Publication: [850] Directional-current structures from the Prealpine Flysch, Switzerland

Documented Paleocurrents

# Continental Area Stratigraphic Level Total Records Period Latitude Longitude Tectonic Plate Deposition Environment Paleocurrent Type Lithology Formation
Data RefID #3901
[Rec № 850] Directional-current structures from the Prealpine Flysch, Switzerland
Crowell, J. C.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1955, , Vol 66
Pages 1351 - 1384 , Total Record: 6
European Paleocene-Eocene 6 41923 46.6 4.6 European marine deep turbidity currents siltstone or turbidites Prealpine Flysch
Data RefID #3902
[Rec № 850] Directional-current structures from the Prealpine Flysch, Switzerland
Crowell, J. C.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1955, , Vol 66
Pages 1351 - 1384 , Total Record: 6
European Paleocene-Eocene 6 41923 46.6 4.8 European marine deep turbidity currents siltstone or turbidites Prealpine Flysch
Data RefID #3903
[Rec № 850] Directional-current structures from the Prealpine Flysch, Switzerland
Crowell, J. C.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1955, , Vol 66
Pages 1351 - 1384 , Total Record: 6
European Paleocene-Eocene 6 41923 46.7 4.75 European marine deep turbidity currents siltstone or turbidites Prealpine Flysch
Data RefID #3904
[Rec № 850] Directional-current structures from the Prealpine Flysch, Switzerland
Crowell, J. C.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1955, , Vol 66
Pages 1351 - 1384 , Total Record: 6
European Paleocene-Eocene 6 41923 46.9 4.8 European marine deep turbidity currents siltstone or turbidites Prealpine Flysch
Data RefID #3905
[Rec № 850] Directional-current structures from the Prealpine Flysch, Switzerland
Crowell, J. C.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1955, , Vol 66
Pages 1351 - 1384 , Total Record: 6
European Paleocene-Eocene 6 41923 46.6 4.65 European marine deep turbidity currents siltstone or turbidites Prealpine Flysch
Data RefID #3906
[Rec № 850] Directional-current structures from the Prealpine Flysch, Switzerland
Crowell, J. C.
Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 1955, , Vol 66
Pages 1351 - 1384 , Total Record: 6
European Paleocene-Eocene 6 41923 47 5.1 European marine deep turbidity currents siltstone or turbidites Prealpine Flysch