Publication: [1130] Medium-scale tracture bedforms and structures in Gorgoglione Flysch (lower Miocene

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #3535
[Rec № 1130] Medium-scale tracture bedforms and structures in Gorgoglione Flysch (lower Miocene
Colella, A.
Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana, 1979, , Vol 98
Pages 483 - 494 , Total Record: 12
European Lower Miocene 12 44152 40.6 15.94 European marine deep paleocurrent indicator not specified siltstone or turbidites Gorgoglione Flysch
Data RefID #3536
[Rec № 1130] Medium-scale tracture bedforms and structures in Gorgoglione Flysch (lower Miocene
Colella, A.
Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana, 1979, , Vol 98
Pages 483 - 494 , Total Record: 12
European Lower Miocene 12 44152 40.45 16.06 European marine deep paleocurrent indicator not specified siltstone or turbidites Gorgoglione Flysch
Data RefID #3537
[Rec № 1130] Medium-scale tracture bedforms and structures in Gorgoglione Flysch (lower Miocene
Colella, A.
Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana, 1979, , Vol 98
Pages 483 - 494 , Total Record: 12
European Lower Miocene 12 44152 40.41 16.16 European marine deep paleocurrent indicator not specified siltstone or turbidites Gorgoglione Flysch
Data RefID #3538
[Rec № 1130] Medium-scale tracture bedforms and structures in Gorgoglione Flysch (lower Miocene
Colella, A.
Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana, 1979, , Vol 98
Pages 483 - 494 , Total Record: 12
European Lower Miocene 12 44152 40.5 15.94 European marine deep paleocurrent indicator not specified siltstone or turbidites Gorgoglione Flysch
Data RefID #3539
[Rec № 1130] Medium-scale tracture bedforms and structures in Gorgoglione Flysch (lower Miocene
Colella, A.
Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana, 1979, , Vol 98
Pages 483 - 494 , Total Record: 12
European Lower Miocene 12 44152 40.43 16.05 European marine deep paleocurrent indicator not specified siltstone or turbidites Gorgoglione Flysch
Data RefID #3540
[Rec № 1130] Medium-scale tracture bedforms and structures in Gorgoglione Flysch (lower Miocene
Colella, A.
Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana, 1979, , Vol 98
Pages 483 - 494 , Total Record: 12
European Lower Miocene 12 44152 40.52 16.05 European marine deep paleocurrent indicator not specified siltstone or turbidites Gorgoglione Flysch
Data RefID #3541
[Rec № 1130] Medium-scale tracture bedforms and structures in Gorgoglione Flysch (lower Miocene
Colella, A.
Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana, 1979, , Vol 98
Pages 483 - 494 , Total Record: 12
European Lower Miocene 12 44152 40.45 16.08 European marine deep paleocurrent indicator not specified siltstone or turbidites Gorgoglione Flysch
Data RefID #3542
[Rec № 1130] Medium-scale tracture bedforms and structures in Gorgoglione Flysch (lower Miocene
Colella, A.
Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana, 1979, , Vol 98
Pages 483 - 494 , Total Record: 12
European Lower Miocene 12 44152 40.39 16.08 European marine deep paleocurrent indicator not specified siltstone or turbidites Gorgoglione Flysch
Data RefID #3543
[Rec № 1130] Medium-scale tracture bedforms and structures in Gorgoglione Flysch (lower Miocene
Colella, A.
Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana, 1979, , Vol 98
Pages 483 - 494 , Total Record: 12
European Lower Miocene 12 44152 40.46 15.98 European marine deep paleocurrent indicator not specified siltstone or turbidites Gorgoglione Flysch
Data RefID #3544
[Rec № 1130] Medium-scale tracture bedforms and structures in Gorgoglione Flysch (lower Miocene
Colella, A.
Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana, 1979, , Vol 98
Pages 483 - 494 , Total Record: 12
European Lower Miocene 12 44152 40.44 15.97 European marine deep paleocurrent indicator not specified siltstone or turbidites Gorgoglione Flysch
Data RefID #3545
[Rec № 1130] Medium-scale tracture bedforms and structures in Gorgoglione Flysch (lower Miocene
Colella, A.
Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana, 1979, , Vol 98
Pages 483 - 494 , Total Record: 12
European Lower Miocene 12 44152 40.38 16.17 European marine deep paleocurrent indicator not specified siltstone or turbidites Gorgoglione Flysch
Data RefID #3546
[Rec № 1130] Medium-scale tracture bedforms and structures in Gorgoglione Flysch (lower Miocene
Colella, A.
Boll. Soc. Geol. Italiana, 1979, , Vol 98
Pages 483 - 494 , Total Record: 12
European Lower Miocene 12 44152 40.5 16.06 European marine deep paleocurrent indicator not specified siltstone or turbidites Gorgoglione Flysch