students majoring in International Studies with emphasis in French, German, Italian, or Spanish MUST take MDLG 490 and take the "Departmental Exit Examination" (DEE) prior to graduation. The exception to taking the DEE is if a student receives a B2, C1, or C2 in the Proficiency Language Exam taken while abroad in their ACA Program of Studies. Even if the student is exempt from the DEE, they must register for and complete MDLG 490 but would not be required to site for the DEE. This examination evaluates candidate's writing, reading, speaking, and listening skills in the language of study. Students will earn a minimum grade of "B" (84-86) in this examination.

Also, each student must take MDLG 350 / MDLG 450 (1+1) to maintain language proficiency in preparation for the DEE as well as career preparatory. To this end all students must also take MDLG 490 (1 hr) to prepare for such examination.

French and Spanish Majors

ALL French/Spanish majors who studied abroad for one (1) full academic year at any of our ACA locations (Argentina, France, or Spain), who took a Culture and Civilization course equivalent to 3 SH, a literature course also equivalent to 3 SH, upon returning to Southern will need to take three (3) upper division courses in their majors from the required course list, FREN 490/SPAN 490, and cognate courses, if necessary. These courses MUST be taken at Southern. These students will earn a minimum grade of "C" (2.00) in all courses.

If any French/Spanish major has not taken any of the courses mentioned above, they MUST take four (4) upper division courses from the Modern Languages Department at Southern, FREN 490/SPAN 490 and cognate courses, if necessary. These students will earn a minimum grade of "C" (2.00) in all courses. ALL FREN/SPAN majors MUST pass a written/oral "Major Comprehensive Examination" (MCE) during their last semester and prior to graduation. This examination evaluates candidate's writing, reading, speaking, and listening skills in the language of study, and provides a platform for analysis and discussion of courses' content in their respective majors. Students will earn a minimum grade of "B" (84-86) in this examination.

Associated Programs

Program Specific Info

International Travel Requirement

Students majoring in French are required to travel abroad for one (1) academic year to conduct studies at Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA) in Collonges, France. They are also highly recommended to fulfill this requirement during their sophomore year. Students who minor in French are strongly advised to study one semester or one summer at ACA in Collonges, France.

Students declaring a major in French must have completed the following courses prior to studying abroad:

  • FREN 101 Elementary French I
  • FREN 102 Elementary French II

In addition, it is highly recommended that students have completed the following courses prior to studying abroad:

  • FREN 207 Intermediate French I
  • FREN 208 Intermediate French II

NOTE: French-speaking students who completed secondary education in France or in a French-speaking country are exempt from this requirement.


  • Complete 1 of the following:
    • Minor
      • Minimum 18 credits
    • Teaching Licensure French, PreK-12
      • Select an emphasis/concentration from below.
      • Minimum 56 credits
  • GENERAL EDUCATION (42 - 30 Total Credits)
    ELECTIVES TO = 124 (32 - 6 Total Credits)
    • Complete at least 32-6 credits in this area
    Grand Total Credits: 124

    Sample Degree Plan

    YEAR 2
    YEAR 3
    YEAR 4
    Grand Total Credits: 124


    • Minimum 27 credits
    • Choose an emphasis below.
    MINOR (18 Total Credits)
    • Minimum 18 credits
    GENERAL EDUCATION (39 Total Credits)
    ELECTIVES TO = 124 (25 Total Credits)
    • Minimum 25 credits
    Grand Total Credits: 124

    French Emphasis

    Catalog 2021 — Indefinite    

    LANGUAGE COMPONENT (24 Total Credits)
    • Course(s):
    • * Elementary level of language prior to travel to ACA is strongly recommended.
    • Intermediate-Advanced Language
      • One year of Intermediate-Advanced language courses at ACA including 3 semester hours in Culture and Civilization and 3 semester hours in Literature/History
      • Minimum 18 credits
    • FREN 207 - Intermediate French I 3 hours
    • FREN 208 - Intermediate French II 3 hours
    • FREN 221 - Intermediate Composition*
    • FREN 251 - Intermediate Oral Exp*
    • FREN 321 - Adv Composition I*
    • FREN 331 - Orthography*
    • FREN 341 - Adv Grammar*
    • FREN 351 - Adv Oral Expression I*
    • FREN 361 - Text Analysis*
    • FREN 376 - French Civilization*
    • *See Adventist Colleges Abroad Catalog for course descriptions
    HUMANITIES (3 Total Credits)
    Grand Total Credits: 27

    German Emphasis

    Catalog 2021 — Indefinite    

    LANGUAGE COMPONENT (24 Total Credits)
    • Course(s):
    • * Elementary level of language prior to travel to ACA is strongly recommended.
    • Intermediate-Advanced Language
      • One year of Intermediate-Advanced language courses at ACA including 3 semester hours in Culture and Civilization and 3 semester hours in Literature/History
      • Minimum 18 credits
    • GRMN 207 - Intermediate German I 3 hours
    • GRMN 208 - Intermediate German II 3 hours
    • GRMN 211 - Intermediate Written Expression*
    • GRMN 221 - Intermediate Reading Comprehension*
    • GRMN 254 - Survey of German Lit*
    • GRMN 306 - Advanced Oral Expression*
    • GRMN 311 - Advanced Written Expression*
    • GRMN 325 - Advanced Reading Comprehension*
    • HIST 267 - European Civilization*
    • *See Adventist Colleges Abroad Catalog for course descriptions
    • GRMN 207 - Intermediate German I 3 hours
    • GRMN 208 - Intermediate German II 3 hours
    • GRMN 231 - Intermediate Oral Expression*
    • GRMN 257 - German Literature*
    • GRMN 281 - Cultural Studies*
    • GRMN 309 - Advanced Grammar*
    • GRMN 318 - Advanced Comprehensive German*
    • GRMN 328 - Advanced Reading*
    • HIST 288 - German History*
    • *See Adventist Colleges Abroad Catalog for course descriptions
    HUMANITIES (3 Total Credits)
    Complete 1 of the following:
    Grand Total Credits: 27

    Italian Emphasis

    Catalog 2021 — Indefinite    

    LANGUAGE COMPONENT (24 Total Credits)
    • Course(s):
    • * Elementary level of language prior to travel to ACA is strongly recommended.
    • Intermediate-Advanced Language
      • One year of Intermediate-Advanced language courses at ACA including 3 semester hours in Culture and Civilization and 3 semester hours in Literature/History
      • Minimum 18 credits
    • ITAL 207 - Intermediate Italian I 3 hours
    • ITAL 208 - Intermediate Italian II 3 hours
    • GEOG 310 - Geography of Italy*
    • ITLN 212 - Italian Culture*
    • ITLN 313 - Italian Culture II*
    • ITLN 351- Italian Grammar*
    • ITLN 361- Italian Composition*
    • ITLN 303 - Italian History*
    • ITLN 333 - Italian Literature*
    • ITLN 230/330 -History of Italian Art*
    • ITLN 360 - Italy and Its Culture in British and American Literature*
    • ITLN 381 - Advanced Conversation*
    • *See Adventist Colleges Abroad Catalog for course descriptions
    HUMANITIES (3 Total Credits)
    Grand Total Credits: 27

    Spanish Emphasis

    Catalog 2021 — Indefinite    

    LANGUAGE COMPONENT (24 Total Credits)
    • Course(s):
    • * Elementary level of language prior to travel to ACA is strongly recommended.
    • Intermediate-Advanced Language
      • One year of Intermediate-Advanced language courses at ACA including 3 semester hours in Culture and Civilization and 3 semester hours in Literature/History
      • Minimum 18 credits
    • SPAN 207 - Intermediate Spanish I (SERV-2) 3 hours
    • SPAN 208 - Intermediate Spanish II (SERV-2) 3 hours
    • SPAN 261 - Interm Spanish Composition*
    • SPAN 271 - Interm Span Conversation*
    • SPAN 351 - Adv Spanish Grammar*
    • SPAN 361 - Adv Spanish Composition*
    • SPAN 371 - Adv Spanish Conversation*
    • SPAN 312 - Spain and Its Culture*
    • SPAN 331 - History of Spanish Lit*
    • *See Adventist Colleges Abroad Catalog for course descriptions
    • SPAN 207 - Intermediate Spanish I (SERV-2) 3 hours
    • SPAN 208 - Intermediate Spanish II (SERV-2) 3 hours
    • SPAN 261 - Interm Spanish Composition*
    • SPAN 271 - Interm Span Conversation*
    • SPAN 351 - Adv Spanish Grammar*
    • SPAN 361 - Adv Spanish Composition*
    • SPAN 371 - Adv Spanish Conversation*
    • HIST 345 - History of Argentina*
    • SPAN 332 - Latin American Literature*
    • *See Adventist Colleges Abroad Catalog for course descriptions
    HUMANITIES (3 Total Credits)
    Complete 1 of the following:
    Grand Total Credits: 27

    Sample Degree Plan

    Grand Total Credits: 124


    • Select an Emphasis/Concentration below to see program requirements.

    Spanish (No Emphasis) Emphasis

    Catalog 2022 — Indefinite    

    MINOR (18 Total Credits)
    • Minimum 18 credits
    GENERAL EDUCATION (42 - 45 Total Credits)
    ELECTIVES TO = 124 (30 - 27 Total Credits)
    • Complete at least 30-27 credits in this area
    DEGREE INFORMATION (0 Total Credits)
    • Students majoring in Spanish are required to travel abroad for one (1) academic year, to conduct studies at one of the ACA locations (Argentina or Spain). It is highly recommended that students fulfill this requirement during their sophomore year. NOTE: Native Spanish-speaking students who completed secondary education in a Spanish-speaking country are exempt from this requirement.
    Grand Total Credits: 124

    Spanish, Teaching Licensure, Pre K-12 Emphasis

    Catalog 2022 — Indefinite    

    TEACHER LICENSURE (50 Total Credits)
    GENERAL EDUCATION (30 Total Credits)
    ELECTIVES TO = 124 (10 Total Credits)
    • Minimum 10 credits
    Grand Total Credits: 124

    Sample Degree Plan

    Grand Total Credits:


    As the native language of over 280 million people, one of the six working languages in the United Nations and one of the thirteen critical languages identified by the Department of State, Arabic is a language for which there is a great demand. Not only is this language critical for the U.S. government, it is also critical for the SDA Church. The recently reorganized Greater Middle East Union now reports directly to the General Conference as part of a renewed focus on this region of the world. Therefore, the SDA Church is in need of a group of people who are proficient in this language. The acceptance of the Arabic program and MEU as a member of the ACA Consortium is in keeping with the mission of the SDA World Church. Both were accepted and voted in March 2012 by the ACA Board and the NAD.

    The Modern Languages Department at Southern is currently promoting ONLY a full academic year program at MEU as proposed to and accepted by the ACA Board. We would like those students attending this program to earn a minor in Arabic.

    Program Specific Info

    Required Courses

    • ARAB 111 Basic Grammar 3 hours
    • ARAB 121 Basic Conversation 3 hours
    • ARAB 131 Basic Writing 3 hours
    • ARAB 141 Basic Reading 3 hours

    Select one (1) of the following courses during the second semester at MEU Beirut-Lebanon. These are hybrid courses taught in Arabic and English:

    • ARAB 260 Current Events in the Arab World 2 hours
    • ARAB 270 Arab People and Their Culture 2 hours
    • ARAB 280 Religion 2 hours**

    Select six (6) hours at Southern:

    • HIST 345 - Middle Eastern Politics and History (IN-6) (W) 3 hours
    • RELT 458 - World Religions (W) (R-4) 3 hours

    Total 20 Hours

     *ARAB 110/120/130/140 will be completed at MEU the first semester of the academic year abroad.

    **This course will give an overview of the Bible with special emphasis on the life of Jesus Christ as portrayed through the gospel accounts.

    Sample Degree Plan

    Grand Total Credits:

    Program Specific Info

    The beginning language courses, 101-102, are excluded from the minor. Students desiring a language minor must earn 12 credits beyond the intermediate level either at Southern or through ACA .


    Grand Total Credits: 18

    Sample Degree Plan

    Grand Total Credits: 18

    Program Specific Info

    The beginning language courses, 101-102, are excluded from the minor. Students desiring a language minor must earn 12 credits beyond the intermediate level either at Southern or through ACA .


    REQUIRED COURSES (18 Total Credits)
    Grand Total Credits: 18

    Sample Degree Plan

    Grand Total Credits: 18

    Program Specific Info

    The elective credits will be taken at Villa Aurora (Italy).  Typical courses are:

    • GEOG 310 Geography of Italy*
    • ITLN 303 Italian History*
    • ITLN 313 Advanced Italian Culture*
    • ITLN 351 Advanced Grammar*
    • ITLN 361 Advanced Composition*
    • ITLN 381 Advanced Conversation*

    *See Adventist Colleges Abroad Catalog for course descriptions


    REQUIRED COURSES (18 Total Credits)
    Grand Total Credits: 18

    Sample Degree Plan

    Grand Total Credits: 18

    Program Specific Info

    The beginning language courses, 101-102, are excluded from the minor. Students desiring a language minor must earn 12 credits beyond the intermediate level either at Southern or through ACA .


    Grand Total Credits: 18

    Sample Degree Plan

    Grand Total Credits: 18