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Showing 401-500 of 3,926 items.
#Record NumberPublication TitlePublication AuthorsPublication DatePublication JournalPublication VolumeStart PageEnd PageTotal Records 
401Rec № 257Le Néogène et le Pléistocène inférieur duranciensMercier, H.1979Geol. Alpine551111323
402Rec № 2775Geologic history of the extensional basin of the Gulf of Corinth (?Miocene-Pleistocene), GreeceOri, G. G.1989Geology179189217
403Rec № 2590Sand waves, Echinocardium traces and their bathyal depositional setting (Monte Torre Palaeostrait, Plio-Pleistocene, southern Italy)Colella, A. & D'Alessandro, A.1988Sedimentology352192371
404Rec № 2773Fault-controlled marine Gilbert-type fan deltasColella, A.1988Geology161031103418
405Rec № 2864The role of erosion and deposition in the construction of alluvial fan sequences in the Guadix Formation (SE Spain)Viseras, C. &Fernandez, J.1995Geol. Mijnbouw7421336
406Rec № 2741Geometry of trapezoidal fan deltas and their relationship to extensional faulting along the south-western active margins of the Corinth rift, GreecePoulimenos, G., Zelilidis, A., Kontopoulos, N., & Doutsos, T.1993Basin Research517919217
407Rec № 2825Channel migration patterns and related sequences in some alluvial fan systemsViseras, C. & Fernandez, J.1994Sed. Geol.882012176
408Rec № 258Le Néogène du Plateau de Chambaran (Bas-Dauphiné, France)Mortaz-Djalili, D. & Perriaux, J.1979Geol. Alpine551331523
409Rec № 539The effects of sediment transport on grain-size distributionsMcLaren, P. & Bowles, D.1985J. Sed. Pet.554564703
410Rec № 885Some petrographic and paleogeographic features of sediments in geosynclinal formations (as demonstrated in the Caucasian Fold Province)Grossgeym, V. A.1959Izvestiya Akad. Nauk. SSSR Serbeol7516224
411Rec № 2885Neogene history of the Tabernas basin (SE Spain) and its Tortonian submarine fan developmentKleverlaan, K.1989Geol. Mijnbouw684214328
412Rec № 2700Provenance and evolution of Miocene turbidite sedimentation in the central Apennines, ItalyChiocchini, U. & Cipriani, N.1992Sed. Geol.7718519520
413Rec № 437Messinian fanglomerates: the Colombacci Formation in the Pietrarubbia Basin, Italyde Feyter, A. & Molena, J.1984J. Sed. Pet.547467581
414Rec № 284Analyse séquentielle dans la Série de Casoli (Haut Molise , Italie)Hanzo, M.1977Acad. Sci. Paris C. R., Ser. D2845275302
415Rec № 355Studio sedimentologico della serie alto-miocenica ascolanaBernardini, F.1969Atti Accad. Gioenia Sci. Nat. in Catania Supp. Sci. Geo.1513533951
416Rec № 968Northern Alpine Molasse and similar Cenozoic sequences of southern EuropeHouten, F. B.1974Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ.192602734
417Rec № 2594Progradational gravel beach sequences in a moderate to high energy microtidal marine environmentMassari, F. & Parea, G.1988Sedimentology358819134
418Rec № 1129Depositi di Frangia di Conoide Sottomarina nella Formazoine della Laga (Miocene, Appennino Abruzzese)Sonnino, M.1971Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana985495571
419Rec № 815The structure of the northern Umbrian Apennines, ItalyDeFeyter, A. J.1982Geol. Mijnbouw611831894
420Rec № 298Sedimentological characteristics of some Italian turbiditesAngelucci, Antonello, E. De Rosa, G. Fierro, M. Gnaccolini, G. B. La Monica, B. Martinis, G. C. Parea, T. Pescatore, A. Rizzini & F. C. Wezel1967Geol. Romana63454207
421Rec № 359Channelized deposits in the Middle Miocene flysch of Romagna (Italy)Ricci Lucchi, F.1969Giornale di Geologia (Bologna)362032821
422Rec № 384Sedimentological characteristics of some Italian turbiditesAngelucci, Antonello, E. De Rosa, G. Fierro, M. Gnaccolini, G. B. La Monica, B. Martinis, G. C. Parea, T. Pescatore, A. Rizzini & F. C. Wezel1967Geol. Romana634542011
423Rec № 807Evolution and mechanics of a Miocene tidal sandwave (Bois du Devin? near Marly) (w. Switz.)Allen, P. A. & Homewood, P.1984Sedimentology3163812
424Rec № 2694Siliciclastic-carbonate sequences of Miocene grabens of northern Sardina, western Mediterranean SeaMartini, I. P., Oggiano, G. & Mazzei, R.1992Sed. Geol.7663789
425Rec № 1125Osservazioni sulle direzioni delle paleocorrenti nel Flysch di Gorgoglione (Lucania)Lojacono, F.1974Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana93112711553
426Rec № 1130Medium-scale tracture bedforms and structures in Gorgoglione Flysch (lower MioceneColella, A.1979Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana9848349412
427Rec № 40Conglomeratic Miocene flysch, western GreecePiper, D. J.W., Panagos, A. G. & Pe, G. G.1978J. Sed. Pet.481171261
428Rec № 238Basin-wide turbidites in a Miocene, over-supplied deep sea plain: a geometrical modelRicci Lucchi, F. & Valmori, E.1980Sedimentology272412701
429Rec № 322Tectonic utility of oriented resedimentation structuresTen Haaf, E.1957Geol. Mijnbouw1933352
430Rec № 769Petrology and dispersal pattern in the Marnoso - Arenacea Formation (Miocene) northern ApenninesGandolfi, G., Pagandle, L. & Zuff, G. G.1983J. Sed. Pet.534935076
431Rec № 776Turbidite dispersal in a Miocene deep-sea plain: the Marnoso - arenacea of the northern ApenninesRicci Lucchi, F.1978Geol. Mijnbouw575595769
432Rec № 22Wave-, tide- and current controlled sandbodies of Miocene Molasse, western SwitzerlandHomewood, P. & Allen, P.1981Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull.65253425452
433Rec № 503Facies et environments de depot de La Molasse de FurbourgHomewood, P.1981Eclogae Geol. Helvetae7429362
434Rec № 2617Detrital modes and provenance of the Stilo-Capod'orlando Formation (Miocene), southern ItalyCavazza, W.1989Sedimentology36107710904
435Rec № 2663The origins of marine conglomerates in the Pendus foreland basin, GreeceAlexander, J., Nichols, G. & Leigh, S.1990Sed. Geol.662432547
436Rec № 596Provenance changes for arenaceous formations of the northern Appennines, ItalyValloni, R. & Zuffa, G.1984Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.95103510393
437Rec № 1240Geometries of Gilbert-type deltas and large channels in the Meteora conglomerate, Meso-Hellenic basin (Oligo-Miocene), central Greece.Ori, G. G. & Roveri, M.1987Sedimentology348458598
438Rec № 991Submarine channel deposits, fluxoturbidites and other indicators of slope and base-of-slope environments in modern and ancient marine basinsStanley, D. J. & Unrug, R.1972Soc. Econ. Paleont. Mineral. Sp. Publ.162873405
439Rec № 2571The influence of lateral basinal slopes on turbidite sedimentation in the Annot sandstones of SE FranceSinclair, H. D.1994J. Sed. Research64425410
440Rec № 2627High resolution stratigraphy and facies differentiation of the shallow marine Annot Sandstones, southeast FranceSinclair, H. D.1993Sedimentology409559782
441Rec № 381Relationship between paleocurrent systems and petrographic composition of clastic sediments in Dukla UnitDurvovic, T.1967Geol. Prace4285923
442Rec № 294Les plissements du Tertiaire supérieur belgeStainier, X.1929Bull. Soc. Belge de Ge’al,371491981
443Rec № 90Deep-sea fan deposits in the Macigno Formation (middle-upper Oligocene) of the Gordana Valley, northern Apennines, ItalyGhibaudo, G.1980J. Sed. Pet.507237422
444Rec № 655Correlation of sedimentary fabric and sole marks as current indicators in turbiditesSestini, G. & Pranzini, G.1965J. Sed. Pet.351001081
445Rec № 321Problems concerning source and transportation of flysch sedimentsKuenen, H.1958Geol. Mijnbouw203293393
446Rec № 979Turbidites in flysch of the Polish Carpathian mountainsDzulynski, S., Ksiazkiewicz, M. & Kuenen, Ph. H.1959Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.701089111896
447Rec № 352Facies ed interpretazione paleoambientale delle arenarie di Ranzano nei dintorni di Specchio (Val Pessola, Appennino Parmense)Ghibaudo, G. & Muttil, E.1973Mem. Soc. Geol. Italiana122512651
448Rec № 1400The Late Eocene transgression and associated deformation in part of the northern Apennine Mountains, ItalyTravers, W. B.1971Doctoral dissertation, Princeton University0001
449Rec № 345La mesure de l'anisotropie de susceptibilité magnétique dans les flyschs: Application à la recherche des directions des paléocourantsArgenton, H., Bobier, C. & Polvêche, J1975Sed. Geol.141491673
450Rec № 847Some data on turbidites from the Alpes Maritimes (France)Bouma, A. H.1959Geol. Mijnbouw382232273
451Rec № 2619Turbidite sedimentation during Alpine thrusting: the Taveyannaz sandstones of eastern SwitzerlandSinclair, H. D.1992Sedimentology3983785613
452Rec № 372Directii de curent in depozitele Eocene - Oligocene din regiunea Telciu - Romuli (Rarimures)Mihailescu, N. & Panin, N.1962Communic. Acad. Republ. joful. romine.12135713621
453Rec № 752Relationships between longitudinal and transversal currents in the Paleogene of the Tarcan Valley (Eastern Carpathians)Jipa, D.1966Sedimentology72993057
454Rec № 629The magnetic fabric of the Zdanice thrust sheet of the flych belt of the west Carpathians: sedimentological and tectonic implicationsHrouda, F. & Stranik, Z.1985Sed. Geol.4512514522
455Rec № 1137Sedimentologica del flysch del Cilento: Le Arenarie Di Serramezzana (Cilento, Appennino Meridionale)Cocco, E., De Magistris, M. A. & T. De Pippo1978Geol. Romana1728930215
456Rec № 617Paleocurrents and petrography of the Gurnigel-Schlieren Flysch: A basin analysisWinfree, K. E.1984Sed. Geol.4016918913
457Rec № 1121Cankiri- Corum Hauzasi'nin sungurlu Bolgesindeki Karasal Formasyonlarin Sedimantolojik IncelenmesiSenalp, M.1981Turkiye Jeol. Bulteni24657454
458Rec № 390Il flysch dell'Alpago (Belluno)Gnaccolini, M.1967Riv. Italiana Paleont. Strat.738899062
459Rec № 1140Strömungsmarken in Klastuschen sedimentation und ihre gectogische AuswertungPlessman, V. W.1961Geol. Jahrb.7850356686
460Rec № 1201Late Cretaceous to Late Eocene palaeogeographic evolution of southwest EuropePlaziat, J. C.1981Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo36263320164
461Rec № 363Sedimentologische Untersuchungen im Flysch des Beckens von Ajdovščina (Slowenien)Engle, W.1974Gottinger Arb. Geol. Palaontol.161651
462Rec № 972Paleocurrent structures and paleogeography of the ultrahelvetic Flysch Basins, SwitzerlandHsu, K. J.1960Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.715776106
463Rec № 316Directi de curent in faciesul de tarcau-fusaru al paleogenului dintre valea Bistritei si Riul NegruJipa, D. et. al.1967Dari de Seama Sedintelor, Comit. State Geol.5369741
464Rec № 318Quelques aspects paleogeographiques des Carpates Orientales Roumaines d'apres l'etude des paleocourantsDimitriu, M. & Dimitriu, D.1968Rev. Geog. Phys. Geol. Dynamique.1013206
465Rec № 380Prispevon k poznaním nieutorych tektonicuych zmien východoslovenského flyš vo vzťahov k paleoprudovym systemomNemcok, J.1967Geol. Prace531011134
466Rec № 389Confronto tra le direzioni d'apporto dei clastici entro il Macigno e il “Tongriano” dell'Appennino di PiacenzaMutti, E.1963Riv. Italiana Paleont. Strat.692352593
467Rec № 2604Reflected sediment gravity flows and their deposits in flysch of Middle Dalmatia, YugoslaviaMarjanac, T.1990Sedimentology3792192912
468Rec № 2846(not set)(not set)(not set)(not set)(not set)(not set)(not set)(not set)
469Rec № 850Directional-current structures from the Prealpine Flysch, SwitzerlandCrowell, J. C.1955Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.66135113846
470Rec № 710From limestones to distal turbidites: a facies and trace fossil analysis in the Zumaya Flysch (Paleocene-Eocene), north SpainCrimes, T. P.1973Sedimentology201051311
471Rec № 1127Die Flyschzonen Griechenlands IVRitcher, D.1981Z. Geol. Wiss.964567312
472Rec № 249Depositional environment and development of Danian bryozoan biomicrite mounds (Karlby Klint, Denmark)Thomsen, E.1976Sedimentology234855091
473Rec № 417The Eugeosynclinal SequencesAbbate, E. & Sagri, M.1970Sed. Geol.42513407
474Rec № 934Geologic history and paleogeography of Eastern Carpathians: Example of Alpine Geosynclinal EvolutionContescu, L. R.1974Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull.582436247634
475Rec № 2622Geometry and facies of Tertiary clinothems, SpitsbergenHelland-Hansen, W.1992Sedimentology391013102915
476Rec № 925Long-distance continuity of turbidites: Possible evidence for an Early Cretaceous trench-abyssal plain in the East AlpsHesse, R.1974Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.85859870140
477Rec № 1979The Helminthoid Flysch of the northern Apennines and Maritime Alps of Italy and France: correlation, provenance and paleogeographyRowan, M. G.1976Masters thesis, University of California-Berkeley(not set)0011
478Rec № 1979The Helminthoid Flysch of the northern Apennines and Maritime Alps of Italy and France: correlation, provenance and paleogeographyRowan, M. G.1976Masters thesis, University of California-Berkeley00011
479Rec № 695Syntectonic coastal offlap and concurrent turbidite deposition: the Upper Cretaceous Aren Sandstone in the south-central Pyrenees, SpainNagtegaal, P. J.C., Van Vliet, A. & Brouwer, J.1983Sed. Geol.341852182
480Rec № 2711Submarine mass-flow conglomerates of the Tarentaise zone, Western Alps: sedimentation processes and depositional settingLomas, S.1992Sed. Geol.812692871
481Rec № 593Comparison of sedimentation in the Bavarian flysch (Cretaceous) and recent San Diego Trough (California).von Rad, U.1968J. Sed. Pet.381120115415
482Rec № 2520Geologic studies of the Upper Cretaceous Monte Antola Formation, northern Apennines, ItalyScholle, P. A.1970Doctoral dissertation, Princeton University(not set)0059
483Rec № 2520Geologic studies of the Upper Cretaceous Monte Antola Formation, northern Apennines, ItalyScholle, P. A.1970Doctoral dissertation, Princeton University00059
484Rec № 2372Sedimentologie du flysch a helminthoides de la Nappe du Parpaillon, Embrunais-Ubaye, Hautes-Alpes, FranceTasse, N.1982Doctoral dissertation, McGill University(not set)0030
485Rec № 2372Sedimentologie du flysch a helminthoides de la Nappe du Parpaillon, Embrunais-Ubaye, Hautes-Alpes, FranceTasse, N.1982Doctoral dissertation, McGill University00030
486Rec № 405Le paleocorrenti della PietraforteBortolotti, V.1967Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana866877011
487Rec № 568Sedimentology of prealpine flysch sequences, SwitzerlandHubert, J. F.1967J. Sed. Pet.3788590712
488Rec № 314Significance of the cross-bedding for paleogeography of the Upper Cretaceous sedimentary basin of north Bohemia, Saxony and the SudetesJerzykiewicz, T.1967Bull. Acad. Polonaise des Sciences, Siric Sci. Geologignesgeogra1571772
489Rec № 1187Paleography of the late Cretaceous Quadersandstein of central EuropeKocek, V. & Valecka, J.1983Palaeo, Palaeo, Palaeo44719218
490Rec № 267Meiji sediment tongue: north Pacific evidence for limited movement between the Pacific and North American platesScholl, D. W.1977Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.88156715763
491Rec № 412Sedimentary structures in the Lower Greensand of the Weald, England, and Bas-Boulonais, FranceNarayan, J.1971Sed. Geol.673109118
492Rec № 1135Model for the combined-flow origin of hummocky cross-stratificationNottvedt, A. & Kreisa, R.1987Geology153573611
493Rec № 1708The Cretaceous sequence on Midterhuken Peninsula, SpitsbergenSpatz, P. H.1983Masters thesis, University of Wisconsin(not set)002
494Rec № 285The Bucegi Conglomerate: a Romanian Carpathian submarine slope depositStanley, D. J. & Hall, B. A.1978Nature27560642
495Rec № 373Stratigraphische und genetische gliederung des Dörenther Sandsteins bei Ibbenbüren (Westfalen) nebot vereinfachter Messmethode primarer RichtungenKeller, G.1973Neues Jahrb. Geol. Palaontol. Monatshefte272791
496Rec № 1320Anatomy of collapsed and re-established delta front in Lower Cretaceous of eastern Spitsbergen: Gravitational sliding and sedimentation processesNemec, W.1988Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull.7245447631
497Rec № 1708The Cretaceous sequence on Midterhuken Peninsula, SpitsbergenSpatz, P. H.1983Masters thesis, University of Wisconsin0002
498Rec № 256Mégabrèches de resédimentation, lacunes mécaniques et pseudo-«hard-grounds» sur la marge vocontienne au Barrémien et à l’Aptien inférieur (Sud-Est de la France)Ferry, S. & Flandrin, J.1979Geol. Alpine5575923
499Rec № 2681Depositional conditions of the Bathonian Hauterivian Janusfjellet Subgroup, SpitsbergenDypvik, H., Nagy, J., Eikeland, T. A., Backer-Owe, K., & Johansen, H.1991Sed. Geol.7255783
500Rec № 2589Washover fan and brackish bay sedimentation in the Berriasian-Valanginian of Bornholm, DenmarkNoe-Nygaard, N. & Surlyk, F.1988Sedimentology351972171